Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

The Dates of the Return of Yeshua and the Events the Great Tribulation of the Earth

The dates below are derived by one important fact that has eluded most people that have ever tried predicting the date of the second coming of Yeshua, and it is that Yeshua will return in the year 6,000 from the beginning of creation. This is affirmed by the Torah itself, the scriptures, and other ancient texts. It’s the very reason God created in 6 days and set apart the 7th day as a Shabbath, to foreshadow his 7,000 year plan for this earth with the last 1,000 years appointed as the millennial Shabbath of this earth. And that is why the Mashiach must return in the year 6,000 since creation, to begin the millennial Shabbath of this earth. Therefore knowing the year the Mashiach will return is not a matter of having dreams or revelations or seeing signs in the heavens or seeing signs on the earth, it’s simply a matter of math. Counting the genealogies and timelines of scriptures, to then determine the year we are in since creation, to then determine how many years are left until the year 6,000. And that is what sets apart the dates on this page you are about to read. These dates are intelligent and logical. I also identify the true mark of the beast below, which perhaps no one else is going to tell you, because most everyone has been deceived, even believers. Identifying the true mark of the beast is extremely important, and the truth of what the mark of the beast symbolizes will indeed shock or anger many that read this page. And the year 6,000 from creation in 2026 AD will also be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD, which was precisely 4,000 years since the beginning. These are exact calculations. This is all historical truth. Just these facts alone should be enough to scare any reader that we truly are indeed truly approaching the most significant year ever since the creation of this earth, the year 6,000, which is the next Yovel year, in 2026 AD, the true appointed time of the second coming of Yeshua. Wake up, and understand, dear reader, for the sake of your own soul. At the end of this bible study, click on the link to be taken to another bible study that explains how to prepare for the great tribulation and the second coming of Yeshua.

For in 6 days the Master made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the 7th day. Therefore the Master blessed the Shabbath day and set it apart.

Exodus 20:11

Blessed and set-apart are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of the Mashiach and will rule with him for 1,000 years.

Revelation 20:6

For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. There remains, then, a Shabbath rest for the people of God.

Hebrews 4:8-9

1,000 years in your sight are like 1 day…

Psalm 90:4

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that 1 day is with the Master is as 1,000 years, and a 1,000 years is as 1 day.

2 Peter 3:8

Of the Shabbath he spoke in the beginning of the creation. And
God made the works of his hands in 6 days, and he ended on the
7th day, and rested on it, and he set it apart. Give heed, children, what this means; He ended in 6 days. He means this, that in 6,000 years the Master shall bring all things to an end, for 1 day with him signifies a 1,000 years. And with this he himself bears me witness, saying, “behold, the day of the Master shall be as a 1,000 years”. Therefore, children, in 6 days, that is in 6,000 years, everything shall come to an end. And he rested on the 7th day. By this he means, when his son shall come, and shall abolish the time of the torahless one, and shall judge the impious, then shall he truly rest on the 7th day.

Barnabas 15:4-5
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made in the Epistle of Barnabas.

For in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand years shall it be concluded. And for this reason the scripture says, “thus the heaven and the earth were finished, and all their adornment. And God brought to a conclusion upon the 6th day the works that he had made, and God rested upon the 7th day from all his works”, Genesis 2:2. This is an account of the things formerly created, as also it is a prophecy of what is to come. For the day of the Master is as a 1,000 years, 2 Peter 3:8. And in 6 days created things were completed. It is evident, therefore, that they will come to an end at the 6,000th year.

Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 5, Chapter 28
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Irenaeus.

Since, then, in six days God made all things, it follows that 6,000 years must be fulfilled.

Fragments from the Scriptural Commentaries of Hippolytus, Second Fragment of the Visions, 4
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Hippolytus.

In relation to the discussion on the calculation of years, the Gemara states that one of the Sages of the school of Elijah taught: The world is destined to exist for 6,000 years.

Babylonian Talmud Avodah Zarah 9a, 5
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made in the Talmud.

The world is decreed to last for 6,000 years, as the days of the week. The 7th day of the week is shabbath, so too in the 7th millennium, will there be tranquility in the world.

Rabbi Rashi Comment on Babylonian Talmud Avodah Zarah 9a, 5
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Rabbi Rashi.

The set-apart one, blessed be he, created 7 aeons, and of them all he chose the 7th aeon only. The 6 aeons are for the going in and coming out, for war and peace. The 7th aeon is entirely Shabbath and rest in the aeonial life. The set-apart one, blessed be he, created 7 days, and of them all he chose the 7th day only, as it is said, “and God blessed the 7th day, and set it apart”.

Midrash by Pirke De Rabbi Eliezer
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made in the Midrash.

The 7th day, which is the shabbath, alludes to the world to come, “which will be wholly a shabbath and will bring rest for aeonial life.”

Rabbi Ramban Commentary on Genesis 2:3
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Rabbi Ramban.

The great plan of redemption results in fully bringing back the world into God’s favor. All that was lost by sin is restored. Not only man but the earth is redeemed, to be the aeonial abode of the obedient. For 6,000 years Satan has struggled to maintain possession of the earth. Now God’s original purpose in its creation is accomplished. “The set-apart ones of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom to the aeon, even unto the aeon of the aeons.” Daniel 7:18.

Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, Chapter 29, PP 342.1
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Ellen G. White.

Therefore let the philosophers, who enumerate thousands of aeons from the beginning of the world, know that the 6,000th year is not yet completed, and that when this number is completed the consummation must take place.

Lactantius, Book of Divine Institutes, Book VII, Chapter 14
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Lactantius.

The world was ordained to endure, as all learned men affirm, 6,000 years.

Hugh Latimer, The Sixth Sermon, Preached on the First Sunday in Advent, 1552
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Hugh Latimer.

Each day of Creation alludes to a thousand years of our existence, and every little detail that occurred on these days will have its corresponding event happen at the proportionate time during its millennium.

Vilna Gaon, Safra D’Tzniusa, Ch. 5
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Vilna Gaon.

The ancient and popular doctrine of the millennium was intimately connected with the second coming of the Mashiach. As the works of the creation had been finished in 6 days, their duration in their present state, according to a tradition which was attributed to the prophet Elijah, was fixed to 6,000 years. By the same analogy it was inferred, that this long period of labor and contention, which was now almost elapsed, would be succeeded by a joyful shabbath of a 1,000 years, and that the Mashiach, with the triumphant band of the set-apart ones and the elect who had escaped death, or who had been miraculously revived, would rule upon earth till the time appointed for the last and general resurrection.

Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1 Chapter 15, Part 4
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Edward Gibbon.

We expect that truly set-apart day of the 7,000th thousand years, that shall come after those 6 days, or 6,000 thousand years of time, which, being finished, shall begin that set-apart rest for all true set-apart ones and for all those faithful believers in the resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach.

Gaudentius, Bishop of Brescia, the Christian Trumpet, Third Part, Chapter 4
Note: This is merely a reference to an external literature to help strengthen the statements made in this study, and not an endorsement of any other statements made by Gaudentius.

And because the Mashiach returns in the year 6000 YB, which is exactly 2,000 years since his anointing in 4000 YB, is why in accordance to Hosea, Yeshua returns after 2 days, meaning 2,000 years. For after Yeshua returned to his heavenly place, Jerusalem was torn to pieces with its destruction, and the house of Judah was subsequently sent off when the Jews were scattered among the nations. And then after 2 days, which is 2,000 years, from the time of his anointing, then the house of Judah along the remnant of Israel that all believed will be revived, which is the 1st resurrection of the dead that happens when the Mashiach finally returns. And his second coming is as sure as the morning sun that finally appears. This scripture again confirms that the Mashiach returns 2,000 years from his 1st coming, because that will be the year 6,000 from creation. And the time of his anointing was the year 4,000 from creation. Which aligns perfectly with the greater 7,000 year plan of God for this earth, with the last 1,000 years set apart as the millennial Shabbath of this earth and the return of the Mashiach in the year 6000 YB to begin that millennial Shabbath. And the millennial Shabbath is the 3rd day of Hosea when the house of Judah will be revived at the resurrection to be in the presence of the Mashiach, finally in obedience after first having acknowledged their guilt, for the first time they were in his presence the Jews rejected him and delivered him up to be crucified.

For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, and like a young lion to the house of Judah. I will tear them to pieces! I will send them off, and no one will be left to rescue them. I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress earnestly seek me. “Come, let us return to the Master; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bandage us up. After 2 days he will revive us; on the 3rd day he will raise us up, that we may live before him. Let us know; let us press on to know the Master. As sure as the morning sun, he will appear. He will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.”

Hosea 5:14-6:3

7,000 Year Timeline Spreadsheet, Click Below To View or Download

To understand how the dates below were derived, you must first understand the year we are in since creation and the 7,000 year timeline of this earth. I have created visual timelines to make it easier to understand, which have taken much time and research to develop, so take the time to study them slowly and read the commentary for each block of time to arrive at an understanding of the year we are in since creation. You may view the Google Spreadsheet or download the Excel spreadsheet from either of these two links below, which both provide a precise chronology and extensive commentary to understand the 7,000 year timeline of this earth and what year we are in since creation, to then ultimately understand how much time is truly left until the year 6000 YB,

Note: Click on the photo to view the 7,000 Year Timeline Google spreadsheet.

Download Excel Spreadsheet, 7,000 Year Timeline

Great Tribulation of the Earth Timeline Spreadsheet, Click Below To View or Download

I also recommend viewing or downloading the spreadsheet for the “The Great Tribulation of the Earth Timeline – Last 3 and 1/2 Years”, which is another spreadsheet, to better understand the dates below.

Note: Click on the photo to view the “Great Tribulation of the Earth Timeline – Last 3 and 1/2 Years” Google spreadsheet.

Download Excel Spreadsheet, Great Tribulation of the Earth Timeline – Last 3 and 1/2 Years

And aside from the spreadsheet timelines above, which are more elaborate, a summarized timeline is also available below, which is easier to see by clicking the little fullscreen button and using the zoom buttons if necessary, which is also available at the following link https://time.graphics/line/236268,

Note: I also recommend reading this bible study first, which quotes out all the scriptures pertaining to the timelines mentioned below.

Note: I also recommend reading this bible study, which explains in greater depth why the
Mashiach must come in the year 6,000 from the beginning of creation.

I would like to publish the dates of the events of the great tribulation, along with the countdowns for each date. Unless any act of God changes anything that would affect these calculations, these calculations are indeed precise. Which are based on the knowledge and understanding of the appointed times of the Torah, and the book of Revelation, and the original calendar of the Torah, and the current Jewish calendar, and the writings of the prophets, and the writings of the apostles. Also, the “7 year great tribulation” is a misinterpretation of the final week of Daniel, which was already fulfilled by Yeshua. For he was the one that confirmed his covenant with many in the midst of that week with his death and resurrection. The Mashiach was anointed in the end of week 69, and was killed 3 and 1/2 years later in the middle of week 70, exactly as the prophecy says, “and the Mashiach will be cut off”. Which is when he established his new covenant, exactly as the prophecy of Daniel says, “he will establish a covenant”, and exactly as he himself said, “this is the blood of the covenant”. So there is no “7 year tribulation” nor some “antichrist peace covenant” that many are falsely expecting. The “great tribulation” will actually be much shorter, for it will be the last 3 and 1/2 years that the two witnesses will prophesy, then the final year of the return of Yeshua, which is the 1 prophetic day of Revelation of wailing and hunger and plague and death. For time in the book of Daniel and Revelation is expressed prophetically, as seen in the 70 weeks of Daniel, which was 490 prophetic days, which was 490 literal years. And the final year of the great tribulation is mentioned in Revelation 18:8, which says wailing and hunger and plague and death will be rendered to the prostitute of Babylon in 1 prophetic day, which is 1 literal year, which is 360 literal days. Also, just as the Mashiach fulfilled the appointed times of the spring of the Torah in his first coming, with his death on the day and hour of the Passover of the Torah. And his resurrection on the day of the first fruits offering of barley of the Torah. And sending his anointing on the day of the Pentecost of the Torah. So in likewise manner the Mashiach will fulfill the appointed times of the autumn of the Torah in his second coming. Beginning with appointed time of trumpet blasts of the Torah, which are the 7 trumpets of Revelation. Then the Day of Atonement of the Torah. Which is when his people will be gathered. Which most call the “rapture”, but do not understand in the context of the appointed times of the Torah. Which is when the great shofar of the Yovel year is blown, hence “and you Israel will be gathered one by one, on that day the great shofar will be blown”. Then the Feast of Tabernacles of the Torah, which are the 7 bowls of wrath of Revelation. For on those same 7 days that the sons of Israel were commanded to live in tabernacles the Torah also commanded that the priests pour wine on the altar for 7 days each day. So the knowledge and understanding of the appointed times of the Torah is the knowledge and understanding of the events of the second coming. But because most of the world do not know nor understand the Torah, they have no understanding of the book of Revelation. To understand the book of Revelation someone must first understand the Torah. For the Torah commands when the events relating to the Mashiach must happen, and the book of Revelation tells us in what form those events will happen.

