The return of Yeshua is now approaching next year. Next year is the year 6,000 from creation, which is why the world is currently in decline. For almost a decade, everything I have warned would happen is coming to pass. Even many of those who previously mocked my warnings are already beginning to suffer from severe disease and high inflation, and their suffering will worsen in these coming months...
Shevat 25, 5998 YB / Shevat 25, 5785 AM / February 22, 2025 AD
God last night has given me a new revelation regarding the two witnesses of Revelation, based on the words of the prophet Haggai, which I have now understood. It was not possible for me to understand before, but now understanding has been granted to me. Although we are now in the time of the two witnesses of Revelation, they have not appeared to the world yet. I have been waiting for their...
Shevat 19, 5998 YB / Shevat 19, 5785 AM / February 16, 2025 AD
As I have said for many years, the nations of Europe are going to form into the United States of Europe, which will be given authority by 10 nations. 10 nations in Europe will become states in the new republic that will be called, "United States of Europe". Which will fulfill the words of the prophet Daniel, "and as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so the kingdom shall be...
Shevat 1, 5998 YB / Shevat 1, 5785 AM / January 29, 2025 AD
Donald Trump has now assumed authority in the United States of America, since January 20, 2025 AD. God has granted him authority, for two main purposes, to give the third temple construction the backing it will need from the world's greatest superpower, which is the USA, and to create the necessary political storm to help cause the nations in Europe to form into the United States of Europe. Only...
Tevet 15, 5998 YB / Tevet 15, 5785 AM / January 14, 2025 AD
In just 6 more days Donald Trump will assume authority in the USA. Through him the third temple will be built in Jerusalem. He is like King Cyrus. And the two witnesses of Revelation will work under his authority to build the third temple, just as Zerubbabel and Joshua the High Priest built the second temple under the authority of King Cyrus. The two witnesses will destroy the Dome of the Rock...
Tevet 14, 5998 YB / Tevet 14, 5785 AM / January 13, 2025 AD
The destruction of Los Angeles is coming also to the entire world. Do not think that you are safe because you are far from the fires of that city, in another city in the world. In just 1 more year from now, fire will rain down from the skies unto the earth, all over the world, at the first trumpet blast. The trees and plants and buildings of the entire world will be burned up. And then severe...
Tevet 12, 5998 YB / Tevet 12, 5785 AM / January 11, 2025 AD
The destruction in Los Angeles will also be the destruction of all cities in the world in a very short amount of time. God has sent Los Angeles a plague of fire because of the great evil that comes from that city that contaminates the entire world, in the form of movies and television. Celebrities are now weeping over their losses, yet this is just the beginning of sorrows and suffering for them...
Tevet 11, 5998 YB / Tevet 11, 5785 AM / January 10, 2025 AD
What many people do not understand is that the land of Israel is not just some random land that God chose for the people of Israel, but it is in fact the true location of the Garden of Eden. Before the flood of Noah the sea level of the earth was much lower. The flood of Noah was caused by the collapse of the ice firmament that surrounded the entire earth, which flooded the entire earth and...
Tevet 10, 5998 YB / Tevet 10, 5785 AM / January 9, 2025 AD
The world is now seeing extremes of much drought or much rain. Yet the anticipation is that the world will be overtaken by more severe drought in the coming months and next year. The severity of the drought will cause global food shortages and there will also be power outages. The droughts that are now happening in the world are also contributing to severe fires all over the world. California has...
Tevet 7, 5998 YB / Tevet 7, 5785 AM / January 6, 2025 AD
The days of Vatican City and Rome are coming to an end. The year 6,000 from creation is next year in 2026, and the destruction of Vatican City happens around 6 months before the return of Yeshua at the year 6,000. Rome is a cursed city, and will receive double punishment from God, first from the nations, then from God. The land of Rome will be split into three, by the earthquake that will befall...
Tevet 3, 5998 YB / Tevet 3, 5785 AM / January 2, 2025 AD
In just 18 more days Donald Trump will assume authority in the United States of America. We are now 1 year away from the year 6,000 from creation in the autumn of 2026 AD, which is when Yeshua will return. The two witnesses of Revelation have now been prophesying for 638 days, no doubt establishing their two assemblies in their two respective cities, and 622 days are now left for their 1,260 days...
Tevet 2, 5998 YB / Tevet 2, 5785 AM / January 1, 2025 AD
We are now in the year 2025 AD. 1 year is now left until the return of Yeshua in 2026 AD, in the autumn, which is the year 6,000 from creation, which will also be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. The return of Yeshua will be next year. This year and next year will be the two worst years in the history of all humanity. I have waited a long time for these times, and now...
Kislev 12, 5998 YB / December 12, 5785 AM / December 12, 2024 AD
Droughts are intensifying all over the world, as I have warned for many years would happen. The reservoirs in Colombia are already at almost half their capacity, and are continuing to dry up quickly. Very soon water will be rationed and there will be electrical outages and there will be a water crisis, all over the world. I have prepared for these times, foreknowing the prophecies regarding...
Kislev 11, 5998 YB / December 11, 5785 AM / December 11, 2024 AD
The words of the prophet Isaiah are coming into fulfillment in this final hour regarding Syria and Damascus. The government of Syria has now fallen, to begin fulfilling what was written long ago, "the sovereignty from Damascus will disappear". Isaiah 17:3. Whatever remnant that tries to take authority there will not succeed, but will be utterly crushed in these next 2 years, and Damascus will be...
Kislev 2, 5998 YB / December 2, 5785 AM / December 2, 2024 AD
2024 is nearly over. And 2025 is about to begin. And just 1 year will be left for the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026 AD. Donald Trump will asume authority in January, and from there on the world is going to decline severely. The Dome of the Rock will be destroyed. The third temple will be constructed in Jerusalem. The United States of Europe will be established by 10 nations in Europe...
Chesvan 24, 5998 YB / Chesvan 24, 5785 AM / November 24, 2024 AD
Anyone who rejects that Yeshua pre-existed since day 1 of creation as the firstborn of creation and that he was alive and lived in the heavenly city before he was conceived inside a virgin by the power of the ruach haqodesh is an unbeliever and will be treated as an unbeliever at the return of Yeshua. God appointed the first coming of Yeshua to be this way precisely, to truly set apart those who...
Chesvan 6, 5998 YB / Chesvan 6, 5785 AM / November 6, 2024 AD
Donald Trump has won the presidential elections in the USA. In a few weeks from now on January 20th in the Roman year of 2025 AD will be his inauguration and he will begin to govern. His victory was expected and necessary to happen because just as King Cyrus gave the second temple construction the backing from the most powerful nation of that time, which was Persia, so in likewise manner the...
Chesvan 4, 5998 YB / Chesvan 4, 5785 AM / November 4, 2024 AD
Tomorrow is the presidential elections in the USA. Although I do not know, and although I will not vote, I do expect Donald Trump to win, because he is one of the last moving chess pieces that needs to be moved into authority to help bring forth the fulfillment of the third temple in Jerusalem and also the formation of the United States of Europe in Europe. We are in the final 2 years until the...
Tishri 21, 5998 YB / Tishri 21, 5785 AM / October 22, 2024 AD
The only poor man is the one that does not have God and his Torah, yet he who knows the Torah of Moses and keeps it is rich, even if he has nothing.
Tishri 18, 5998 YB / Tishri 18, 5785 AM / October 19, 2024 AD
In just a little over 2 weeks it will be the elections in the USA. Although I do not know, it is my expectation that Donald Trump will win the second term presidency. We are in the final 2 years before the return of Yeshua, and three prophecies must come into fulfillment in these next 2 years, which are the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, the construction of the third temple, and the...
Tishri 14, 5998 YB / Tishri 14, 5785 AM / October 15, 2024 AD
Anytime now the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is going to be destroyed, to pave the way for the construction of the third temple, in preparation for the return of Yeshua in 2 years from now. The world will be in horror and shock when this happens. The Muslim nations will be in fury, and will eventually invade Israel and Jerusalem. Many who heard my message and warnings will remember my words with...
Tishri 10, 5998 YB / Tishri 10, 5785 AM / October 11, 2024 AD
Today is Yom Kippur. Today we are now in the year 5,998 from creation. 2 years are now left until the return of Yeshua. In precisely 2 years from now all of us who believed and prepared beforehand will be picked up by cherubim and will be taken to the land of Israel, to dwell safely in Mount Zion. And 5 days later the rest of all humanity will be struck with plagues for 7 days. All humanity will...