Note: I recommend reading this bible study, which explains the original calendar of the Torah, the current Jewish calendar, the appointed times of the Torah, and how the second coming of the Mashiach relates to the autumn appointed times of the Torah.

Note: I recommend reading this bible study, which explains why the 70 weeks of Daniel were completely fulfilled already, which is contrary to the false teaching that the last week of Daniel is a floating week that will be fulfilled in the future, which is the foundation of the false teaching of the “7 year tribulation”.

Adding All the Genealogies and Timelines of the Scriptures to Determine the Exact Year We Are In Since Creation, “Year from the Beginning”, With All the Coregencies of the Kings of Judah Finally Resolved

Adam was in Year 1 YB, which was around 3974 BC. Then Seth around Year 131 YB, which was around 3844 BC. Enosh around Year 236 YB, which was around 3739 BC. Kenan around Year 326 YB, which was around 3649 BC. Mahalalel around Year 396 YB, which was around 3579 BC. Jared around Year 461 YB, which was around 3514 BC. Enoch around Year 623 YB, which was around 3352 BC. Methuselah around Year 688 YB, which was around 3287 BC. Lamech around Year 875 YB, which was around 3100 BC. Noah around Year 1057 YB, which was around 2918 BC. Shem around Year 1560 YB, which was around 2415 BC, because he was born when Noah was 503 years old, for he was 97 when the Flood happened and was 100 years old 2 years after the flood ended. The flood had a duration of 1 year, which began when Noah was 600, which was the Year 1657 YB, which was around 2318 BC. Then Arphaxad around Year 1660 YB, which was around 2315 BC. Shelah around Year 1695 YB, which was around 2280 BC. Eber around Year 1725 YB, which was around 2250 BC. Peleg around Year 1759 YB, which was around 2216 BC. Reu around Year 1789 YB, which was around 2186 BC. Serug around Year 1821 YB, which was around 2154 BC. Nahor around Year 1851 YB, which was around 2124 BC. Then Terah around Year 1880 YB, which was around 2095 BC. Abraham around Year 2010 YB, which was around 1965 BC, for he was born when Terah was 130, not when Terah was 70. For although Abram is listed first when Terah began to have sons, “Abram, Nahor and Haran”, just as Shem is listed first when Noah began to have sons, “Shem, Ham and Japheth”, Abram was not the firstborn of Terah, just as Shem was not the firstborn of Noah. For when God called Abram when he lived in Ur of the Chaldeans, which was the homeland of Abram, Abram began his journey to Canaan, but he did not go to Canaan right away. He went to Haran, because his father Terah came with him. And they lived there until Terah died, which happened when Terah was 205 years old. And that is when Abram departed to Canaan, after the death of his father. Which was when Abram was 75 years old, to thus fulfill, “go from your father’s house”. Which implies Terah was not 70 when Abram was born, for Abram was 75 years old when his father Terah died at 205. Which implies Terah was 130 years old when Abram was born. Then Isaac around Year 2110 YB, which was around 1865 BC. Jacob around Year 2170 YB, which was around 1805 BC. Then the entrance of Jacob and family into Egypt around Year 2300 YB, which was around 1675 BC. Then the exodus of Israel from Egypt around Year 2510 YB, which was around 1465 BC. Which was 210 years later after Jacob and his family entered Egypt, for Israel was not enslaved to Egypt 400 years. Nor was Israel enslaved to Egypt 430 years. For the 430 year countdown began when Abram first received the promise, which happened at Ur of the Chaldeans. For both countdowns do not just represent the time the people of Israel were enslaved to Egypt, but also the time of their sojourning in Canaan, a land not their own. And that time of sojourning began with him who was first to receive the promise, which was Abram. Who upon receiving the promise then left his homeland in that same year, en route to Canaan, thus becoming the first sojourner among the sons of the promise. Which was Abram and the children of Israel that came through him. And since both countdowns end at the same time, which is at the exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt, then the 430 year countdown from when Abram first received the promise began when he was 70 years old, 5 years prior to his departure from Haran. For after Abram received the promise, he then departed from Ur of the Chaldeans with his father Terah, and lived in Haran for 5 years, until his father died. And then he departed Haran at 75 years old. And later on, 30 years after receiving the promise, the 400 year countdown began when Abraham was 100 years old, which is when the time of sojourning of the descendants of Abraham began. For that is when the first sojourner of the descendants of Abraham was born, the son who was promised to him through whom his descendants would come, who was Isaac. Then the entrance of Israel into the land of Canaan around Year 2550 YB, which was around 1425 BC. Which was the 51st Yovel year. Which was 40 years after their exodus from Egypt in 2510 YB, which was around 1465 BC. Then the beginning of the construction of the first temple around Year 2990 YB, which was around 985 BC. The end of the rulership of King Solomon over the house of Judah around Year 3026 YB, which was around 949 BC. The end of the rulership of King Rehoboam over the house of Judah around Year 3043 YB, which was around 932 BC. The end of the rulership of King Abijah over Judah around Year 3046 YB, which was around 929 BC. The end of the rulership of King Asa over Judah around Year 3086 YB, which was around 889 BC. The end of the rulership of King Jehoshaphat over Judah around Year 3110 YB, which was around 865 BC. And he was coregent with his son Jehoram for 4 years. The end of the rulership of King Jehoram over Judah around Year 3114 YB, which was around 861 BC. And he was coregent with his father Jehoshaphat for 4 years. The end of the rulership of King Ahaziah over Judah around Year 3115 YB, which was around 860 BC. And he only ruled 1 year and was coregent with his mother Athaliah for 1 year. The end of the rulership of Queen Athaliah over Judah around Year 3120 YB, which was around 855 BC. And she was coregent with her son Ahaziah for 1 year. The end of the rulership of King Jehoash over Judah around Year 3159 YB, which was around 816 BC. And he was coregent with his son Amaziah for 3 years. The end of the rulership of King Amaziah over Judah around Year 3185 YB, which was around 790 BC. And he was coregent with his father Jehoash for 3 years, and then he was coregent with his son Uzziah for 23 years. The end of the rulership of King Uzziah over Judah around Year 3214 YB, which was around 761 BC. And he became sole king in the 27th year of King Jeroboam II over Israel for 29 years, but he was coregent with his father Amaziah for 23 years. The end of the rulership of King Jotham over Judah around Year 3230 YB, which was around 745 BC. And he was coregent with his son Ahaz for 8 years. The end of the rulership of King Ahaz over Judah around Year 3238 YB, which was around 737 BC. And he became sole king in the 17th year of Pekah for 8 years, but before that he was coregent with his father Jotham for 8 years. And he was also coregent with his son Hezekiah for 3 years. The end of the rulership of King Hezekiah over Judah around Year 3264 YB, which was around 711 BC. And he was coregent with his father Ahaz for 3 years. The end of the rulership of King Manasseh over Judah around Year 3319 YB, which was around 656 BC. The end of the rulership of King Amon over Judah around Year 3321 YB, which was around 654 BC. The end of the rulership of King Josiah over Judah around Year 3352 YB, which was around 623 BC. The end of the rulership of King Jehoahaz over Judah around Year 3353 YB, which was around 622 BC. And he ruled 3 months. The end of the rulership of King Jehoiakim over Judah around Year 3363 YB, which was around 612 BC. The end of the rulership of King Jehoiachin over Judah around Year 3364 YB, which was around 611 BC. Which is when the first deportation of the house of Judah to Babylon happened. Which is when the 70 year exile timeline began. The end of the rulership of King Zedekiah over Judah around Year 3374 YB, which was around 601 BC. Which was when the first temple was destroyed. Which is also when sacrifices first stopped. Which was also the beginning of the 1,290 years of Daniel. Where each prophetic day was a literal year, beginning in 3375 YB and 600 BC. Then the decree of King Cyrus to rebuild the temple at the end of the 70 year exile around 3434 YB, which was around 541 BC. And then the decree to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem around 83 years later by King Artaxerxes. And although King Cyrus was the first to issue the command to rebuild the temple of God, through the previous decree of King Cyrus it was King Artaxerxes who issued the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls specifically. According to the 70 weeks prophecy, “from the going forth of the decree to restore and build Jerusalem, and the street shall be built again, and the wall”. Which was a decree that was issued around the Year 3517 YB, which was around 458 BC. Which was the the first 7 prophetic weeks of the 70 prophetic weeks of Daniel, or 49 literal years, which was the time of reconstruction. And then was the anointing of the Mashiach 483 years later. Which happened after the 7 prophetic weeks of reconstruction and after 62 prophetic weeks. Therefore after 69 prophetic weeks after the command to rebuild Jerusalem. Which was after the 49 literal years of reconstruction and after 434 literal years. Which is therefore the Year 4000 YB, which was 26 AD. The year of his baptism. The year of his anointing. A Yovel year. In the Day of Atonement. In the autumn. And then in 691 AD was the completion of the Dome of the Rock, thus fulfilling the abomination that would profane the place where the two temples of God stood, which was Mount Moriah. Which happened 1,290 years from 600 BC, when the sacrifices in the first temple stopped in 601 BC with Zedekiah. Which is also the beginning of the 1,335 years of Daniel, where again each prophetic day is a literal year. And thus, in 2020 AD, around 1,994 years have passed since the anointing of the Mashiach in 4000 YB. Which was 26 AD. Which is why 3974 YB to 4000 YB is 26 years and why 3974 BC to a 4000 BC that actually never existed is 26 years. For 3974 BC is conversely the true year of the creation and 26 AD is conversely the true year of the anointing of the Mashiach. And from the beginning of 1 YB to the end of 4000 YB is 4,0000 complete years. And from and including 3974 BC to and including 26 AD is 4,000 complete years. And therefore in knowing these exact calculations in 2020 AD we are in the Year 5994 YB, with around 6 years left until the Year 6000 YB. Which would be 2026 AD. Which would thus be the year of the second coming of the Mashiach. Which is precisely 2,000 years since his anointing. And is also 1,335 years since completion of the Dome of the Rock in 691 AD.

After adding all the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures precisely, the year 6000 YB is expected to be in 2026 AD. Which will be precisely 2,000 years from the anointing of the Mashiach in 26 AD, which was 4000 YB. The year 6000 YB is the year of the second coming, for that is the beginning of the millennial Shabbath of this earth. From 6000 YB to 7000 YB. Which is the 1,000 years of the rulership of the Mashiach on this earth mentioned in the book of Revelation. Also, since we know the Mashiach comes 1/2 prophetic hour before the 1st trumpet blast, in accordance to the book of Revelation, and we know when the trumpet blasts are commanded to be blasted in accordance to the appointed times of the Torah, then we actually do know the day and hour of his second coming. The day and the hour of the second coming of the Mashiach was not known before the book of Revelation was given to mankind, which is why the Mashiach said, “no one knows the day nor the hour”. But much later in time after his death and resurrection, after assemblies had already been established all the way in Asia, then the book of Revelation was given, which then gave mankind knowledge of the day and the hour of the second coming. But because most people do not know nor understand the Torah, nor its appointed times, nor understand how to interpret visions and prophetic timelines, nor understand why the Mashiach must come in the year 6000 YB according to the appointed times of the Torah, they overlook the knowledge that is available to them right under their very noses. Their own ignorance of the Torah blinds them, and their own stubbornness in erroneously continuing to choose to reject the Torah keeps them blind. And that is why the Mashiach said, “I did not come to abolish the Torah”, for the Torah is not only the knowledge of the appointed times of this earth practically, but also the basic knowledge of sin, through its commands. And once all the appointed times of the Torah are fulfilled by the Mashiach at the end of his 1,000 year rulership, then the entire Torah will be fulfilled and will pass away along with this heaven and this earth. Which is why he also said, “until heaven and earth passes away not one jot or one tittle will pass away from the Torah until all is fulfilled”.