Tishri 5, 5997 YB / Tishri 5, 5785 AM / October 6, 2024 AD
In just a few days it will be the year 5,998 from creation in Tishri 10, in Yom Kippur. The Jews are behind 213 years in their count of years from creation, and the year 5785 AM is erroneous, just as the Roman year 2024 AD is also erroneous and does not represent the true birth year of Yeshua. Yeshua was born truly in 5 BC, and Herod died in 4 BC, and Yeshua was anointed in 26 AD when he was 30...
Elul 27, 5997 YB / Elul 27, 5784 AM / September 29, 2024 AD
In just 2 more years Yeshua will descend onto the earth, with 400 million angels, in the days of the new moon of Elul. In 2026 AD it will be the year 6,000 from creation. All humanity will be punished for not obeying the commands of the Torah of Moses. Even most believers will also be punished, because they stupidly thought they did not have to obey the Torah. They will wail for mercy, and no...
Elul 21, 5997 YB / Elul 21, 5784 AM / September 23, 2024 AD
Every person that does not obey the commands of the Torah of Moses deserves to die. In just 2 more years in the year 6,000 in 2026 AD Yeshua will descend unto the earth with 400 million angels. And whoever did not believe in him and did not obey the commands of the Torah will be put to death over lava, to be destroyed body and soul, without mercy. Whoever is intelligent and desires to preserve...
Elul 17, 5997 YB / Elul 17, 5784 AM / September 19, 2024 AD
In just 2 more years the sun is going to burn all humanity with fire, for 1 day, in the year 6,000 in 2026 AD. As it is written, "the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch humanity with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God." Revelation 16:8. Humanity will curse God because of this severe plague, and they will have...
Elul 14, 5997 YB / Elul 14, 5784 AM / September 16, 2024 AD
In just around 30 more days it will be the year 5,998 from creation in Tishri 10, with just 2 more years left until the year 6,000 from creation, in Tishri 10 in 2026 AD. Many thousands of people have had the privilege of hearing my message over the years, but most have trampled my pearls like pigs, unable to value the truth. Now the time is finally coming to render retribution to all them who...
Elul 10, 5997 YB / Elul 10, 5784 AM / September 12, 2024 AD
Everyone is at fault for their own impoverishment as a result of inflation. Everyone is at fault that food prices and rents have doubled here in Colombia. Everyone is at fault that most are indebted in the USA. Everyone is at fault for the hyperinflation in Venezuela. Because everyone has accepted paper money and fiat currency. It is the mutual consent of everyone that accepts it as money that...
Elul 8, 5997 YB / Elul 8, 5784 AM / September 10, 2024 AD
The true antichrist is not one individual person, but a succession of Roman authority occupied by one person, which is the highest authority in Rome, which were formerly emperors, and now they are called popes. Each one after the other has been the antichrist in their respective time, under different titles and names, first starting with Titus and then ending now with Pope Francis, the final...
Elul 3, 5997 YB / Elul 3, 5784 AM / September 5, 2024 AD
The true antichrist is not one individual person, but a succession of Roman authority occupied by one person, which is the highest authority in Rome, which were formerly emperors, and now they are called popes. Each one after the other has been the antichrist in their respective time, under different titles and names, first starting with Titus and then ending now with Pope Francis, the final...
Elul 2, 5997 YB / Elul 2, 5784 AM / September 4, 2024 AD
The expectation of God is perfection, and to be ready to suffer and die for the sake of obedience. Whoever does not meet this expectation will not inherit the kingdom of God. Many are called, but few are chosen. Only 144,000 people from all the billions of people that have existed on the earth will inherit the kingdom of Yeshua.
Elul 1, 5997 YB / Elul 1, 5784 AM / September 3, 2024 AD
Paper money and fiat currency is the true mark of the beast of Revelation. Whoever has accepted this form of money already has the mark of the beast and is already condemned and is already under a curse. The only way to lift the curse and condemnation of the mark of the beast is to give up and renounce fiat currency once and for all. In these next 2 years the global financial system is going to...
Av 30, 5997 YB / Av 30, 5784 AM / September 2, 2024 AD
6,000 years have been appointed for humanity to do whatever they want, and to voluntarily obey the commands of God in the Torah of Moses, with mercy and forgiveness from God. All prior sins will be forgiven once someone begins to walk perfectly before God. But in the year 6,000 from creation, which is in 2 years from now in 2026 AD, that time will be completed, and whoever did not voluntarily...
Av 19, 5997 YB / Av 19, 5784 AM / August 22, 2024 AD
In just 2 more years Yeshua will descend unto the earth with 400 million angels, in the the year 6,000 from creation, in 2026 AD, which is precisely 2,000 years since his anointing in 26 AD, which was the year 4,000 from creation. And at the sound of 7 trumpets for 7 days he will begin to rule the earth, for 1,000 years. The trumpet blasts are the grand inauguration of his rulership, which will...
Av 17, 5997 YB / Av 17, 5784 AM / August 20, 2024 AD
Vatican City is going to be destroyed. Around 18 more months are left from now until she is destroyed. She will first be exposed for what she has done, then she will be ransacked, then she will be utterly destroyed, by the 10 nations that will form into the United States of Europe. She will be destroyed in the spring of 2026 AD, around 6 months prior to the year 6,000 in the autumn of 2026 AD...
Av 11, 5997 YB / Av 11, 5784 AM / August 14, 2024 AD
2 years are now left until the end of the world as we know it, because the year 6,000 is approaching in the autumn of 2026 AD. The year 4,000 from creation was in 26 AD when Yeshua was anointed, which was Yovel year 80. And he died in 30 AD in the spring. And 2,000 years from the year of his anointing in 26 AD in the year 4,000 from creation is the year of his return in 2026 AD in the year 6,000...
Av 9, 5997 YB / Av 9, 5784 AM / August 12, 2024 AD
The global economy is collapsing, and in these next 2 years all fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. Already people all over the world are losing their jobs, and they are also unable to find new jobs. They are just sitting at home, desperately trying to find a new job, and hoping for the best outcome for them, yet they unaware that everything is going to become far worse. The job...
Av 5, 5997 YB / Av 5, 5784 AM / August 8, 2024 AD
In these next 2 years all fiat currencies in the world are going to enter a state of hyperinflation. Even the US Dollar will enter a state of hyperinflation, which has never happen before. Many Americans and people around the world will be shocked when this happens to them. Prices will double and triple and rise quickly in a matter of days and weeks, and their savings and incomes will quickly...
Av 3, 5997 YB / Av 3, 5784 AM / August 6, 2024 AD
While the global economy is now collapsing, leading up to the global hyperinflation that will happen in 2 years from now, new waves of covid are circulating around the world. All humanity is getting sick over and over again. All around me people are sick, and many have died from covid over the past few years. And as people are getting weaker from being sick over and over again, humanity is...
Av 2, 5997 YB / Av 2, 5784 AM / August 5, 2024 AD
The global economy is cracking and crashing, slowly. Many people do not understand that when an economic crash happens, it is usually preceded by several years of cracks and bad signs in the financial system that many people ignore trying to be optimistic, then it quickly collapses to the surprise of most people, even though the signs were already there. Over the past months and years we have now...
Av 1, 5997 YB / Av 1, 5784 AM / August 4, 2024 AD
Today is the 1st day of the new moon of Av en in the Jewish calendar. 2 new moons are left until the year 5,998 from creation begins, on the 10th day of the new moon of Tishri in this current Roman year of 2024 AD. 2 years are now left until the return of Yeshua in the year 6,000 from creation in 2026 AD. In 2 years from now in the Roman year of 2026 in the spring Vatican City is going to be...
Tammuz 29, 5997 YB / Tammuz 29, 5784 AM / August 3, 2024 AD
Everything I have predicted based on the scriptures and the prophetic 6,000 year timeline is coming to pass, and some have even reached out to me very worried about what they are seeing happening in the world right now. This global crisis is going to become far worse in these next 2 years as we approach the year 6,000 in 2026 AD. Many people will remember my warnings and how they refused to...
Tammuz 25, 5997 YB / Tammuz 25, 5784 AM / July 31, 2024 AD
The job market is collapsing all over the world. People are losing their jobs because companies can no longer afford to employ workers because they are losing much money from high inflation. In the USA mass layoffs of workers have been happening over the past months and over the past year and a half, and this is also happening all over the world. And people are no longer able to find work in the...
Tammuz 24, 5997 YB / Tammuz 24, 5784 AM / July 30, 2024 AD
Listen up all you people of Venezuela, wailing and angry that Maduro will continue to rule over all of you. All authority is appointed by God, whether good or evil, and serves a purpose for the plan of God. Although Maduro is indeed an evil ruler, the greater problem is not him, but it is you, the people, because you have accepted fiat currency as money. This is the root cause of what has...
Tammuz 22, 5997 YB / Tammuz 22, 5784 AM / July 28, 2024 AD
Listen up you people of Venezuela and all of you around the world preparing to cast your vote of approval for one presidential candidate or another, every person that votes for any leader that does not govern according to all the commands of the Torah will be thrown over lava like garbage in 2 years from now at the return of Yeshua. This is what it means to "worship the image of the beast" in the...
Tammuz 18, 5997 YB / Tammuz 18, 5784 AM / July 23, 2024 AD
Several decades ago during World War 2 Vatican City was bombed twice. But she was not destroyed, because her time had not yet come. In these next 2 years, as we approach the year 6,000 from creation in 2026 AD, Vatican City will again be attacked, and this time she will be destroyed, to fulfill what is written about her in the book of Revelation. She is the true prostitute of Babylon of...
Tammuz 12, 5997 YB / Tammuz 12, 5784 AM / July 17, 2024 AD
Listen up all of you using fiat currency to buy and sell. The longer you hold on to your money, the more you will lose, because of inflation, and soon because of hyperinflation. The value of your money will vanish like vapor in these next 2 years. Your savings and incomes and pensions will vanish like vapor. The governments and banks of the world have defrauded us and all humanity by giving us a...
Tammuz 8, 5997 YB / Tammuz 8, 5784 AM / July 13, 2024 AD
Donald Trump was just shot, but the bullet merely injured his ear and did not kill him. There are forces that are against Trump, trying to suppress him politically and legally, and even trying to take his life, but none have succeeded, because as I have said in the past, I do think Trump still has a major role to play in the world in these final 2 years by the will of God. And he will probably be...
Tammuz 8, 5997 YB / Tammuz 8, 5784 AM / July 13, 2024 AD
The global economy is already collapsing, even Forbes is reporting that hyperinflation is possible in the USA, which is what I have been saying will happen all over the world even in countries like the USA. The pensions and salaries and savings of everyone will vanish like vapor because of hyperinflation, all over the world. Most people are dumb, and do not realize that paper money and fiat...
Sivan 29, 5997 YB / Sivan 29, 5784 AM / July 4, 2024 AD
Even though most of all humanity has been deceived by lies regarding the age of the earth, and many have come to believe a lie that the earth is billions of years old and that we descend from animals, I have studied the scriptures thoroughly, to derive the truth that we were created by God, precisely 5,997 years ago, in the Roman year of 3974 BC. Right now in the Roman month of July in 2024 AD we...
Sivan 24, 5997 YB / Sivan 24, 5784 AM / June 29, 2024 AD
Just as the prophets and apostles of old were hated and persecuted and killed for speaking against the ideologies and actions of the world, so in likewise it is today. Many people hate me because I tell them they must obey the Torah of Moses, because they hate that law and do not want to obey it. Many people hate me because I tell them that fiat currency is evil and impoverishes the world through...
Sivan 23, 5997 YB / Sivan 23, 5784 AM / June 28, 2024 AD
The first USA presidential debate happened last night. And Biden was not entirely lucid because of old age. This puts him in a weaker position, which I think will help give Trump the presidential victory in a few months, who appears to be in a stronger position. Neither candidate is good because neither one has ruled nor has the intention to rule according to the mitzvot of the Torah of Moses. So...
Sivan 16, 5997 YB / Sivan 16, 5784 AM / June 21, 2024 AD
The world is now suffering from much less rain. This is drought. Although there is still some rain happening throughout the world, the lakes and rivers of the world are still drying up and are not fully recovering to the levels they were in prior times. This current global drought is making the world go back 3 steps, but then a little rain makes it go forward 1 step. And so people do not notice...
Sivan 15, 5997 YB / Sivan 15, 5784 AM / June 20, 2024 AD
Listen up all you people of Gaza, you will all be overtaken with death by famine, then death by seraphim. The words of the prophet Isaiah are against you. As is written, "rejoice not, O Philistia, all of you, that the rod that struck you is broken, for from the root of the serpent will come forth a viper, and its fruit will be a flying seraph. I will kill your root with famine, and your remnant...
Sivan 14, 5997 YB / Sivan 14, 5784 AM / June 19, 2024 AD
Paper money and fiat currency is the root cause of what impoverishes all humanity. It is a debasement of money, and its value is merely an illusion. Through it the central banks and governments of the world cause devaluation of money, to then cause inflation of prices, to then cause debt. Slowly all humanity becomes poorer day by day, and the banks become owners of everything, through debt. This...
Sivan 13, 5997 YB / Sivan 13, 5784 AM / June 18, 2024 AD
All central banks of the world trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome. This is why Vatican City is the true prostitute of Babylon of Revelation, ruling over all cities of the world through central banks and fiat currency. And the Roman popes are the true antichrist foretold in the scriptures, who was prophesied to come in the context of the Roman kingdom. The Roman...
Sivan 5, 5997 YB / Sivan 5, 5784 AM / June 10, 2024 AD
This last week I was in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. From talking to people, many people were complaining about high prices for everything and can no longer afford the basics. Many people have also lost their jobs and even their homes. Remember that for many years I have warned you about the coming global hyperinflation and global financial collapse. It is gradually beginning to happen, until...
Iyar 28, 5997 YB / Iyar 28, 5784 AM / June 4, 2024 AD
In just 21 more months from now all fiat currencies in the world will enter a state of hyperinflation. People will be shocked at how quickly the world they know now will change, and many will remember my warnings, and how they chose to ignore them. There will be bank runs. ATM machines will not be able to dispense money. Banks will close. Paper money will be thrown on the streets like garbage...
Iyar 27, 5997 YB / Iyar 27, 5784 AM / June 3, 2024 AD
Paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation. Whoever has accepted this money is cursed, and will be destroyed over lava at the return of Yeshua in 2 years from now. These are false weights, and their value is merely an illusion, and they impoverish the world through debasement and devaluation and inflation and debt. Whereas the true money of God is gold and silver...
Iyar 24, 5997 YB / Iyar 24, 5784 AM / May 31, 2024 AD
There are now only 826 days left until the return of Yeshua, which will be in Elul 22 in the Jewish calendar, in 2026 AD, which is the year 6,000 from creation. He will descend unto the earth 7 and 1/2 days prior to the first trumpet blast in Tishri 1, with 400 million angels. His angels will blast 7 trumpets, for 7 days, that will be heard all around the world, from Tishri 1 to Tishri 7. They...
Iyar 22, 5997 YB / Iyar 22, 5784 AM / May 29, 2024 AD
In Colombia a major health insurer Sura is now cancelling health insurance for the entire nation, because of the financial crisis. This is a sign of the imminent healthcare collapse that is coming to this nation, and also the world, as a result of the global financial collapse. Even essential medicines are now becoming scarce in Colombia, and throughout the world. Remember that I advised you...
Iyar 21, 5997 YB / Iyar 21, 5784 AM / May 28, 2024 AD
The commands written in the Torah of Moses came from the mouth of God on Mount Sinai, which Moses heard and wrote in a book that today we call the Torah of Moses. It is the most sacred text in the world, because there is no other text in existence that directly came from the mouth of God. Some commands therein were even written from the finger of God, which today we know as the the ten...
Iyar 20, 5997 YB / Iyar 20, 5784 AM / May 27, 2024 AD
The British government has now issued an alert telling all its citizens to stock up on food and water because of an imminent emergency that is coming. This is real, because all around the world many factors like droughts and extreme heat and inflation and pandemic and war are causing destruction of crops and severe disruptions to the global food supply chain, that will quickly bring fulfillment...