This paragraph is generated by a script developed by me that automatically calculates the current Jewish date. The current date of March 28, 2025 AD according to the Gregorian Calendar on Friday at 2:24 PM in Jerusalem is Adar 28, 5998 YB, based on the month and day of the Jewish Calendar, but not the year. "YB" means "Year from the Beginning", which represents the true year since the beginning of the creation. The official Anno Mundi year used by the Jewish Calendar is not the true year since creation, which incorrectly says we are curently in the year of 5785 AM. The AM year is behind 213 years from the true year from creation. There are less than 2 years until the second coming of the Mashiach in 6000 YB in 2026 AD around the autumn. The true new year of the Torah begins in Tishri 10, on the Day of Atonement, which is Yom Kippur, not on the appointed time of the trumpet blasts in Tishri 1, which is when new years happen incorrectly in the Jewish calendar. Which is incorrectly called "Rosh Hashanah", which means "head of the year", for the true head of the year is Yom Kippur in Tishri 10. And the new year of the Torah happens around the autumn of the Northern Hemisphere, around September or October in the Gregorian calendar. In the Gregorian year of 2025 AD around October 1 it will be the start of 5999 YB.

These dates and times below are based in Jerusalem, which is where prophetic time is measured from. To convert these dates and times, add or subtract based on the timezone you are in. For Medellín, Colombia, which is GMT-5 timezone, subtract 8 hours. For Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which is EDT timezone, subtract 7 hours if it is daylight savings time, or 8 hours if it is not daylight savings time.

Two Witnesses Begin to Prophesy, and Beginning of a Global Drought, and Third Temple Construction

The two witnesses of Revelation will begin prophesying in the morning of 15 Nisan 5996 YB, which is on the 1st day of the Feast of Unleavened, after the Passover in 14 Nisan. They will prophesy for 1,260 days until September 17, 2026 AD, or 6 Tishri 5999 YB. And will die that morning, in Jerusalem time, on the day of the 6th trumpet blast, which is why they are mentioned in the book of Revelation between the 6th and 7th trumpet blasts. They will prophesy from two different cities on the earth, and will eventually die in Jerusalem. The world will not recognize them, because they will not begin to prophesy in Jerusalem as many expect, and the message they will speak will be contrary to the many lies the world believes. They are the last warning to the entire world of the imminent second coming of Yeshua, which happens 3 and 1/2 years later after they begin prophesying, for just as John the Baptist was the forerunner of the first coming of Yeshua, in humility just as Yeshua first came in humility, so in likewise manner these two prophets are the forerunners of the second coming of Yeshua, in power just as Yeshua returns in power. For they will have authority to bring plagues against the world and will also shut the heavens so that it doesn’t rain during the time of their prophesying. The lack of rain during this time will cause a global drought, which will also be the beginning of a global famine, which will progressively become worse day by day. It is important to have plenty of food and water stored by the time they begin prophesying for the next 3 and 1/2 years until the year 6000 YB. These two prophets will be hated by the world. And the world will seek to kill them. Yet whoever tries to harm them will be incinerated with fire, until the total time they are appointed to prophesy is fulfilled. The world will begin to decline when they begin to prophesy, leading up to the final year of the second coming of Yeshua, which will be the “great tribulation”. A temple will also be constructed on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem before the return of Yeshua, for it is written, “and the Master whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple”. The two witnesses will be the catalysts for the reconstruction of the temple, because by them the Dome of the Rock will be destroyed and Mount Moriah will be leveled. To make way for the rebuilding of the temple by the Jews, in preparation for the return of Yeshua. By the time of the return of Yeshua the construction of the third temple will be completed.

Gregorian Calendar: April 6, 2023 AD
Jewish Calendar: 15 Nisan 5783 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 15 Nisan 5996 YB


Note: I recommend reading this bible study, which explains the two witnesses in greater detail.

Note: I recommend reading this bible study, which explains the difference between the third temple in Jerusalem and the millennial temple of Ezekiel on Mount Zion.

Federalization of Europe into “United States of Europe”

10 nations, the final 10 horns of the 1st beast of Revelation, will give their authority to the United States of Europe, the “USE”. Which is the 8th and final head of the 1st beast of Revelation. Which appears just before the second coming of Yeshua, which is why it is not counted among the 7 heads, because it doesn’t last long enough to be a head. Which comes after the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. And the formation of the USE happens by the will of Vatican City, in Rome. Which is why in a latter vision the prostitute of Babylon rides the 1st beast of Revelation, which is what the 7 heads also symbolize, the 7 mountains of Rome. And that is why the USE is the Roman empire again, the beast that was as the 6th head, then was not as the 7th head, then comes back as the 8th head. And is also the head that was fatally wounded, which was Rome, but then was healed, which is now the soon to be USE, by the will of Vatican City, in Rome. And what all these heads have in common is that they are the great empires that have existed after the destruction of the flood of Noah all the way to the destruction of the second coming of Yeshua that have all oppressed the people of God and ruled over the land of Israel, all in different forms. And the formation of the USE happens 15 literal days prior to when the USE and the 10 nations destroy Vatican City out of hatred for her. Which is 1 prophetic hour of how long the 10 nations rule with the USE. Which is why it is written, “the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not been given a kingdom yet, but they are to receive authority as kings for 1 hour, together with the beast”. And “the 10 horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute, and they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire”. And “you great city, you mighty city, Babylon, for in a 1 hour your judgment has come”. And “for in 1 hour all this wealth has been laid waste”. The formation of the USE is also the beginning of the 1 prophetic day of the “great tribulation”, which is 1 literal year of 360 literal days, in accordance to, “her plagues will come in 1 day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire, for mighty is the Master God who has judged her”. Even though 11 Adar is February 28, the beginning of the evening portion of 11 Adar is February 27, which would be on a Friday. Which is the expected date and time the 10 nations will be granted authority with the USE. This 360 day timeline ends on the same day as the 150 day timeline of the torment that the angels released at the 5th trumpet are appointed to cause. Which begins at the 1st bowl of wrath on September 26, 2026 AD, or 15 Tishri 6000 YB. Which is on the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Which is when the agony of the entire world begins, with boils. Which is the beginning of the torment by these angels, which will prevent men from killing themselves. And so forcing men to undergo the agony of the plagues for up to 150 days, which is 5 months based on 30 days months. The 150 day timeline of torment ends when the last man from all humanity who is in agony from the boils is judged and thrown into the lake of lava, to be destroyed in even greater agony. Which will therefore also complete the time of 360 days that wailing and famine and plague and death is rendered unto the prostitute of Babylon. And since we know when the 360 day timeline ends, which is at the end of the 150 day timeline, then we know when the 360 day timeline begins, on February 27, 2026 AD, or 11 Adar 5999 YB. Which is when the USE will finally form.

Gregorian Calendar: February 27, 2026 AD
Jewish Calendar: 11 Adar 5786 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 11 Adar 5999 YB


Note: I recommend reading this bible study, which explains the 1st beast of Revelation in greater detail, and also the 2nd beast of Revelation, the prostitute of Babylon, the “image of the beast”, and the “mark of the beast”.

Destruction of Vatican City and Global Collapse of Paper Money and Fiat Currency

Vatican City will be destroyed by the 10 nations that give their authority to the USE. Which is the first payback against Vatican City. Which comes from man. For her payback comes in two portions, first from man, then from God at the 7th and final plague, which will split the land of Vatican City in three portions. Her destruction is also the end of the 1 prophetic hour of how long the 10 nations rule with the USE. For the destruction of Vatican City will be the collapse of the USE. Which is only 15 literal days that the USE will stand. By calculating 360 days in a year divided by 24 hours in a day, which is 15. By this time the two prophets would’ve already reached their 1,059th day of prophesying. And the world is already in misery because of their plagues and the global drought, but things are only about to get worse. Paper money and fiat currency will also collapse globally because all the central banks of the world trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City. Which is why she is the prostitute of Babylon at the top of the hierarchy ruling over all the kings of the earth through central banks. For she sells herself for the money of gold like a “prostitute” and joins herself with the kings of the earth through her central banks. Which is her “sexual immorality” with the kings of the earth. Which then issue her fiat currency of false weight and false number to the inhabitants of the world while she keeps all the gold in her central banks. And this paper money and fiat currency is the true mark of the beast of Revelation. For the mark of the beast is symbolic. And the right hand symbolizes authority to buy and sell once a person possesses fiat currency. And the forehead symbolizes debt of fiat currency to buy and sell, which comes in the form of credit cards and mortgages. Many people are foolishly expecting 666 tattoos and microchips to be the mark of the beast, not understanding that the book of Revelation is a book of symbols, telling us of a form of money that would come in the future that is evil and that the entire world would be obligated to buy and sell with. Which has already come into fulfillment around 100 years ago, through paper money and fiat currency, in this last generation that is approaching the second coming of Yeshua in a few years from now. And fiat currency is issued to everyone great and small and rich and poor, and is the only legal way to buy and sell globally according to the laws of legal tender of every nation. Which condemns the entire world through it. For the mere possession of a false weight breaks the command of the Torah, “you shall have righteous balances and weights” and “you shall not have in your bag a weight and another weight, a heavy and a light”. For fiat currency is a false weight and false number, because its value is only a perceived imaginary number. Which represents nothing, not even the value of the paper itself. And that is why 666 refers to “666 talents of gold” in the Tanakh. “Talent” is the “name” of the weight, and “666” is the “number of the name” of the weight, which is its value. For “dollars”, “pesos”, “pounds” were all names of standard weights in each nation to derive a value of gold, which was money. And 4 British Pounds of gold, 21 United States of America Dollars of gold, and 21 Colombian Pesos of gold were equivalent to the weight of around 1 troy ounce of gold. Yet around 100 years ago in the 1930’s paper money was issued to represent gold. Then the paper money was devalued. Then the backing of gold was taken away from the paper money. Which then also became fiat currency. Which left people buying and selling with mere names that no longer had anything to do with weights, through paper money, which are “dollars”, “pesos”, “pounds”, which were all formerly names of weights like “talent”. As if people began buying and selling with the mere name “talent”, which no longer had anything to do with weight nor value of gold. And that is why “dollars”, “pesos”, and “pounds” are false weights, contrary to the command of the Torah to use righteous weights to buy and sell. And that that is what buying and selling with the “name of the beast” means, which is buying and selling with the name of false weights in each nation, which is the first form of the mark of the beast. And people were also left buying and selling with mere numbers, through modern banking, which is the “number of the name”, which is the second form of the mark of the beast. For paper money is not even exchanged, just mere numbers taken from bank account and added to another bank account, based on the name of fiat currency, which is a false weight. True money according to the Torah is gold, and it cannot be devalued, because its value is based on weight. And 1 ounce of gold today is the same 1 ounce of gold tomorrow. And 1 ounce of gold in the USA is the same 1 ounce of gold in Egypt. And that is why it has been used as money for thousands of years, because it is stable and valuable and good and true money. Gold around 100 years was around $21 USD per 1 ozt, now it is around $1,500 USD per 1 ozt. And the devaluation of the Colombian peso is far worse, from $21 COP per 1 ozt of gold around 100 years ago to around $5,000,000 COP per 1 ozt of gold. It’s not that the value of gold has gone up, for 1 ozt of gold is still 1 ozt of gold, it’s that the value of fiat currency has gone down and buys less. And slowly around the last 100 years the entire world has been forced to turn in their gold to the banks. And forced to stop using gold to buy and sell. And forced to use a new form of money that has no intrinsic value that the banks can then use to steal more from the world. For those that issue fiat currency deliberately devalue it. Which then causes salaries and incomes to lag behind the devaluation. Which then causes an inflation in the price of everything. Which then causes debt as the world becomes poorer through the devaluation and inflation. And then the world becomes poorer through interest, because the debt is not given for free. And slowly, those who issue this form of money have become the owners of everything in the world, through debt. And this is why what an Egyptian earns in minimum wage in their fiat currency in 1 day is sufficient to buy food for 1 day in the USA. And also why many Venezuelans are eating out of garbage trucks. They are all impoverished through the devaluation of fiat currency. It is the root of all evil. And it is the greatest ponzi scheme of thievery the world has ever seen. Which is why it is the mark of the beast of Revelation. And those who continue using it daily to buy and sell are just as guilty as those who issue it, because this form of money can also only exist by the mutual consent of the people who continue using it to buy and sell. If everyone stopped using it, and began using gold again as money, paper money and fiat currency would cease to exist. But because it is easier to flow with the strong river of the world rather than go against the flow of the river, people would rather continue this form of money, that is clearly evil even to atheists, rather than be inconvenienced by getting rid of it, in order to obey and be saved. And that is why whoever symbolically receives the mark of the beast is cursed by it, to be thrown into the lake of fire. The only way to remove the mark of the beast is by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, even the last penny. Which is why not having the mark of the beast is the ultimate test of belief and obedience to those who know the commands of God and love God, because living without money is extremely difficult, but not impossible. And that is why the book of Revelation says, “come out of her my people”, for coming out of the prostitute of Babylon includes coming out of her financial system, aside from the lies she has taught the world through Roman popes. And this form of money was forced on the people of the United States of America through its central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, by executive order, forcing everyone to trade in their gold for paper money. Which then began a global promulgation and adoption of this form of money by the USA to all the nations of the earth. Which is the 2nd beast of Revelation, also called the “false prophet”. Which also does powerful signs through technology with missiles and aircraft causing fire to rain down from heaven, which causes the world to be in awe of the USA and to want to be like the USA. And therefore the USA has promulgated the “image of the beast” to the world, which because of the awe of the world for the USA, has caused all the nations of the earth to become republics, in the image of the USA, which was formed in the image of Rome, the 1st republic, the Roman republic. Which then causes the inhabitants of the earth to give their approval of each of their own respective evil republics through voting, which is “worshiping the image of the beast”. And when the USA was formed it began to be ruled by a President and Congress. Which is an assembly of rulers from each state of the USA. Yet the head of Congress is the President of the Senate. Which is the Vice President of the USA. And in this way, the USA is ruled by “2 horns”, the President and the Vice President. And even the Supreme Court, which is considered to be the “third branch” of the USA government, is indeed under the authority of the President. For he is the one that elects its judges. And the system of banks of the prostitute of Babylon originated in Babylon, which is why she is “from Babylon”. And because all central banks in the world trace back to her, to the Vatican Bank, is why her destruction will cause the financial system of the world to collapse, for the Vatican Bank will also be destroyed. Which is why the merchants of the earth will wail for her destruction, “for no one buys their merchandise anymore”, for paper money and fiat currency will enter into hyperinflation globally, and no one will be able to buy and sell. And this is where the “wailing” and “famine” portion of the 1 prophet day begins. Wailing because of her destruction. And famine because of the collapse of fiat currency, even though by this time the global drought caused by the two witnesses of Revelation would’ve already caused certain famine in the world. This is also why the destruction of Vatican City is also the end of the rule of the 10 nations with the USE, because it will all collapse like a house of cards, very quickly after receiving authority, which will only be 1 prophetic hour, which is only 15 literal days that they will stand. And God has appointed to be to let the nations implode on their own and enter into famine months before the wrath of the second coming of the Mashiach. And this is why the world will throw their “silver” on the streets and “gold” will become unclean to the world, as it is written, “they will cast their silver into the streets, and their gold will become an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Master. They cannot satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it. For it has become a stumbling block because of their torahlessness”. For gold and silver was money in ancient times. And in the time to come the world will throw their paper money on the streets. Which is already happening in countries like Venezuela where paper money has become worthless. And no one will be able to eat because no one will be able to buy and sell because money itself will become worthless. And thus, God has made money itself a stumbling block to the world, because of the torahlessness of the world in not obeying the command of God, “you shall have honest weights”. The Roman popes are also the “antichrist”. For the antichrist is not just one man, but a succession of the highest Roman authority occupied by one man. Which were formerly Roman emperors, then became Roman popes. They have all been the antichrist each in their respective times, under different names and titles. And the current one is Pope Francis. They have all collectively fulfilled the prophecies of what the antichrist would do. Who would exalt himself at the temple, which was done through Titus, who became emperor of Rome. And was worshiped by his soldiers there according to Flavius Josephus. And effigies of the Roman emperor Caesar were also placed at the temple and were worshiped by his soldiers. And throughout history the Roman popes spoke arrogant words calling themselves the “representation of God on earth”. And even to this day are called “Holy Father” by many. They also changed the appointed times of the Torah, such as the Shabbath. And changed it to Sunday, in fulfillment of a prophecy in Daniel, “and he will change times and laws”. And then they persecuted the people of God for 1,260 literal years, which is 42 prophetic months, with inquisitions and massacres perpetrated by the Roman popes. Which were the darkest times in human history. And more men were tortured and killed through the Roman popes than through Hitler. And that is why the prostitute of Babylon is “drunk with the blood of the set-apart ones”. Also, “antichrist” means “in place of christ” in Greek, which means “false anointed”. So the antichrist was not prophesied to be some atheist with a nefarious face that would deceive the entire world, but as a believer who would come in the name of the Mashiach and deceive the entire world. Which are the Roman popes. Which is why the Mashiach said, “many will come in my name and say, I am anointed, and will deceive many”. And “man of lawlessness” means “man of torahlessness”. For the Greek word “nomia”, which means “law”, is referring to Torah of Moses, which is the Law of God. And so the great deception of the great false anointed one to the entire world is that the Torah of Moses has been discarded. Which has deceived most people in the world, even many so called “believers”. Which is why many fail to identify him as the true antichrist. And also why most people cannot identify the true mark of the beast, because they do not know the commands of the Torah regarding true and righteous money. Which is gold and silver. So, through the Roman popes, through Vatican City, through Rome, the entire world has been deceived by lies. And through Vatican City all have been caused to receive the mark of the beast. And that is how the 4th beast of Daniel, which is Rome, ends up “devouring the entire earth” according to Daniel, through false money and deception and torahlessness.

Gregorian Calendar: March 14, 2026 AD
Jewish Calendar: 26 Adar 5786 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 26 Adar 5999 YB


Note: I recommend reading this bible study, which explains the “mark of the beast” in greater detail.

Note: This is an actual photo of lightning that struck the dome of the Vatican not just once, but twice, which shocked the entire world and was reported all over the news, hours after Pope Benedict XVI resigned, leading to the last Roman pope in authority now in 2019 AD before the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which is Pope Francis. This is definitely a sign from God of the imminent wrath to come, which is perceived by those who understand the times and understand how Vatican City is truly the prostitute of Babylon, because we already know by the year we are in since creation that we are approaching the year 6000 YB, which is the second coming of Yeshua, and that her destruction is finally approaching, which is also the demise of the world, for she is the head of the entire financial system of the world, clandestinely, and her destruction is also the collapse of the financial system of the world.

Appointed Time of the Second Coming of the Mashiach

Yeshua will descend onto the earth 7 and 1/2 literal days prior to the appointed time of the trumpet blasts. Which is 1/2 prophetic hour before the appointed time of trumpets. Which would therefore be in the morning in Jerusalem time in 22 Elul. Which would be September 4. By this time nearly 6 months have passed since the collapse of fiat currency through the destruction of Vatican City. The world is already in great misery, in wailing because of the destruction of Vatican City, and famine because of the global collapse of fiat currency and the global drought, and also in suffering because of the plagues of the two witnesses, who would’ve reached their 1,248th day of prophesying by this time. But worst things are yet to come. This is also the end of the 6th seal of Revelation. Which is when the “heavens will be parted like a scroll”. Which means the entire earth will be covered in thunderstorms like a scroll that hides its contents when it is rolled up. And the entire earth will shake. And Yeshua will descend unto the clouds of the earth, with his armies of angels. Which is similar to what happened on Mount Sinai when God descended on it. For it was covered in thunderstorms and the mountain shook and the sons of Israel were terrified to behold such great power. Yet the second coming of the Mashiach will not be localized to just one mountain, but on the entire earth. Which will be a display of much greater power. And because of these terrifying signs, “the kings of the earth will hide in the caves of the earth”. Which means bunkers. Because the entire world will be terrified to see such great displays of power and will know the second coming of Yeshua has happened. For every eye in the world will see him, through modern television and internet broadcasting, recorded from the location Yeshua and his angels will descend over, which will be above the land of Israel. And because of this the entire earth will wail, from what they’ve heard takes place at his second coming, which is wrath, according to the words of Paul, “when the Master Yeshua is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God nor obey the gospel of our Master Yeshua”. As such, all other seals in the book of Revelation have already been opened. Which were signs during the invisible rulership from heaven of the Mashiach leading up to the point when he finally opens the 7th seal just after his second coming at the end of the 6th seal. Which is when his rulership on the earth becomes visible. Which begin with the 7 trumpets of Revelation, and in the 7th trumpet he will begin to rule the earth. The 7 trumpets are the grand inauguration of his rulership on the earth with great displays of power. And he will rule the world with a rod of iron for 1,000 years. The 1st seal is Rome. Which is why according to Zechariah the white horses go to the north. Which is north in relation to Israel. For all cardinal directions in prophecy are in relation to the land of Israel. Which symbolizes the expansion of Rome until it devours the entire earth. Which it already has. Through money. Which serves as a sign of the imminent second coming of Yeshua. Then the 2nd seal are general wars throughout the earth. Which also serve as a sign of the imminent second coming of Yeshua. Then the 3rd seal is poverty through fiat currency, by Rome and Vatican City in Rome. Which is why the black horses also go to the north like the white horses according to Zechariah. Which is already seen in many parts of the world, like Egypt. For what the people there earn in minimum wage in 1 day in their fiat currency is sufficient enough to buy food for 1 day in the USA. Thus fulfilling, “a choenix of wheat for a denarius, and three choenixes of barley for a denarius”. Which also serves as a sign of the imminent second coming of Yeshua. Then the 4th seal symbolizes death by war and famine and diseases and wild beasts on 1/4 of the earth. Which would be the land of Africa. Which is around 1/4 of the dry land of the earth. Which is why the green horses go to south according to Zechariah. Which also serves as a sign of the imminent second coming of Yeshua. Then the 5th seal was the 1,260 years of persecution of the people of God by the Roman popes. Which also serves as a sign of the imminent second coming of Yeshua. Then the first portion of the 6th seal of Revelation, which in the order given in prophecy, was the great great earthquake that occurred in 1755 AD in Lisbon, Portugal, as one of the worst earthquakes known to man. Then the sun turned black and the moon turned red as blood in 1780 AD as witnessed over parts of the United States. Which has been published in many well known history books. Then the “stars fell to the earth” in 1833 AD as the great meteor shower witnessed all over the Unites States of America. Which was said to maybe be around 100,000 meteors per hour. Which was one of the greatest phenomenons ever seen on the earth. And now, all that remains to be fulfilled is the last portion of the 6th seal of Revelation, which is the second coming of Yeshua. Which is when he opens the 7th seal, which are the 7 trumpets of Revelation. Which are the grand inauguration of his rulership on the earth.