Iyar 19, 5997 YB / Iyar 19, 5784 AM / May 26, 2024 AD
In 2 years at the year 6,000 from creation the apostle Paul and the ancient men of God will rise from the dead, which will include Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, the prophet Isaiah, and many more. They will receive new immortal bodies. At the sound of the great shofar, in Yom Kippur, in 2026 AD, at the year 6,000, in Yovel 120, it will be the 1st resurrection of the dead. We who are alive at that...
Iyar 15, 5997 YB / Iyar 15, 5784 AM / May 22, 2024 AD
Anyone who has come to the belief in Yeshua and accepted obedience to the Torah of Moses may join our kehilah. A kehilah is a Jewish community. I am establishing a community of messianic believers here in Envigado, based from the house I have constructed, to serve this eventual purpose of establishing this community, as God has planted it in my mind to do so. Any protestant or catholic may join...
Iyar 13, 5997 YB / Iyar 13, 5784 AM / May 20, 2024 AD
In just 2 more years 10 nations in Europe will become states in a new federation that will be called the "United States of Europe", the USE. This is the 8th head of the 1st beast of Revelation, with its 10 horns. It is the final manifestation of the beast, which doesn't last long enough to be considered a head, which is why only 7 heads are counted on the beast, and by the time the 8th appears...
Iyar 12, 5997 YB / Iyar 12, 5784 AM / May 19, 2024 AD
The sun is beginning to scorch the world with tremendous heat. And in 2 years from now in the year 6,000 from creation in 2026 AD the sun will burn all humanity with fire, for 1 day, at the 4th plague of Revelation, in Tishri 18 in the Jewish calendar. This is why all over the world the nations are now recording the hottest temperatures ever seen in the history of all humanity. And the world is...
Iyar 11, 5997 YB / Iyar 11, 5784 AM / May 18, 2024 AD
The religion of Satan and the antichrist is catholicism. It is far worse than satanism, because it is much more covert and more deceptive and much more widespread throughout the entire world, and also the most murderous of all false religions of the earth. The atrocities and tortures committed by the catholics in the times of the inquisitions make the satanists look like innocent children, and...
Iyar 8, 5997 YB / Iyar 8, 5784 AM / May 15, 2024 AD
In 2 years the sun is going to burn all humanity with fire, for 1 day. It will be the hottest day in the history of all humanity. The heat from the sun will be so severe that people will curse God because of the plague. As it is written, "the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name...
Iyar 7, 5997 YB / Iyar 7, 5784 AM / May 14, 2024 AD
The year 6,000 is in 2 years from now, in 2026 AD, which is when the 7 plagues of Revelation will be unleashed against all humanity, for 7 days. Many people will try to commit suicide in order to not suffer from the plagues, but death will run away from them and they will not be able to die. At the 1st plague all humanity will be struck with boils that will cause extreme agony, and people will...
Iyar 2, 5997 YB / Iyar 2, 5784 AM / May 9, 2024 AD
In the current time it is not wise to get married. Marriage involves supporting a wife and children. Yet God expects us to renounce and get rid of all money, because paper money and fiat currency is evil according to the Torah. It is the mark of the beast of Revelation, because they are false weights. Therefore these two paths are almost complete opposites and conflict with each other, although...
Nisan 29, 5997 YB / Nisan 29, 5784 AM / May 6, 2024 AD
In the next 2 years all money in the world is going to enter a state of hyperinflation. Even in greater nations like the USA and in Europe. No nation will be spared from the coming global hyperinflation. The value of money will evaporate like vapor. Paper money will be thrown on the streets like garbage. People will not be able to get paper money from the banks, because the central banks will not...
Nisan 25, 5997 YB / Nisan 25, 5784 AM / May 2, 2024 AD
It never ceases to amaze me, but there are people walking around thinking the pandemic is over. They think that because they themselves are healthy that nothing is happening around them and that everything is normal right now. And they ignore all the people around them that are sick right now and that have died and are dying, from the pandemic. Everywhere around us people are falling sick...
Nisan 24, 5997 YB / Nisan 24, 5784 AM / May 1, 2024 AD
In 2 years time at the return of Yeshua Mount Zion is going to rise up around the mountains of Hebron, and will become the tallest mountain in the world, in the land of Israel. It will erupt with lava, which will flow to the south to Negev, and will burn Negev Forrest. And lava will also flow to the north to Jerusalem, and will form into a lake of lava in the Valley of Hinnom. All humanity will...
Nisan 23, 5997 YB / Nisan 23, 5784 AM / April 30, 2024 AD
Be prepared now with obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua. The year 6,000 from creation is upon us. Anyone who does not believe and is not in obedience to the mitzvot of the Torah of Moses will be thrown over lava like garbage in 2 years from now at the return of Yeshua. Anyone who has not renounced and gotten rid of all paper money and fiat currency will be condemned. In 2 years...
Nisan 22, 5997 YB / Nisan 22, 5784 AM / April 29, 2024 AD
Many are called, but few are chosen. Only 144,000 people will inherit the kingdom of God at the second coming of Yeshua. This represents a very small percentage of all humanity that currently exists and has existed in the past. In the world there are many believers in Yeshua, but few will be saved. Most have discarded the Torah. They will be condemned and thrown over lava like garbage at the...
Nisan 18, 5997 YB / Nisan 18, 5784 AM / April 25, 2024 AD
This last Tuesday night, in Nisan 16, we celebrated Pesach here at my house. The feast of Pesach is truly in Nisan 15, but the messianic group I was with wanted to celebrate it in Nisan 16 in accordance to the Karaite calendar they follow. This is not a real Pesach feast, which requires male to be circumcised and the feast must happen in Jerusalem, but it was a practice exercise for everyone to...
Nisan 16, 5997 YB / Nisan 16, 5784 AM / April 23, 2024 AD
Do not pursue money, because the value of money is going to vanish like vapor, in these next 2 years. All fiat currencies in the world are going to enter a state of hyperinflation. If you think your job and salary is going to sustain you in the coming global financial collapse, then you are stupid. Paper money is going to be thrown on the streets like garbage. And the global drought is going to...
Nisan 15, 5997 YB / Nisan 15, 5784 AM / April 22, 2024 AD
Today is Nisan 15. 1 year ago on this day in the Jewish calendar the two witnesses of Revelation were anointed, in the morning of Jerusalem time. I was home in my new constructed house in Envigado, in prayer anticipating who God will anoint as his two prophets. And 2 years ago on this date I was standing on the Mount of Olives outside the eastern wall of Jerusalem, praying for the mercy of God in...
Nisan 14, 5997 YB / Nisan 14, 5784 AM / April 21, 2024 AD
As I have said many times, the two witnesses of Revelation have now been anointed, because the final 3 and 1/2 years until the year 6,000 in 2026 AD began last year in Nisan 15 in 2023 AD. From Adam until the calling of Abraham 2,080 years passed. Then another 430 years passed until the exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt, so it was the year 2,510 from creation. Then another 40 years passed...
Nisan 13, 5997 YB / Nisan 13, 5784 AM / April 20, 2024 AD
In the north of the valley where I live they are now rationing water, in Barbosa. And in Bogota they are rationing water also. Droughts are being reports all over the world and it is getting worse day by day. And in Medellin the grass of the city is visibly drying up, because of the drought. I have never seen Medellin so dry. Yet God has still brought rain to my property here in the south in...
Nisan 12, 5997 YB / Nisan 12, 5784 AM / April 19, 2024 AD
Listen up all you people who have divorced and remarried and are now into your second and third and fourth marriages, or more. You are committing adultery, because in the eyes of God who you choose to marry is your companion until death. Even if you should divorce or separate for whatever reason even infidelity, you are bound to that person until one of you dies. You must remain single, or...
Nisan 10, 5997 YB / Nisan 10, 5784 AM / April 17, 2024 AD
Do not seek revenge. In these next 2 years with everything that is about to happen in the world sufficient wrath and revenge will be rendered unto everyone that has done you wrong, and it will be far worse than anything you can do against them. This is why I have forgiven all the contractors and providers and workers and people that have stolen from me and have broken their contracts with me and...
Nisan 8, 5997 YB / Nisan 8, 5784 AM / April 15, 2024 AD
The first two world wars were centered in Europe. But the next and second to last world war will be centered in Israel. In just 2 years from now there will be world war 3, in the land of Israel. All nations will come wage war in the land of Israel, and will war against Jerusalem. By that time the Dome of the Rock will have already been destroyed, and the third temple will have already been...
Nisan 7, 5997 YB / Nisan 7, 5784 AM / April 14, 2024 AD
Iran attacked Israel yesterday. Videos have emerged of missiles above Jerusalem and above the Dome of the Rock. The prophets have predicted that Russia and Iran will attack and invade Israel, and that is now beginning to happen. As it is written, “but on that day, the day that Gog shall come against the land of Israel, declares the Master God, I will show my wrath in my face". Ezekiel 38:18. And...
Nisan 6, 5997 YB / Nisan 6, 5784 AM / April 13, 2024 AD
In Colombia they are now warning about power outages throughout the nation, because the droughts are affecting the hydroelectric plants. The water is reaching levels that are too low to sustain hydroelectric plants, and eventually they have to be shut down, which will then causes power outages. Remember that I told you this would happen. Not only that a global drought is coming, but that...
Nisan 5, 5997 YB / Nisan 5, 5784 AM / April 12, 2024 AD
In Bogota they are now in severe drought, and reports are emerging that they only have 2 months of water left. And similar reports of droughts are emerging all over the world. Remember that I forewarned all of you that this would happen, constantly telling you, "a global drought is coming". But many of you did not listen, and some of you laughed. Now look and see before your very eyes that...
Nisan 3, 5997 YB / Nisan 3, 5784 AM / April 10, 2024 AD
We are now in the new moon of Nisan, in the year 5,997 from creation. 2 years ago I was standing in the Mount of Olives outside of the eastern wall of Jerusalem, looking at the Dome of the Rock, knowing that it was going to be destroyed soon, so that the third temple can be built. Anytime now this is going to happen. The two witnesses of Revelation have already been anointed since Nisan 15 of...
Adar 2 29, 5997 YB / Adar 2 29, 5784 AM / April 7, 2024 AD
Starting this coming Saturday, April 13, I am going to institute shabbath here in my property. I extend an invitation to anyone who believes in Yeshua and who has accepted the obligation to obey the Torah, to participate in shabbath with me in my home every Saturday. This invitation is not for anyone, but for those who already accept the Torah and believe in Yeshua. Anyone who shows interest in...
Adar 2 28, 5997 YB / Adar 2 28, 5784 AM / April 6, 2024 AD
The statue of liberty was struck by lightning. This is warning sign of what is to come to the United States, in the next 2 years, as we approach the year 6,000 in 2026 AD. The United States is going to be struck with severe drought, and food shortages, and hyperinflation, and severe epidemic. In all cities there will be hunger and utter chaos, and riots, and ransacking. Many people will become...
Adar 2 27, 5997 YB / Adar 2 27, 5784 AM / April 5, 2024 AD
In 2 years from now a global earthquake is going to cause all the cities of the world to collapse. This is why in the current time earthquakes are now being felt all over the world frequently, becase these are final signs leading up to the final plague of Revelation when the entire world will be struck with the most severe earthquake humanity has ever suffered, for 1 day. All cities in the world...
Adar 2 21, 5997 YB / Adar 2 21, 5784 AM / March 30, 2024 AD
The third temple is about to come. And the Dome of the Rock is going to be destroyed. I have predicted this will happen for many years now, and now it is about to happen before the eyes of the world. By the time everyone realizes that everything I have predicted is true, it will already be too late, because the entire world is going to collapse, before the return of Yeshua. Believe now, and make...
Adar 2 20, 5997 YB / Adar 2 20, 5784 AM / March 29, 2024 AD
As I have said before, diseases are going to become worse in these next 2 years as we approach the year 6,000 in 2026 AD. Not just covid, but other diseases, like cancers and other bacterial and viral and fungal and parasitic infections. Even young people will die from random strokes and heart attacks, and will get cancers. All humanity is going to become severely sick. And medicines are going to...
Adar 2 17, 5997 YB / Adar 2 17, 5784 AM / March 26, 2024 AD
I see many people migrating to the USA, through the border in Mexico, seeking more money and better opportunities and looking to "fulfill their dreams". Yet when they go, they become disillusioned and realize that inflation is also very high there, just as it is in their native country, and whatever they earn there they spend it all just for basic sustenance, and even become indebted, and so...
Adar 2 15, 5997 YB / Adar 2 15, 5784 AM / March 24, 2024 AD
The global drought in the world is becoming worse day by day. Remember that I warned you this would happen, many times reminding you, "a global drought is coming". Many people ridiculed me for saying this, now it has become reality. And it is going to become worse until absolutely all rain ceases on the earth with the appearance of the two witnesses of Revelation. They are idiots for having...
Adar 2 14, 5997 YB / Adar 2 14, 5784 AM / March 23, 2024 AD
Every person on the earth must not only believe in Yeshua, but must also make their conversion to judaism with obedience to the Torah of Moses, to be saved. It does not matter if you are currently a Jew or not, white or black, male or female, everyone must make their conversion to judaism with obedience to the Torah of Moses. This is the religion Yeshua practiced that he never abolished, and is...
Adar 2 13, 5997 YB / Adar 2 13, 5784 AM / March 22, 2024 AD
Listen up all you sellers of the world, and all you Catholics of the world who love your holy father the pope. In just 2 more years Vatican City will be plundered, and it will be burned with fire to the ground. This will cause all fiat currencies of the world to enter a state of hyerpfinflation, because clandestinely all central banks of the world trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in...
Adar 2 12, 5997 YB / Adar 2 12, 5784 AM / March 21, 2024 AD
The priests in Israel are about to sacrifice a perfect and rare red heifer in Israel, in preparation for the construction of the third temple. Anytime in the next few days or weeks or months perhaps. This is a confirmatory sign of the end, that truly we are in the final 2 years before the return of Yeshua, and that because of this the third temple is about to be constructed, which also involves...
Adar 2 10, 5997 YB / Adar 2 10, 5784 AM / March 19, 2024 AD
A recent news article was published indicating that around 6.8% of the entire population of the United States of America is suffering from long covid. That is around 17.6 million people. And all over the world millions of people are sick and getting sicker. Even young and health people are getting severely sick and dying, from random strokes and random heart attacks and random cancers, as a...
Adar 2 5, 5997 YB / Adar 2 5, 5784 AM / March 14, 2024 AD
The nation of Haiti has now collapsed, and there is severe chaos and riots and looting there, and the government there has lost almost all control. It is almost anarchy there. Remember that I warned you that this would happen, all over the world. It is now beginning to happen with the lesser nations that are collapsing first, and then the greater nations will collapse next. All nations of the...
Adar 1 26, 5997 YB / Adar 1 26, 5784 AM / March 5, 2024 AD
As I was driving through Medellin today, I noticed that much of the grass in the city is drying up. Patches of brown grass can be seen throughout the city because of the lack of rain. This is a sign of the ongoing global drought that is now being felt even here where it used to rain frequently. But now rain here is becoming scarce here, as it is happening everywhere else in the world. This...
Adar 1 23, 5997 YB / Adar 1 23, 5784 AM / March 2, 2024 AD
Let me remind you, no person that does not convert to judaism and renounces all allegiances to the Roman popes and catholicism and protestantism will be saved. Yeshua was a Jew, and he taught judaism and obedience to the Torah. Do not be deceived and stupidly think that the Torah is some old law that we no longer need to know nor obey. The Torah came from the mouth of God on Mount Sinai with...
Adar 1 20, 5997 YB / Adar 1 20, 5784 AM / February 28, 2024 AD
2 years are now left until the return of Yeshua. Most people if not all that are reading this message will be dead in the next 2 years. Even now nearness of the return of Yeshua is very palpable. Reports of constant earthquakes are emerging all over the world. And just last night there was a very strong earthquake here where I live. I woke up scared as my house was entirely shaken. And the...
Adar 1 18, 5997 YB / Adar 1 18, 5784 AM / February 26, 2024 AD
The secret to staying healthy during this pandemic is to combine dry fasting, cardiovascular exercise, and taking black seed oil and oregano oil. Since I started taking these natural substances and doing all this 2 months ago I am no longer getting sick, even though people around me are getting sick and getting fevers. I'm even taking care of them now, but I'm not getting sick, which is...
Adar 1 12, 5997 YB / Adar 1 12, 5784 AM / February 20, 2024 AD
It is becoming very evident that although the two witnesses of Revelation are now anointed since last year in Nisan 15, that God has not appointed their appearance to the world yet until later in time, in order to give the world a much lesser time of warning, in order to secure their destruction, because of the severe state of evil of the world right now. They do not deserve an ample 3 and 1/2...