Gregorian Calendar: September 4, 2026 AD
Jewish Calendar: 22 Elul 5786 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 22 Elul 5999 YB


Note: I recommend reading this bible study that explains the 7 seals of Revelation in greater detail and how all of them have already been opened until the last portion of the 6th seal, which is the second coming of Yeshua, which is what we are waiting for now.

Note: I recommend reading this bible study that explains what the day of the second coming of Yeshua will be like.

Appointed Time of the Trumpet Blasts of the Torah, Which Are the 7 Trumpets of Revelation

The 7 trumpets of Revelation will begin to be blasted in Tishri 1, which is the appointed time of the Torah to blast the trumpets. This is also the reference point for the times of all the surrounding events before and after, for the trumpet blasts must happen on a specific day in accordance to the Torah, on New Moon 7 Day 1 in the ancient calendar of the Torah, which is Tishri 1 in the Jewish calendar. The 7 trumpets of Revelation will be blasted for 7 days, one trumpet a day. Each trumpet will be blasted in the evening in Jerusalem time, for that is when days begin according to the Torah. On the 1st day in Tishri 1 it will rain fire and the earth and trees and grass will be burned up. On the 2nd day in Tishri 2 a meteor will fall on the seas and turn them into blood and a third of the ships will be destroyed. On the 3rd day in Tishri 3 a comet will fall on the rivers and springs of water and poison them and will cause the death of many that drink that water. On the 4th day in Tishri 4 the sun and moon will be darkened. On the 5th day in Tishri 5 angels will be released to prevent men from killing themselves, because by this time many in the world will want to kill themselves. And by preventing men from killing themselves they will force everyone to suffer the agony of the 7 plagues that happen 10 days later beginning in Tishri 15. Which fulfills the words of Isaiah, “and your covenant with death will be annulled, when the overwhelming scourge passes through, you will be beaten down by it morning after morning”. Which is why these angels symbolically sting like scorpions with their tails behind them, for what happens after these angels are released is their sting. Which are the 7 plagues of Revelation. Then on the 6th day in Tishri 6 more angels will be released to kill a third of mankind. And on the 7th day in Tishri 7 the Mashiach will officially begin to rule the earth. The trumpet blasts are the inauguration of his rulership on the earth with great displays of power. The trumpet blasts will also not injure the true believers in the Mashiach, for just as God made a distinction between Israel and Egypt when Egypt was struck with plagues, so it will be at the trumpet blasts. And will also fulfill the words of this prophecy, “a thousand may fall at your left and ten thousand at your right, but it shall not come near you”. Which is why the angels released at the 5 trumpet blast also do not injure those who have the seal of God, which is the anointing, in accordance to Revelation. These will be times of great terror on the earth. And there will be much wailing on the earth. And the world would’ve already been in famine around 6 months and global drought for 3 and 1/2 years. And the surrounding trees and grass would’ve all been burned up. And many would’ve died by now with their bodies left rotting all around. Yet worse things are still to come against those that are still alive by this point in time, which will still be many. Indeed it would have been better for them to have died by now, than to endure what happens shortly after the trumpet blasts, and not being able to kill themselves to end the agony.

Gregorian Calendar: September 11, 2026 AD
Jewish Calendar: 1 Tishri 5787 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 1 Tishri 5999 YB


Death of the Two Witnesses at the 6th Trumpet Blast of Revelation

The two witnesses die in between the 6th and 7th trumpet blasts of the Torah, which is why they are mentioned between those two trumpet blasts in the book of Revelation. And since each trumpet will be blasted at the beginning of each day in the evening, therefore they will die in the morning of Tishri 6, which is a 1/2 day later after the 6th trumpet is blasted in the evening. And this will complete their 1,260 days of prophesying. They will be killed by the USE. And their bodies will be left on a street of Jerusalem. The world will rejoice over their death, and give each other gifts, thinking their troubles are over. Yet the worst is still to come, for the two witnesses were merely a warning to the world.

Gregorian Calendar: September 17, 2026 AD
Jewish Calendar: 6 Tishri 5787 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 6 Tishri 5999 YB


Day of Atonement of the Torah, Gathering of the People of God, Which is Commonly Called the “Rapture”, and Expulsion of the Jews Who Refused to Believe to Be Trampled Outside Jerusalem

The Day of Atonement of the Torah is in Tishri 10, which is 3 days after the 7th trumpet blast in Tishri 7. Which is when the great shofar is blown in accordance to the beginning of the Yovel year in 6000 YB. Which is also called “Jubilee” year. Which is when the people of God are gathered, hence “and you Israel, will be gathered one by one, and on that day the great shofar will be blown”. This is what is commonly called the “rapture”. Yeshua will send angels throughout the earth to gather his people and bring them to himself. Each believer will individually be picked up one by one on this day. The first resurrection will also happen on this day, from Abraham to the last believer that died before the second coming. These will wake up from their sleep of death and come out of their graves, and will be picked up by angels, and also taken to Mashiach. All of these will be taken to meet Yeshua in the air. This is the salvation of the people of God, to not only be saved from the plagues that are about to befall the earth 5 days after in Tishri 15, but also to be saved from the grasp of death itself. This is also the beginning of the year 6000 YB. The two witnesses will also be resurrected on this day, which is why they are resurrected 3 and 1/2 days later after their death according to Revelation. Those who are gathered to the Mashiach are also symbolized by the grain harvest in the book of Revelation, “I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and seated on the cloud one like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand, so he who sat on the cloud swung his sickle across the earth, and the earth was reaped”. The Jews who refused to believe in Yeshua will all also be gathered all over the land of Israel on this same day, not to be saved, but to be trampled, for they are the fulfillment of the grape harvest in the book of Revelation, “then another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle, so the angel swung his sickle to the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God, and the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the winepress, as high as a horse’s bridle, for 1,600 stadia”. For they are the sons of the kingdom, “the sons of the kingdom will be cast out”. And all the land of Israel will be trampled, except Jerusalem, which is why the winepress is trodden outside the city, which is Jerusalem, because Jerusalem will come to the belief in Yeshua and will be granted mercy. And even though these will die a horrific death, it is more preferable for them than those who remain living. For the 7 plagues are about to be poured on the earth. For greater wrath is appointed against the nations of the world than for the Jews in Israel. For at the very least the Jews have the Torah, but the nations live in torahlessness, even many who call themselves “believers”. Also, the people that will be gathered and taken to the Mashiach will be Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and 144,000 people, from under the covenant of Abraham, then from under the covenant of Moses, then from under the covenant of the Mashiach. And will include Gentiles under the new covenant of the Mashiach that were grafted into Israel, which will all descend from Abraham, whether knowingly or unknowingly. For all the tribes of Israel have been dispersed into the nations. These 144,000 will become the new and glorified and immortalized Israel, and along with the patriarchs, which will be given authority to rule along with the Mashiach for 1,000 years. Whereas the current Israel, will be trampled, because of disbelief.

Gregorian Calendar: September 20, 2026 AD
Jewish Calendar: 10 Tishi 5787 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 10 Tishi 6000 YB


Note: I recommend reading this bible study that explains the 144,000 chosen.

Feast of Tabernacles of the Torah, Appointed Time of the 7 Bowls of Revelation, Beginning with the First Plague, and Feast of the People of God on Mount Zion

The 7 plagues of Revelation will begin to be poured on the earth in Tishri 15. Which is 5 days after the gathering of the people of God in Tishri 10. This is when the wrath of God against the world truly begins, for these plagues are intended to bring agony to the world. And agony for an extended period of time. These plagues happen for 7 days, one plague a day. This is the “sting” of the angels that were released at the 5th trumpet to prevent men from killing themselves, to force them to endure these plagues. For many will want to kill themselves by this point in time. In the 1st day in Tishri 15 will begin the agony of mankind. Which are boils that will cause men to gnaw their tongues in agony. Which will cause agony for up to 5 months. Which is 150 days. Which is why the angels released at the 5th trumpet blast torment mankind for a time of 5 months according to Revelation. Then in the 2nd day in Tishri 16 the seas will turn to blood. Then in the 3rd day in Tishri 17 the rivers and springs of water will turn to blood. Then in the 4th day in Tishri 18 the sun will burn people with fire. Then in the 5th day in Tishri 19 there will be darkness just like there was in Egypt. Then on the 6th day in Tishri 20 the river Euphrates will be dried up to make way for the nations of the east to come wage war against the Mashiach, for the nations will be infuriated against the Mashiach because of everything that has happened up until this time. Thus fulfilling the prophecy, “why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together, against the Master and against His anointed one saying, let us break their chains and cast away their cords from us”. Then in the 7th day in Tishri 21 the greatest earthquake that has ever befallen the earth will cause all the cities of the world to collapse. And great hailstones weighing about 75 pounds will fall on top of men. At this final plague then will be fulfilled this prophecy, “you shall shatter the nations like pottery”. For at the last plague all the cities of the earth will be shattered and left in rubble. And the land of Vatican City will be split in three, which is the final payback against Vatican City, which comes from God. And on the 1st day in Tishri 15, while the world is beginning to be struck with plagues, those that were gathered to the Mashiach will feast, on Mount Zion. Which by this time has formed and risen up as the tallest mountain in the world at the second coming of the Mashiach. Which will fulfill this prophecy, “on this mountain the Master Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples”. This is why the 144,000 are standing with the Mashiach on Mount Zion in the book of Revelation. Mount Zion will be the new home of those that were gathered, for 1,000 years. And a great city will be built here, with palaces for the people of God. And eventually, around 340 years later after the second coming of the Mashiach, the temple of Ezekiel will be built there. Mount Zion will flow with a river of water to the east to the Dead Sea, and make the Dead Sea living. And will also flow with a river of lava to the south, burning Yatir forest in Negev. And will also flow with a river of lava to the north, towards Jerusalem. And will form a lake of lava in the Valley of Hinnom, which is what “Gehenna” means. Which is where the final punishment will take place. After the final plague, every city on earth will be left in ruins. And the inhabitants of the world will be left outside, with everything around them destroyed, and in agony, from their boils. And with hunger, because there will be no food. And they will wail, and curse God, because of these terrible plagues he struck them with, which they deserve.

Gregorian Calendar: September 25, 2026 AD
Jewish Calendar: 15 Tishri 5787 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 15 Tishri 6000 YB


Note: I recommend reading this bible study, which explains the lake of lava in greater detail and where it will be.

8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles of the Torah, Battle of Armageddon

Although the Feast of Tabernacles is only 7 days, the Torah commands that the people of God have a set-apart assembly on the 8th day, which is the marriage supper of the lamb in Revelation. Which is the Battle of Armageddon. At the 6th bowl of wrath in Tishri 20 the Euphrates river is dried up, to make way for the kings of the east to come wage war against the Mashiach. And 2 days later on Tishri 22 they will reach Megiddo to war against the Mashiach, with their weapons of war. Such as tanks and missiles and fighter jets. Yet the Mashiach will kill them by the mere word of his mouth, which is his greatest weapon, in the presence of his own people behind him. And the birds of the air will feast on the flesh of all of those who die in Megiddo, “the marriage supper of the lamb”.

Gregorian Calendar: October 2, 2026 AD
Jewish Calendar: 22 Tishri 5787 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 22 Tishri 6000 YB


Final Judgment and Condemnation Onto the Lake of Lava Until the Last Man is Judged and Destroyed On the Lava Among the Nations

After the final plague, men will be left outside among all the rubble, and in agony with their boils. Angels will be sent to capture each man, to bring them to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, which is on the east side of Jerusalem, to be judged by the people of God, who will be granted authority to judge the world. Each man will be put to shame by being stripped naked. And will have accusations read to them according to what is written in books against each man. Anyone man who is insolent will have his teeth shattered in their mouth by the angels who will stand guard during each judgment. There will be much wailing, especially by many believers who will be condemned, because they were deceived. There will also be much gnashing of teeth in fury, especially from atheists, because they will hate that they have been subjected to all this. Each man will also be forced to bend the knee and worship God. Then, after being judged, each man will be thrown like garbage into the lake of lava on the south side of Jerusalem, to die in even great agony than the boils. And they will cease to exist after they die, for the lake of lava destroys both body and soul. And by the time the last man is judged and condemned to the lake of lava, 5 months will have been completed from the time of the 1st plague, which is why the agony of the boils lasts up to 5 months. For 150 days will be the maximum amount of time any man will endure the agony of the boils, before they are judged and condemned to die in the lake of lava. Some will be in agony with their boils a greater amount of time than others, awaiting their turn to be judged. For not everyone can be judged in one day. For there will be many to judge in the world. Which is why the judgment will happen “day and night”, until everyone is judged and condemned. And the end of the 5 months will also be the completion of the 1 prophetic day, that wailing and famine and plague and death is rendered unto the prostitute of Babylon. Which is 1 literal year of 360 total days, from the time the United States of Europe is formed until the last man is thrown into the lake of lava from the nations. And the world will be reduced to very few people, the patriarchs and the 144,000, and a small remnant among the nations that will simply be granted mercy to live, who will be the handicap and the weakest members of the world.

Gregorian Calendar: February 22, 2027 AD
Jewish Calendar: 15 Adar I 5787 AM
Jewish Calendar with True Year: 15 Adar I 6000 YB


Note: I recommend reading this bible study that explains how the next 1,000 years will be on the earth under the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua.

Note: This is also an important bible study that explains the current state of the dead. Many falsely believe the dead are in heaven or in hell at the moment, which causes much confusion regarding the resurrections and the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua.

Note: I recommend reading this bible study that explains why the word “eternal” is a mistranslation, which also causes much confusion regarding the appointed times of God for everything in creation.

Note: I recommend reading this bible study, which gives detailed information on how to prepare for the great tribulation and second coming of Yeshua.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

64 questions

  • I found your post in a Torah Group but I think it was removed. I wanted to read your materials for myself. I wanted to know if you believe in a Greater Exodus….removing of the remnant to the wilderness for preservation during troubled times?


    • Hi Gina. Sadly there are many people seeking to suppress the truth, which is what the Roman popes did when they burned books and prevented people from reaching the truth. We are indeed in a greater exodus, which is becoming freed from the house of the slavery of sin, through belief in Yeshuah, which subsequently grants the airflow of God, which circumcises the heart and frees us from sin. We are currently in the wilderness, approaching our promised land, which is the New Jerusalem, but to reach the New Jerusalem we must first symbolically dwell in tabernacles for 1,000 years, on this current earth, which is why the great multitude after the great tribulation are holding palm branches, which is the Feast of Tabernacles. Yet in the 1,000 years we will rule this earth, and our symbolic tabernacles will be luxurious palaces constructed on Mount Zion for us.

  • That is interesting. Has the Spirit told you when the Messiah is returning? Why do you use Yeshuah? The Name of the Creator in Paleo Hebrew is Yahuah – John 5:43 says the true Messiah came in the Father’s Name – the Family Name being “Yah”. So the true Messiah is Yahusha from all the research I have seen. Using Yeshua breaks the 3rd commandment of not “lowering His Name”?
    If you know the truth of Christianity, why would you want to call yourself a Christian when it is man’s religion, started by Constantine in 325AD and he created Iesous – an “image” that became Jesus in 1611. The meaning of Jesus is “earth pig” – Websters dictionary. I am not trying to knock your intent and writings. I came out of Christianity some 8 years ago after being a deep Christianity and then seeing the Truth – which the Spirit set me free from – John 8:32.

    • The scriptures told me when the Messiah is coming. God has given me the intelligence to discern it, hence the elaborate bible studies I have published, which you will not find anywhere else. Few people possess this knowledge and understanding. Yeshuah is the name of the Messiah, which is written in the Torah itself,

      And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the yeshuah (salvation) of Yehovah, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.
      Exodus 14:13

      “Yah” is a contraction, “Y’ah”, which is a contraction of YehovAH. Yehovah is the true pronunciation of YHVH. I suggest you read the research of Nehemia Gordon. The name “christians” is written in the book of Acts, way before Constantine.

      and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.
      Acts 11:26

      We are indeed “christians”, because we are followers of Christ, which means Maschiach, which means anointed. The anointed one is the Master Yeshuah Mashiach.

      • If man added or took away or changed Scripture, is it still the Word of God? It is called Hellenization – the Greeks based theri treanslations on multiple gods. Bear in mind Isaiah 24:1-6. There are Bible translations that are direct from Hebrew without the Greek distortion. Regarding Christ – Christos is a Greek word, and in fact not a translation from Hebrew at all. The term Christos was more of a medical term, because healers in the Greek culture used all manner of mixtures for various ailments; some taken internally, and others used topically. The first two letters in “Christos” are CHI + RHO, and appear as X (CHI) and R (RHO). If you put these together, they form the “R-X” symbol still used today in the pharmaceutical industry, who mix and weigh dosages of medication for the sick. The Greeks’ tongue blended sounds in strange ways, producing combinations like “DZ” and others. As early as 200 BCE, there were Pagan worshippers of Serapis that called themselves “Christians”…. 200 years before the Messiah came!
        In the Vatican, one can view an original Pagan relief depicting MITHRAS with the words CHRESTOS MITHRAS, meaning “good Mithras”. Mithraism was the main Pagan religion of ancient Rome, and became blended with the Messiah of Israel through the compromises of the Nicaean Council, headed by Constantine and his son Crispus (325-326 CE). The followers of Mithra (Constantine included) were called Christians. So, it was at the Council of Nicaea that the term Christian became acceptable. It was then, and remains now, an insult to the Nazarenes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellenistic_religion
        Hellenistic religion
        Hellenistic religion is any of the various systems of beliefs and practices of the people who lived under the influence of Ancient Greek culture during the Hellenistic period and the Roman Empire (c. 300 BCE to 300 CE). There was much continuity in Hellenistic religion: the Greek gods continued to be worshipped and the same rites were practiced as before.
        We call this assimilation of Greek Hellenism, to be Hellenized. We know that the pagan Greek religion (Hellenism) overtook the Truth of Yahuah, as Rome won the Roman/Jewish wars and the resulting religion is now called Christianity. It is through this process of Hellenism, that we have our modern English translations of Scripture:

          • The true Messiah is a Nazarene, so were his followers. Christianity is the foundation of deception. Who abandoned the Law – Jesus Christ – he is the false messiah – 2 Thess 2. We are called to follow the True Messiah, Yahusha – it is called “the way”. He kept the Sabbath and the Feasts of Yahuah. Christianity is: The Trinity/Jesus/Sunday/Easter/Christmas/no Law

            and we have the Truth from the Scriptures…

            YAHUAH/Yahusha/Sabbath/Feasts/The Law written on our hearts.

          • You are correct in much of what you say. The world has abandoned the Torah, and for that they will be destroyed, even if they believe in the Messiah. However, I will add that the correct pronunciation of the name of the Messiah is Yeshuah.

  • I think we need to talk. Many have felt we are some exact form of 7,000 years. But you are missing a few items (and weirdly enough…also being potentially accurate about the return of the messiah coming withing 7 years).

    • Just so that everyone else can see, I did speak to Mark over the phone. I listened to what he had to say, and then gave him my honest opinion that he is off on several things. He says we are approaching the second coming because of some astrological signs he has observed. Special emphasis on astrological, as in the zodiac, not astronomical. He has correlated his astrological observations to some passages in the book of Revelation, but doesn’t believe we are approaching the year 6000. He erroneously thinks we are around the year 6,400 from creation. I want to make a few things clear, in this website I teach the basic astronomy of the movements of the earth, sun, and moon, because that is what the calendar of the Torah is based on, the moon, in relation to the earth and the sun. Astrology, however, is not a study I promulgate on this website, and it is forbidden by the Torah under the command “you shall not turn to mediums”, because astrology is what many mediums use to derive predictions and prophecies of their own. If we want to know the future, then we can either read the word of God, or ask God for special revelation with prayer and fasting, or with the anointing if you have the anointing. These are permissible. My predictions are not based on astrology, nor signs, nor special revelations, but merely on the knowledge and understanding of the appointed times of the Torah. We know the Messiah has been predestined to come in the year 6000 from the very beginning. So knowing the year of the second coming of the Messiah isn’t really a matter of observing signs nor having special revelations, but merely a matter of simple math, by counting genealogies and timelines to determine the year we are in since creation, to then determine how many years are left until the year 6000. It is intelligent, logical, and good, because it is based on the concrete word of God, not our own interpretations of signs nor claiming to have special revelations, although special revelations are indeed certainly possible, but even these must also correlate with 1 thing to make them true, the word of God. If they contradict the word of God, then they are not true. And lastly, we are indeed approaching the year 6,000 from creation without a shadow of a doubt, which will also be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of the Messiah. It doesn’t take rocket science nor special revelations to see that we are approaching a very significant year on this earth. And that is why I have published an excel spreadsheet counting all the genealogies and timelines of scripture from Adam all the way until now, to make it known beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are approaching the year 6000 from creation.

  • Hi, debate continues, as you tested me but allowed no reply? come now, we are always learning. Back to the Name of the true Messiah. Yahusha means “salvation is of Yahuah.” The letters in “YESHU” stood for the sentence, “may his name be blotted out” (from the scroll of life). This “Yeshu” acronym is the real root of the form “JESUS”, after going through Greek, then Latin:
    Jeremiah 23:26-27
    How long is this there in the heart of the prophets, the prophets of lies; yea, the prophets of the deceit of their own heart? They plot to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams which they tell, each one to his neighbor, even as their fathers have forgotten My name for Baal.
    Even today we call YHVH “the LORD” which means Ba’al or Master. But, YHVH always had a plan to reclaim a small remnant from among both Houses and restore His Holy Name. This is one key as to “who” are those who make up Remnant Israel. YHVH spoke through His Prophets that He would CAUSE them (Remnant Israel) to remember His Holy Name even though every effort would be made by man to delete all references to His Name even from The Bible:
    Jeremiah 16:21
    And, behold, I will make them know; this time I will cause them to know My hand and My might; and they shall know that My name is Yahuah.
    Sha’ul declared what he taught was “foolishness to the Greek”, and Peter said the Greeks twisted Sha’ul’s words along with the rest of Scripture which they did not understand. Christianity is a Greek religion! The Bible you read is a Hellenized version of the Truth. That means they made it Greek appropriate to appease their pagan beliefs. The modern uninspired translations have turned the Truth of Yahuah into a pagan lie.
    You cannot trust these translations. The Pauline Christian Doctrine that the Christian Church has built its foundation on, is a foundation made of sand (created through translation errors). It is sound bite driven implied doctrine that could only be established in Scripture by adding words and twisting the text.

    • Listen, I don’t have time to argue. Yeshuah is the name of the Messiah in accordance to Hebrew texts, and is also the shortened version of the name Yehoshuah. This is affirmed by Jewish and academic experts who actually know Hebrew, which you obviously do not. Learn.

      • The name of the Jewish Messiah in The Hebrew Bible uses Yahusha (עשוהי), and then later modern form Yeshua (עושי), for the English transliteration of ‘Joshua’, which means “Yah(uah) is Salvation (yasha)”. “Yah” being the short poetic form of Yahuah and “yasha” being Hebrew for salvation; combined into a contracted sentance name Yah-usha. There are several spellings of this set apart name of the Messiah in scripture with the most prevalent being Yahusha:

        We are given the name of the Messiah directly in Isaiah as Yahuah speaks through the prophet concerning the day He renews His vows in the Renewed Covenant below:

        Isaiah 12
        1 You will say in that day (that I renew my vows): “I will give thanks to you, O YAHUAH, for though you were angry with me (for breaking your vows and divorced me), your anger turned away (and you restored me as your bride), that you might comfort me. 2 “Behold, Yahuah is my salvation (this statement is literally naming the covenant of Yahusha by name. Yahusha is a contraction of Yahuah Yahsha and means “Yahuah is my salvation”. So we can replace that longer from with the contraction and we get … Behold Yahusha! Pointing us directly to our Messiah); This ‘declaration’ that “Yahuah is my salvation” is the name given to Joseph and Mary to name their child for “Yahuah shall yasha (save) His (own) people from their sin” through a final Passover sacrifice. That final Passover Sacrifice would be THE purpose of the Messiah in that way Yahusha represents “the salvation of Yahuah”. Joseph and Mary’s son would be that Messiah they were to name this son “YahuahYasha” or “Yahusha” in short because he was prophesied to “come in the name of Yahuah”.