Adar 1 6, 5997 YB / Adar 1 6, 5784 AM / February 14, 2024 AD
This news article gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. An Israeli soldier drew a picture of the third temple on the wall of a demolished mosque in Gaza. And the article indicates that the Jews plan to build the temple by next year in 2025, which so happens to be 1 year prior to the return of Yeshua in 2026, which is the year 6,000 from creation. Remember that I have told all of you...
Adar 1 5, 5997 YB / Adar 1 5, 5784 AM / February 13, 2024 AD
As I have said for many years, there is a global drought that is coming, which will also cause hydroelectric plants to be shut down all over the world. In Europe and in South America and also in the USA hydroelectric plants are close to being shut down because the water levels are very low because of droughts that are happening all over the world. So we can expect electrical blackouts to happen...
Adar 1 3, 5997 YB / Adar 1 3, 5784 AM / February 11, 2024 AD
We are now in the new moon of Adar 1, and the two witnesses of Revelation have not appeared yet to the world, although they are now anointed. The world continues to decline every day, and everyone is getting sick constantly. Yet still people to not realize we are in the final 2 years before the return of Yeshua. Everyone is blind and without understanding.
Shevat 26, 5997 YB / Shevat 26, 5784 AM / February 4, 2024 AD
Do not be deceived and confused, the Torah of Moses is for all humanity, not just for Israel. Do not murder and do not steal in the Torah is for all humanity, not just for Israel. The Torah was merely given to Israel to serve as an example to all nations of the earth, so that all humanity would also obey the Torah and govern themselves according to its laws. The Torah is a complete law given by...
Shevat 25, 5997 YB / Shevat 25, 5784 AM / February 3, 2024 AD
I am now developing my video series titled "Deciphering the Book of Revelation using the Torah and Tanakh". I condense the expanded content from my website and from my in person classes into shorter video clips that explain how to understand the book of Revelation using the Torah and the Tanakh. The videos will be recorded professionally and will be very visual. We will travel throughout history...
Shevat 24, 5997 YB / Shevat 24, 5784 AM / February 2, 2024 AD
The year 6,000 is approaching in 2 years in 2026 AD, which will be the true time of the return of Yeshua, which will also be 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. He will descend unto the earth will 400 million angels. All humanity will be captured by his armies of angels, and in chains of iron will be taken to Israel, to be judged outside the eastern wall of Jerusalem. And all...
Shevat 15, 5997 YB / Shevat 15, 5784 AM / January 24, 2024 AD
In Guatape in a city near me in Colombia they are beginning to ration water because of the severe drought there. And all over the world abnormal severe droughts are being reported, which I have shared in prior messages before. Remember that for many years I forewarned you, that a “a global drought is coming”, because that is what the scriptures declare will happen. Which is why I advised all of...
Shevat 14, 5997 YB / Shevat 14, 5784 AM / January 23, 2024 AD
Very few people want to hear the truth, if any at all. The world has been utterly deceived into believing many lies. Even many believers have been utterly deceived. People hate the Torah of Moses, which is the law of God, and they do not want to obey its commands. And most people are unaware of the 7,000 year plan of God with the return of Yeshua in the year 6,000. Many believers reject these...
Shevat 11, 5997 YB / Shevat 11, 5784 AM / January 20, 2024 AD
In around 25 months from now Vatican City is going to be destroyed, which will cause all fiat currencies in the world to enter a state of hyperinflation. This will happen in the spring of 2026 AD around 6 months prior to the year 6,000 in the autumn of 2026 AD, which will be the time of the return of Yeshua, which will also be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. Vatican...
Shevat 9, 5997 YB / Shevat 9, 5784 AM / January 18, 2024 AD
Do not be surprised if Donald Trump wins this year’s presidential election in the USA. I think perhaps he still has some role to play with Israel and the construction of the third temple, in these final years. Yet whoever does win the election, this will be the last president of the USA before the return of Yeshua. And the presidential election in the EU is also this year, and whoever is elected...
Shevat 8, 5997 YB / Shevat 8, 5784 AM / January 17, 2024 AD
The doors of my house are open to anyone in the world who believes in Yeshua and also obeys the Torah of Moses and also renounces paper money and fiat currency. You may come and lodge with me in my house in Colombia, while we await the return of Yeshua in the year 2026 AD, which is the year 6,000 from creation. In exchange for lodging and food from me from my stockpiles, you can serve me by...
Shevat 4, 5997 YB / Shevat 4, 5784 AM / January 13, 2024 AD
There is a massive wave of covid striking all humanity right now. Did I not tell you that the pandemic is going to become worse? Some of you refused to believe me, and foolishly thought that covid had now become a mere cold like the flu, and you went out pretending like everything is now normal and fine. But the global situation is not normal, and some of you have now ended up extremely sick and...
Shevat 2, 5997 YB / Shevat 2, 5784 AM / January 11, 2024 AD
All over the world theft and looting is increasing, because of high inflation. Mobs of thieves are stealing from malls in the USA. And in Ecuador the government is now at war with gangs. And in Colombia theft and kidnapping and homicides are rising. And all over the world we are beginning to see chaos. Remember that I forewarned you that this would happen, that because of the collapse of the...
Tevet 29, 5997 YB / Tevet 29, 5784 AM / January 9, 2024 AD
Listen up all of you christians and catholics who think the antichrist is coming soon. You fools. Have you no understanding that the ancient prophets told us that the antichrist would come in the context of Rome, which is the 4th beast of Daniel? Only one man has come in the context of Rome, fulfilling all the prophecies of what the antichrist would do, and it is the Roman kings, who were...
Tevet 28, 5997 YB / Tevet 28, 5784 AM / January 8, 2024 AD
As all humanity is being scourged with new waves of covid and disease, many people still refuse to understand what is happening and some have even thought the pandemic has ended. They go out pretending nothing is happening, completely ignoring what is currently happening in the world. But no, the pandemic has not ended. And it is getting worse, and the world is gradually becoming sicker, and...
Tevet 27, 5997 YB / Tevet 27, 5784 AM / January 7, 2024 AD
As I have said for many years, the nations of Europe are going to unite to form a new nation, which will be called the "United States of Europe". It will be a new republic similar to the United States of America, which has 50 states that form part of the federation. But the USE will only have 10 states, as the prophets have predicted thousands of years ago. Only 10 nations will give their...
Tevet 24, 5997 YB / Tevet 24, 5784 AM / January 4, 2024 AD
This delusional generation today needs to be reminded of three truths that it has entirely rejected and trampled. That marriage is between a man and a woman only. That God only created two genders, male and female. And that God commanded that a man shall not dress as a woman, and a woman shall not dress as a man. For almost 6,000 years now God has allowed humanity to do whatever they want and...
Tevet 21, 5997 YB / Tevet 21, 5784 AM / January 1, 2024 AD
We have now reached the Roman year of 2024 AD. 2 years are now left until the return of Yeshua in the year 6,000 in the autumn of 2026 AD. The world is already declining, with global pandemic and war, and the beginnings of global drought and global high inflation and global supper chain problems and global food shortages. We are now awaiting for the two witnesses to appear to all humanity at any...
Tevet 19, 5997 YB / Tevet 19, 5784 AM / December 30, 2023 AD
Listen up all you people of Venezuela and all you people of Argentina and also all you people around the world dealing with financial problems. No one else is at fault for your financial troubles and your financial collapse but you individually. Paper money and fiat currency always leads a nation to ruin and financial collapse, and it is everyone's acceptance of paper money and fiat currency that...
Tevet 18, 5997 YB / Tevet 18, 5784 AM / December 29, 2023 AD
There is a massive wave of sickness striking all humanity right now. It is not just covid, but also influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, and many other viruses and bacterias and fungi and cancers and various other diseases. Humanity is now the sickest it has ever been in all history. This is happening to fulfill the words of Ezekiel, that in the final years before the return of Yeshua the...
Tevet 17, 5997 YB / Tevet 17, 5784 AM / December 28, 2023 AD
Although the governments and news of the world are not sounding an alarm about this, the world is now running out of food, due to global drought, and global high inflation and war. Most people are not noticing what is happening. Many factors are now contributing to the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies that have warned us that there will be global famine in the final years before the return...