        ,eman sihT(עשוהי), was transliterated into English in the Book of ‘Joshua’ as “Joshua”. Joshua the son of Nun succeeded Moses and “led the children of Israel into the promised land” a messianic foreshadowing of the coming Messiah in deed and in name. Yahusha would lead the “children of Yahuah” out of slavery to sin and into the Promised Land of eternal life. The son of num’s name was actually Yahusha not Joshua. We also see the Messiah named by name in Zachariah Chapter 3 as Yahusha was consecrated High Priest directly by Yahusha.

        Why then, did the scribes “transliterate” (transliterate means not a literal translation) the name of the Messiah in the NT not keeping true to the English translation “Joshua” like they did in the OT? They instead, and intentionally, mis- eman eht detalsnart(עשוהי) into “Jesus” in the New Testament which isn’t even a name in Hebrew and in no way at all implies or has the name Yahuah in it! “Jesus” fails a MAJOR test by failing to fulfill the prophecy that he would come in Yahuah’s name. So in name only, “Jesus” is a false messiah. But it gets much worse.

        The translators obviously know the English transliteration was Joshua not Jesus, they had transcribed it semi-correctly in the socalled “Old” Hebrew scriptures. They also are well aware the Messiah was a Jewish Rabbi with a Jewish name not a Greek name with Greek conventions that give glory to a Greek “god”. What is most important about the name of the Messiah is that the “intent” of the name remains intact as we go from Paleo Hebrew to Modern Hebrew to any other language and in our case especially English.

        Intent of the name

        It is interesting to note that while the Messiah’s name gives glory to Yahuah as our savior, Yahuah’s name points us to His chosen proxy:

        So we see the original pictograph of The Creator’s name as well as the message written in the stars foretells of the coming of and sacrifice of Yahusha the Messiah. The “intent” of what the name “means” should remain in any language not just a literal attempt at translating each letter into a letter in another language. That was the very reason the Messiah was named Yahusha to begin with, because that name embodies the intent of Yahuah to save ‘yasha’ His people. It was this way of translating the name of the Messiah that is in error, translating each letter and ignoring the intent of the name, that Satan was able to manipulate humanity as we will soon see.

        It was, after all, the “intent” behind why the Messiah was named that was important and this is found in both the Prophets and when the Angel brought the “meaning of the name” in Hebrew to Joseph and Mary. We should be obedient to this intent in any language and then look to Hebrew for the meaning of the name of the Messiah not derive the name of our Messiah by Greek and Latin transliterations. That “intent” of the Messiah’s name was to make a very clear statement… “Yahuah is our savior”. This truth is well established in His Word. the Messiah himself never intended to take glory away from Yahuah. Yahusha instructed us to pray to Yahuah and give Glory to His Holy Name:

        Matthew 6:9
        9 “ Pray, then, in this way:‘Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name ( Yahuah).
        He did not instruct us to pray his own name, but the name of Yahuah! Funny how Christians completely disobey that command by the Messiah and pray in “the name Jesus” isn’t it? After all, “Jesus” is the image of a man elevated in their heats above God which is an abomination to Yahuah as we will see in this book.
        The problem is that the translators literally removed the name of Yahuah from The Bible based on some human Jewish tradition that the name was too holy to look at or to pronounce. The name Yahuah was in the Word of Yahuah (it is His Word after all) over
        8,000 times and taken out and replaced with “The LORD” or “LORD God” in violation of Yahuah’s command not to add to or subtract from His Word.

        The effect of replacing the name Yahuah with titles

        We have sufficient proof showing that the Name of Yahuah has been completely erased from the Holy Scriptures and from common knowledge and use altogether, because of the man-made traditions of our forefathers and Jewish rabbis. The Century Bible, Volume 1, pages 90-91, tells us the following.
        Some time after the return from the Captivity, and before the beginning of the Christian Era, the Yahdaim (Jews) came to believe (tradition) that the Holy Name Yahuah was too sacred to be uttered on ordinary occasions. It was said (tradition) to be pronounced by the High Priest on the Day of Atonement. At other times, when any one read or quoted aloud from what is called the Old Testament, the titles “Adonay”, “Lord,” and “God” was usually substituted for Yahuah (by tradition), and similarly the LXX (Septuagint Version) has Kurios, the Vulgate dominus, and the e.v. lord, where the Hebrew has Yahuah. Hebrew was originally written without vowels, but when the “vowel points” were added, the vowels of “Adonay” or “Elohim” were written (according to tradition adding titles instead of The Name) with Yahuah, as a direction that these words were to be read instead of the word whose consonants were (the name given to Moses in Paleo Hebrew) pronounced Yahuah; thus we find the combinations YeHoWaH and YeHoWiH. At the Reformation, the former being the more usual, was sometimes used as the Name of the (Mighty One) of Israyl, and owing to ignorance of its history was misread as “Jehovah,” a form which has established itself in English, but does not give the pronunciation of the Holy Name it represents.
        What is stated above is that The LORD, LORD God, and Adonay are titles not His name and that Jehovah is not His name either. And many today claim Yahuah’s name is Jehovah, Yehowah or Hehowih which came from using vowel points incorrectly taken from the word Elohim (god)… yEhOwIh the “e”, “o”, and “i” being the vowel points in ElOhIm. These mistranslations are meant to be which is properly pronounced “Yahuah” with vowels added to illustrate the proper pronunciation. the Messiah Yahusha made his feelings about the use of “tradition” as justification for changing the original Words of Yahuah clear:

        Mark 7:13
        13 Thus you nullify the word of Yahuah by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

        The Creator’s Name ( Yahuah) was never intended to be hidden or unspoken; rather it was always intended to be written and to be glorified in speech, song and worship.

        John 12:28
        Father, glorify your name ( Yahuah)!” Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.”

        Psalm 69:30
        Then I will praise Yahuah’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving.

        What does The Bible say that God’s “name” is?

        Jeremiah 33:2
        This is what Yahuah says Who made the earth, Yahuah Who formed it to establish it— Yahuah is His Name.

        Exodus 3:15
        Yahuah also said to Moses: This also shall you say to the children of Israel; Yahuah, the Heavenly Father of your fathers, the Mighty One of Abraham, the Mighty One of Isaac, and the Mighty One of Jacob, has sent me to you.
        This is MY NAME forever, and this is MY MEMORIAL: the Name by which I am to be remembered by, from generation to generation, for all generations.

        Isaiah 42:8
        I am Yahuah, that is MY NAME; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images.

        Psalm 68:4
        Sing to Yahuah; sing praises to His Name! Extol our Father Who rides the clouds by His Name— Yahuah, and rejoice in front of Him!

        The true Messiah, Yahusha, was prophesied to “come in the name of Yahuah” and Yahusha clearly acknowledged this fact.

        Psalms 118
        26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahuah.

        • Yah is a contraction genius, “Y’ah”. It is a contraction for YehovAH. And the name of the Messiah is “Yeshuah”, which means, “Yehovah saves”. Learn.

  • Christian,
    The only way you know that the Rapture will take place in 2026 is because God Almighty told you.

    I confirm that you really have heard from God and that what you are telling the people is true.

    How do I know that?

    Because I too am announcing the Coming of Jesus at the Rapture on Tabernacles 9-26-2026.

    The Father revealed to me that we have six more full blood red moons or total eclipses coming once again on Passover and then on Tabernacles. They will take place on Passover 2024 and six months later on Tabernacles. This celestial event repeats in 2025.

    2026 is the year we have been waiting for ever since Jesus was baptized by John in the River Jordan.
    Got to love that number 26. Did you know that in Strong’s it means Agape love?
    So on the day Jesus appears at the Rapture He will show the greatest love there is by taking us home to be with Him forever.
    As you know all too well we are in count down mode to the very day Jesus will appear at the Rapture.
    In 2026 we will have a full moon on Passover and the one we have all been waiting for over 3,500 years
    will be a full blood red supper moon on September 26th, 2026.

    I just posted my 6th YouTube video announcing Jesus’s appearing at the Rapture in 2026.
    My video’s doesn’t have special effects or fancy charts, it’s just me sharing what the Lord tells me in a one shot video.
    As you probably have figured out by now once you get the date of the Rapture you get the dates for many other events that will take place during the Tribulation.
    I have 6 video’s so far that are filled with revelation knowledge with no end in sight.

    Q-And how did I find you?

    A-The Lord moved in me to search for someone else who has been told what I have been told.

    Check out my very unprofessional video’s but the content is truly amazing because our God is AMAZING!
    YouTube Channel: UPPER ROOM RELOADED
    Hope to connect with you soon.

    • I am glad you agree that the rapture will be in 2026, but it will not be in Sukkot, but in Yom Kippur 5 days prior. In Sukkot the 7 bowls of Revelation will be poured on the earth, and we will be gathered 5 days prior in the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) to be delivered from the plagues that are poured in the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). My bible studies lay out the order of events of the second coming of the Mashiach in relation to all the appointed times of the Torah of the autumn.

  • Hi Christian,

    Thanks for all the work you put into researching and developing this timeline. I have one question. Although the Jews believe they need to construct a third temple, why would we, as we are the temple of Yah, and He dwells within us? And are we not to present ourselves as living sacrifices? And did not Yeshua make one final sacrifice for sin? If so, why would we need to offer animal sacrifices again during the millennium? I believe that we misunderstand scripture in Ezekiel when we say that there will be a new physical temple with physical sacrifices. Your thoughts?

    • Hi Stephen, we do not need to offer sacrifices and offerings under the current covenant we are in, but the millennial generations under the millennial covenant will indeed be required to give sacrifices and offerings. In part this will be so because all the contributions made to the temple were given to the Levites, in order that they may have the best of the land and have enjoyment. And just as they had the best of the land and enjoyment, so it will be with us as we rule the earth for 1,000 years, which is why not only will we be kings, but also priests.

      • Very interesting and you have provoked me (in a good way) to do further research on this. I had always assumed that we would teach them the law of Christ, which would cover all the OT law and that the sacrifices would be done away with. I will carefully consider your words, and pray and meditate on this. Either way, I am thankful for the research you have done, especially the explanations you provided for the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days of Daniel.


        • Hi Stephen, I am glad my words have provoked you to do further research, which aren’t really my words, but the words of God, because the word of God clearly states there will be sacrifices in the millennial temple of Ezekiel. So rather than reject this plain truth because of our own lack of understanding, it is important that we simply believe that this will be so, and then understand why. Let me know if you have any further questions regarding anything.

  • Hello. I just found your website. I have been studying this matter for several years. Do you believe in a pretribulational rapture? If so would you place the rapture in early 2026?
    Kind regards
    Nick Cook

    • Hello again. Apologies, didn’t see the previous answers to questions. Please delete my question regarding the rapture. Thanks
      Keep up the good work

    • The rapture will happen in the Day of Atonement in Tishri 10 of 2026, 17 and 1/2 days after the descension of Yeshuah at his second coming. Which will be 5 days prior to the 7 bowls of wrath that will be poured out for 7 days beginning in the Feast of Tabernacles in Tishri 15. The 7 plagues that happen after the second coming are the “great tribulation”, for it will leave the world in agony with boils for up to 5 months, and every city on the earth will be left in rubble. So even though we are taken shortly after the second coming, we will be rescued from these 7 plagues. So in a way the rapture happens before the “great tribulation”, that is, the great tribulation of the 7 plagues of Revelation.

  • Sorry for my last email. We should all be open to any teaching including myself so I apologize in the Masters name.

    Just some research I did that you may have already done that was a stumbling block for me. The 26 AD date seemed way too early with regards to Luke statement about John the Baptist starting his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius in chapter 3 of Luke’s gospel placing the Masters anointing at 29 AD based upon when Tiberius became Emperor.

    However, new research regarding Tertulian, a Roman historian, place Tiberius in full authority of all Roman armies in 11 AD when Augustus designated Tiberius to be his successor. Coins found as early as 12 AD show both faces of Augustus and Tiberius as coequals. So if Luke referred back to 11 AD instead of 14 AD when Augustus died, it brings into alignment the date of 26 AD as the year of anointing both regarding Luke’s testimony and Roman historical records.

    Just thought I would share and please don’t take my word for it as I am not a historian but it may just confirm in the historical records all of the work you did in your spreadsheets regarding 26 AD. Shalom.

    • Shalom John. I am glad your own research has confirmed that Yeshuah was truly anointed in 26 AD. 26 AD is a very important year, because it is also the year 4000 YB, a Yovel year, which is always a multiple of 50 in YB years.

  • Good morning. As a follow up, I keep on researching the date of Tiberius and his 15th year and many historians and websites continue to make it out to be possibly 26 AD. This could also be based upon coins minted in Jerusalem during those times, if correct, the 15th year on minted coins would be 26 AD. A timeline is provided on this link with other historical dates of the reign of Tiberius starting in 12 AD. Timelines provided in this link.


    • Shalom John. Thank you for the information. May God bless you in the name of our Master Yeshuah HaMashiach.

  • Shalom Christian, thank you for responding to my research. Assuming the use of minted coinage that the 15th year of Caesar Tiberius according to the Gospel of Luke depicts the year of our Masters anointing at 26 AD and not what is commonly assumed was 29 AD, the writer of Luke would simply be applying common knowledge at the time based upon the coinage that Tiberius’s 15th year was 26 AD. Simple but very logical to someone living during those times.

    I now have 2 more questions.

    First question, whether prophetic years or actual years, why not both? From the time of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem as depicted in Ezra 7 in 458 BC to 26 AD is 483 years as described in Daniels prophesy of 69 weeks of years.

    Second question, our Master began his ministry from anointing ended 3 1/2 years later at crucifixion as described being cut of in Daniel 9 prophesy. Is it possible that the 70th week of Daniels prophesy was fulfilled halfway, including the fulfilling of the first 4 Jewish feasts, and will recommence during the testimony of the 2 witnesses fulfilling the final 3 1/2 years of Daniels prophesy, including the last three feasts, during the final 7 years of Daniels 70th week? I know you prescribe to a final one year but that is yet another stumbling block for me.

    Regardless, I have always believed that the final trumpet has always been the 7th trumpet in Revelation. I have never prescribed to a rapture before a tribulation period as taught by most western churches today but not biblically substantiated. Perhaps when the two witnesses begin their ministry, everything will become clear to all who are given an understanding to witness to and strengthen many in faith before the end. Shalom.

    • John, what do you mean “why not both”? 483 literal years is 69 prophetic weeks. It is both, expressed differently. Do not be absurd and cut the 70th week of Daniel in half, and saying that the last portion has yet to be fulfilled sometime in the future. The 70 weeks of Daniel are consecutive weeks. The 70 weeks of Daniel have been entirely fulfilled already. Read my bible study regarding the 70 weeks of Daniel and understand. https://www.wisdomofgod.us/2019/01/21/why-the-70-weeks-of-daniel-were-fulfilled-entirely/ . And also, the “last trumpet” of Paul is not trumpet 7 that is blasted in Tishri 7, but the shofar yovel that is blown in Tishri 10 on the Day of Atonement.

      • Peace Christian. I will be the student here and will read further as you teach and recommend. What I find strange is that given a common sense and confirmation through even as simple as using coinage to also confirm 26 AD and not 29 AD being the correct date of anointing is beyond me.

        What I also find strange is how these same authorities cannot put together a similar detailed spreadsheet like you did to prove 26 AD is year 4000. 2023 AD should prove to be an amazing year!

        One final question and I’ll sign off until 2023, have you ever thought or written about the meaning of G_ds Love? May G_d bless and also especially strengthen you in the name of our Master Yeshuah HaMashiach. Shalom.

        • Few know the truths I have expressed in this website because “wide is the path to destruction and narrow is the path to life, and few find it”. May you continue to grow in knowledge and understanding through my website in the name of Yeshuah HaMashiach.

  • Was people the same color in the beginning ? When or where did different skin color happened ? Why do we have different skin. Color ? Why do black people have different hair than white people ?

    • Hi Pamela. When God created animals, he created according to kind. So there was one kind of horse, for example. And there was one kind of dog, in another example. And from those kinds, varieties emerged. Which is why we have many different varieties of dogs, yet they all descend from the one original dog kind in the beginning. So in likewise it is with humanity. There are many varieties that have emerged in humanity over thousands of years, but we all descend from the same kind, from Adam. Even Eve descends from Adam, for she was made from his rib.

  • Dear,

    Hi from the Netherlands.

    With great interest am I reading your timelines.
    I have a question. How do you know when de year sinds beginnen was that The decree of Artaxerxes was 458BC. When I am fact checking this on google, I get an other year, 15 year difference or so.

    • Hi there. The historians give different dates for the decree of Artaxerxes. By my date is correct, because the decree must have been issued 483 years prior to the anointing of Yeshua in the autumn of 26 AD, in accordance to the prophecy of 70 weeks of Daniel.

  • Is there any connection of this covid pandemic and vaccines to the events coming to take place? And what if all people are vaccinated? Ty.

    • This pandemic is merely a “birth pang”, for various pandemics have happened in the past also. Yet the true decline of the world will begin in 2 years in 2023 AD, when the two witnesses of Revelation finally appear. Although the world is indeed already declining.

  • Thank You Rabbi,
    Just in case 2026 does not transpire as you say GODS WORD states, if and when they do not, what do you have after the fact. Any backup?

    • I think the bigger concern would fall on you if what I say is true and you did not prepare, versus me prepare and nothing happens. I will be fine, yet you on the contrary will be dead.

  • Dear master Christian, please, I need more explanation about the exact periode in which Yeshua will descend from mount Zion to enter the new rebuilding temple of Jerusalem. When this will happened after the rapture and the destruction of the unsaved or before that ? How does it happen ?

    • Please just call me “brother” or Christian. Yeshua will descend first. Then is the rapture. Then is the judgment and condemnation. It all happens in a few months time.

  • In the Church in which I worshipped before discovering your important and precious writings, Pastors still teaching that at His second coming Yeshua will not touch the ground and He will totaly destroy the world and the earth after the rapture and let it desolate until 1000 years according these statements of the Mashiah (Matthews 24:37; Luc 17:28). What do you say about that ?

  • Here is what I comprehend these verses of the Revelation when study your writings: “If any man worship the Beast (Whoever follows the Papacy) and his image (and support democratic Republic through voting) and receive the mark in his forehead (and become slave or indebted of paper money and fiat currency) or his hand(or use paper money and fiat currency which give authority and power to buy and sell with it) the same shall drink the wine of the wrath of God……”

    Is that correct what I comprehend about the matter? If so how a Republic speak in the context of Revelation 13:15 and how the USA can cause that as many as would not worship the democratic Republic (image of the beast) should be killed? What is the meaning of worshipping the Republic which is the image of the beast?

    • Hi Joseph. Take a look for example at the wars the USA has fought in Afghanistan and Iraq to establish republics there, and then gave them independence to act and speak on their own behalf. The USA has been implicated in many government overthrows throughout the world to establish puppet democracies under its own authority. This is how the USA causes death to those who do not worship the image of the beast, and also how the USA gives the image of the beast breath to speak on its own behalf.

  • Hi master Christian ! MOST people in the world are calling the Messiah Iessous instead of Yeshua saying that Iessous is the other name of the Son of God given by Angel to Marry. What is bthe meaning of Iessous in Hebrews language ?

    • Iessous is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name “Yeshua”. The Greek pronunciation of Iessous is Yeshua in English.

  • Hi brother Christian ! In Matthews 24:30, Yeshua explained that just before his second coming, His sign will appear in the sky in sight of the people of the earth. What is that sign and how does it look like ?

    • His coming is the sign. He will be visibly seen in the sky by the world, along with all his armies of angels.

  • It is recorded that Yeshua will return on earth along with all the angels of God. It means that God the Father of Yeshua will remain alone in Heaven. So who will serve him in Heaven during the milleniale reign of His son on earth ?

    • Indeed the celestial city will remain alone, but only for 7 and 1/2 days. This is why there is silence in heaven for 1/2 prophetic hour when Yeshua opens the 7th seal, which happens after his return at the end of the 6th seal, because all angels will descend with Yeshua. However, the angels will not remain on the earth permanently, because the earth is not their home. After the 7 and 1/2 days it is likely that they will simply rotate shifts, as needed, and angels will end their shift and ascend to return home, and others will descend to provide security on the earth and help enforce the rulership of Yeshua on the earth.

  • Hi Christian. These statements of Yeshua himself in Matthiew 10:22-23 and Mathew 16:28 seem to contradict his second coming in 2026 as you said. Please more explanations for no disciple of Yeshua is still preaching in Jerusalem’s towns today.

    • Hi Joseph. Matthew 16:28 is not talking about the second coming of Yeshua. It is talking about the coming of the kingdom of God, which happened at the ascension of Yeshua when he sat at the right hand of God, and a kingdom was given to him. That is when Yeshua came into his kingdom. According to Daniel 2:44, “and in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed”. And also Daniel 7:13, “I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom”. And Mark 9:1 confirms this, which is the equivalent verse to Matthew 16:28, just with different expression, but same meaning, “and he said to them, truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power”. The kingdom of God did arrive at that time, and with power, but as a hidden kingdom found within the inner minds of those who believed, and with the power displayed by the apostles and those who received the anointing. That was the power God appointed to be displayed along with the coming of the hidden kingdom of God. And also Yeshua said in Like 17:20, “when asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Yeshua replied, the kingdom of God will not come with observable signs. Nor will they say, look, here it is, or there, for behold, the kingdom of God is within you”. But there will come a time, at the second coming of Yeshua, when the kingdom of God will indeed be visible on the earth. And the power of the kingdom of God displayed at that time will be far greater than it was in his first coming.

      • Ok, and what about Matthew 24 verse 34 ? Which is that generation Jesus is talkng about that will not pass until it sees his visible coming with power as describe in matthiews 24 ? Is it not the generation of the Jews at the time of Yes ? Same to Matthiews 10:23 in which Yeshua talk about his coming during his disciples’ gospel preaching in Jerusalem.

        • Hi Joseph, the scope of what would happen to that particular generation was not the second coming of Yeshua, but the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. As we see in a related verse in Matthew 23:36, “truly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it… see, your house is left to you desolate”. Which is the same scope of Matthew 24:15-20 and Luke 21:20-21, which relates to the destruction of Jerusalem, in relation to Matthew 24:34, which says the same, “truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened”. What are “all these things” that generation had to endure? The abomination of desolation setup by the Romans at the temple. And the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by the Romans. Then Matthew 24 goes on to mention other events that happen after that generation. Which would be the persecution of the people of God by the Romans, for 1,260 years. Then would be the second coming of Yeshua. The events mentioned in Matthew 24 are not in order. For example, the sun is darkened and the moon does not give its light after the second coming of Yeshua, not before, in accordance to the book of Revelation. Yeshua descends at the end of the 6th seal. Then at the 7th seal, at the 4th trumpet blast, the sun and moon are darkened. Unless you know the order of the events mentioned in the book of Revelation, the passage in Matthew 24 will confuse you.

  • Hi brother Christian! Please I still need more explanations about these statements of Yeshua concerning his second coming during the life of his disciples (Matthews 10:23; Matthews 16:27-28; Matthews 24:33-35). These verses seem to contradict what we already believe about his return 2000 years later after his annointing in 26 AD according to Hosea chapter 6.

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