Tevet 16, 5997 YB / Tevet 16, 5784 AM / December 27, 2023 AD
The entire Torah of Moses is summed up with one word, love. Love God with all your inner mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Love gives reason and value to everything. Love is the reason God created everything, so that he can take pleasure in loving us and us loving him. Without love we might as well be like soulless robots roaming the earth. When we give food to the hungry, that is love...
Tevet 14, 5997 YB / Tevet 14, 5784 AM / December 25, 2023 AD
As the world is at this moment celebrating the birth of their baby “Jesus” on their Christmas day and exchanging gifts, the people of Gaza are now in famine and waiting in lines to receive some donated soup. This is happening to fulfill what is written by the prophet Isaiah regarding Philistia, which today are the Palestinians in Gaza. As it is written, “Philistia, all of you, I will kill your...
Tevet 13, 5997 YB / Tevet 13, 5784 AM / December 24, 2023 AD
Yeshua never instructed us to celebrate his birth, but rather, he instructed us to celebrate his death, because that is why he came to the earth, to die, for us. Therefore celebrating his birth is a sin. The Torah forbids observing any of the holidays of the nations, as it is written, "you shall not walk in the statutes of the nation I am driving out before you". Leviticus 20:23. In ancient times...
Tevet 12, 5997 YB / Tevet 12, 5784 AM / December 23, 2023 AD
In 3 years at the return of Yeshua in the year 6,000 from creation the sun is going to burn all humanity with fire, for one day. As it is written, "the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch humanity with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory"...
Tevet 11, 5997 YB / Tevet 11, 5784 AM / December 22, 2023 AD
God wants obedience to his commands in the Torah of Moses, because God gave these commands to Israel through Moses to serve as an example to all humanity regarding what God wants from all humanity, not just Israel. The entire earth belongs to God, and the Torah of Moses is the law of God for all humanity and this entire earth. Everything God commands therein is good and set-apart and true. And...
Tevet 10, 5997 YB / Tevet 10, 5784 AM / December 21, 2023 AD
Listen up all of you who say and think that no one knows the day and the hour of the return of Yeshua. For thousands of years all of Judaism and the ancients have taught that the Mashiach will come in the year 6,000, as can be seen in many ancient texts. Go ask any Jew, and they will tell you about the year 6,000. It is a common teaching of Judaism. Even the lunar calendar the Jews in Israel and...
Tevet 9, 5997 YB / Tevet 9, 5784 AM / December 20, 2023 AD
Listen up people, the covid pandemic is not over, and it is becoming worse. New variants of covid are emerging, and they are striking all humanity over and over again in different waves. The new variants are entirely new viruses that in many cases the immune system of the body does not recognize, and so making everyone sick all over again as if they never had the virus and never had immunity to...
Tevet 8, 5997 YB / Tevet 8, 5784 AM / December 19, 2023 AD
Listen up all of you who love tattooing your bodies and love modifying your bodies with plastic surgery. God hates this. This is why it is written, “you shall not put any tattoos on yourselves”. Leviticus 19:28. The Hebrew word translated as “tattoo” is “qaaqa”, which means a deep mark that is incised to make it permanent. God does not want us to make permanent changes to our bodies, because our...
Tevet 7, 5997 YB / Tevet 7, 5784 AM / December 18, 2023 AD
The music of today is absolute garbage. These so called music “artists” today sing about sex and money and drugs, and produce videos showing off their half naked bodies to attract the masses and sell their music. They enrich themselves by selling their garbage to the masses, and the masses stupidly admire them and become obsessed with them. There is no dignity. There are no morals. There is no...
Tevet 6, 5997 YB / Tevet 6, 5784 AM / December 17, 2023 AD
Listen up all of you erroneously thinking that because monthly inflation has lessened that the economy is now good and that we have avoided recession. You fools. Do you not understand that the damage of inflation has already been done? From the time paper money and fiat currency was introduced into society almost 100 years inflation has slowly eroded away everyone's buying power. This is why...
Tevet 5, 5997 YB / Tevet 5, 5784 AM / December 16, 2023 AD
Just a few days ago a Turkish politician dropped dead literally seconds after saying that Israel “will suffer the wrath of God”. This should come as no surprise, since in the scriptures it is written that anyone who blesses Abraham and his offspring will be blessed, and that anyone who curses him and his offspring will be cursed. All who want to divide the land of Israel and want the destruction...
Tevet 4, 5997 YB / Tevet 4, 5784 AM / December 15, 2023 AD
The return of Yeshua will be the most shocking event in the history of all humanity. But even as the event finally happens, many people will be confused, although afraid, because it will not happen as many people expect although the tremendous power of God will be revealed to all humanity. Yeshua will descend onto the earth, with all the angels of heaven, around 400 million angels in number. They...
Tevet 1, 5997 YB / Tevet 1, 5784 AM / December 12, 2023 AD
When God created our original human bodies, he created them in a mortal state. Our bodies were originally programmed to live no more than 1,000 years, which is why according to the book of Genesis our ancestors lived almost to 1,000 years. Yet in antiquity when the canopy of ice that surrounded the entire earth collapsed, causing the global flood of Noah, the lives of all humans were shortened to...
Kislev 29, 5997 YB / Kislev 29, 5784 AM / December 11, 2023 AD
250 days have now passed since the two witnesses of Revelation were anointed in Nisan 15 of this Roman year. Almost 20% of the total 1,260 days they have been appointed to prophesy has now passed, and now 1,010 days are now left until their death in the middle of Tishri 6 at the 6th trumpet blast in the days posterior to the descension of Yeshua upon the earth in the Roman year of 2026 AD. Which...
Kislev 22, 5997 YB / Kislev 22, 5784 AM / December 4, 2023 AD
In my quest to find the most potent substance in nature that cures all viral and bacterial and parasitic and fungal infections, I have finally found one that has been used since ancient times thousands of years ago and is not well known today. Even in the nation of Colombia where I am today no one sells it, and very few people know what it is. It is the black seed of cumin, from the nigella...
Kislev 21, 5997 YB / Kislev 21, 5784 AM / December 3, 2023 AD
The ongoing global drought is getting worse, as I have predicted for many years would happen, that a global drought is coming, to fulfill what is written in the scriptures in these final years. This will cause massive global food shortages. Already many nations have now declared drought emergency. In Catalonia in Spain they are seeing the worst drought in recorded history. The Amazon in South...
Kislev 14, 5997 YB / Kislev 14, 5784 AM / November 26, 2023 AD
The end is approaching, and starting this coming January of 2024 AD only 2 years will be left until the return of Yeshua. The year 6,000 is in 2026 in the autumn in Tishri 10 of that year. The Jews have miscalculated the current year from creation, and we are truly 213 years further into the future than 5784 AM. The year 4,000 was in 26 AD when Yeshua was anointed. 7,000 years have been appointed...
Kislev 1, 5997 YB / Kislev 1, 5784 AM / November 13, 2023 AD
Today is now the 1st day of the new moon of Kislev, in the Jewish calendar. A sliver of light can now be seen on the right side of the moon, confirming we are now in a new lunar month. Aside from the ongoing war in Israel, the world is still steady declining, but most people are not noticing the seriousness of everything that is now going on in the world. People do not want to be afraid, so they...
Chesvan 29, 5997 YB / Chesvan 29, 5784 AM / November 12, 2023 AD
I see many people giving opinions regarding the conflict in Israel and the Gaza Strip, not really understanding what is happening there or even understanding who Hamas is. There is much ignorance, and people taking sides in this conflict without any understanding. “Hamas” is not just a little organization in the Gaza Strip, they are the ruling government in the Gaza Strip. Just as the Taliban is...
Chesvan 28, 5997 YB / Chesvan 28, 5784 AM / November 11, 2023 AD
As the prophets have said before, Israel is going to become a cup of drunkenness to all nations. As it is written, "behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples". Zechariah 12:2. This is already happening. Everywhere in the world protests are now emerging against Israel. And even Jews all around the world are being attacked because of the current...
Chesvan 23, 5997 YB / Chesvan 23, 5784 AM / November 6, 2023 AD
Three of the greatest mysteries in the history of all humanity are finally about to finally be exposed, who the true identity of the antichrist is and who the true prostitute of Babylon in the book of Revelation is and what the true mark of the beast is. But it will not be what most people expect, not even what most christians and catholics expect. Many people and many christians and catholics...
Chesvan 18, 5997 YB / Chesvan 18, 5784 AM / November 1, 2023 AD
In the Roman Gregorian solar calendar we are now in the 1st day of the month of November, in the year 2023 AD. And in the Jewish Babylonian lunisolar calendar we are now in the 18th day of the new moon of Chesvan, in the year 5784 AM. "AD" means "Anno Domini", which means "year of our lord", which was a date established by Dionysius Exiguus, implying that Yeshua was born in December 1 BC. The...
Chesvan 10, 5997 YB / Chesvan 10, 5784 AM / October 24, 2023 AD
Everything in creation has been predestined by God. God has already chosen who will be saved and who will not be saved before he established the foundations of the earth. The entire creation operates like a very dramatic movie, with a predetermined script, guided by a director, who is God. There is a tremendous and horrific and exciting and shocking climax, and also a profound and just resolution...
Chesvan 9, 5997 YB / Chesvan 9, 5784 AM / October 23, 2023 AD
The chaos and suffering that we are now witnessing in the Gaza Strip is also going to happen in every place in the entire world. Buildings there are in rubble. People and children there are injured and crying and hungry and in misery. So in likewise it will be in the entire world in 3 years from now, but what is going to happen to the rest of the world will be far worse than what is happening now...
Chesvan 8, 5997 YB / Chesvan 8, 5784 AM / October 22, 2023 AD
At any moment now the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is going to be destroyed. Remember that for many years I warned that this is going to happen. This is going to shock the world, and will also infuriate the nations of the world. It is my opinion that once this happens, the two witnesses who are already anointed will finally be revealed to the world. We do not know exactly when this will happen...
Chesvan 7, 5997 YB / Chesvan 7, 5784 AM / October 21, 2023 AD
God has given us a medicine that is free and also within everyone's reach, and it is dry fasting. Dry fasting is not only good to bring us closer to God, but also good to heal the body. If any of you are sick from any disease, whether it be viral or bacterial or fungal or parasitic or cancer or pain or inflammation or cysts or skin diseases, then dry fast. Dry fasting is no food and no water...
Chesvan 6, 5997 YB / Chesvan 6, 5784 AM / October 20, 2023 AD
As I said many years ago, not only will there be global food shortage, but also global medicine shortage. The combination of droughts and wars and pandemic and high inflation are disrupting the global supply chain. And diseases that are easily treatable today will become deadly in the coming years, because there will be no medicines left. Already reports are emerging of penicillin shortage, which...
Chesvan 5, 5997 YB / Chesvan 5, 5784 AM / October 19, 2023 AD
We are now in the 197th day since the two witnesses of Revelation have been anointed. Around 15% of the 1,260 days they have been appointed to prophesy has already passed. And the world is in a severe state of decline already. The two witnesses have not appeared to all humanity yet, but we know they are anointed already because 2026 AD is the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000...
Chesvan 1, 5997 YB / Chesvan 1, 5784 AM / October 15, 2023 AD
Today is the 1st day of the new moon of Chesvan in the Jewish calendar. Now several people have contacted me concerned about everything that is happening in the world. Even unbelievers have contacted me. And even one person told me that he didn't want to believe me before out of fear, but that with everything that is now happening it is undeniable we are approaching the end. Some people have even...
Tishri 30, 5997 YB / Tishri 30, 5784 AM / October 14, 2023 AD
Today there is a solar eclipse over the earth, which will be seen in the USA and in Colombia, which is where I currently am. In this message I am going to explain what the eventual fate of the Palestinians and Israelis will be. And I also later on describe what seraphim are, which are a type of angel, that have a role to play there in the land of Israel at the return of Yeshua. In these days that...
Tishri 28, 5997 YB / Tishri 28, 5784 AM / October 12, 2023 AD
Rumors have emerged of a prophet that has now appeared in Israel. According to the rumors he is doing miracles. I do not know if this is true. But what I do know is that any true prophet of God will believe in Yeshua, and will obey the Torah of Moses, and will not have any money. This man does seem devout in the obedience of the Torah, which is good, but he is neither a believer in Yeshua nor has...
Tishri 27, 5997 YB / Tishri 27, 5784 AM / October 11, 2023 AD
Regarding the Palestinians and the Israelis. No one has to die on either side. No one has to be dispossessed of land on either side. However, one thing is also true, God gave the land of Israel to the people of Israel, not to the people of Palestine, who are Arabs and Muslims that have been occupying the land of the people of Israel during the almost 1,900 years of Jewish exile from the land. The...
Tishri 23, 5997 YB / Tishri 23, 5784 AM / October 7, 2023 AD
As I have said before, in these final 3 years there will be great events in the land of Israel that are going to shock the world, to fulfill what is written by the prophets. I am going to explain what is truly happening in Israel and what the prophets say will happen, and also explain why there is conflict between the Palestinians and the people of Israel, which goes back all the way to ancient...
Tishri 21, 5997 YB / Tishri 21, 5784 AM / October 5, 2023 AD
More reports of food shortages are emerging in the world. In Europe olive oil is now scarce and prices of it have soared. In Malaysia they have run out of white rice and people are panic buying whatever rice is left. This is only the beginning, and these food shortages are going to reach the entire world. Remember what I told you before, the droughts in the world from last year will begin to be...
Tishri 20, 5997 YB / Tishri 20, 5784 AM / October 4, 2023 AD
The world has now entered a state of hyperinflation, as I predicted many years ago would happen. The hyperinflation has only just begun and has already begun stinging all humanity, but it is only going to get worse, everywhere in the world. The price of food and the cost of rent and the price of goods will quickly double then triple then quadruple then continue ballooning exponentially, and...
Tishri 18, 5997 YB / Tishri 18, 5784 AM / October 2, 2023 AD
The current global drought is becoming worse, which can be seen in the graphic below, which is the last 6 months of precipitation all throughout the world. The Mississippi River is drying up, causing the salt water from the ocean to move upstream, which will make the drinking water of that population undrinkable. Texas is also in severe drought, and also the northern states of the USA. Many crops...
Tishri 16, 5997 YB / Tishri 16, 5784 AM / September 30, 2023 AD
Over many hundreds of years many Biblical scholars have tried to determine the exact year of creation we are in now, yet in one way or another they have all made errors, causing them to determine an erroneous year since creation. Even the official Jewish "AM" year is incorrect, saying we are currently in the year 5,784 from creation. And the famous historian James Ussher said the year of creation...
Tishri 15, 5997 YB / Tishri 15, 5784 AM / September 29, 2023 AD
In ancient times, the waters from the flood of Noah came from the collapse of the firmament of ice that God had created on the second day of creation. The firmament of ice encapsulated the entire world, and caused natural hyperbaric conditions on the earth, and also evenly balanced temperatures throughout the entire earth. So there was no extreme heat, nor extreme cold anywhere on the earth. The...
Tishri 10, 5997 YB / Tishri 10, 5784 AM / September 24, 2023 AD
Today is now the true new year of the world, in Tishri 10 in the Jewish calendar. We are now in the year 5,997 from creation. 3 years are now left until the year 6,000 in Tishri 10 in 2026 AD, which will also be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. The Jews in Israel observe the new year in Tishri 1, and call it "rosh hashanah", which means "head of the year", but the...
Tishri 6, 5996 YB / Tishri 6, 5784 AM / September 20, 2023 AD
The world is now in a state of global drought. I have been predicting this would happen for many years, because that is what the scriptures have said would happen in the final years before the end. Drought is a terrible plague, which in itself can collapse an entire nation, and also the entire world, because everything depends on water. Since last year I have shared many articles published...
Elul 26, 5996 YB / Elul 26, 5783 AM / September 11, 2023 AD
In the last few days there was a severe earthquake in Morocco and thousands have died. And Chile and Taiwan were also struck with earthquakes recently. Severe earthquakes are increasing in the world. And the earth is being struck with severe heat and also extreme drought. The rivers and lakes of the world are drying up. Crops are dying throughout the entire world. More and more food shortages are...
Elul 20, 5996 YB / Elul 20, 5783 AM / September 5, 2023 AD
A report of another meteor sighting has emerged, this time in the USA. These reports of meteors are becoming common. These are subtle signs of the end, for those who are paying attention. These are signs in the heavens. And on the earth there are also many more signs of the end. Earthquakes. War. High inflation. Pandemic. Drought. Extreme heat. Food shortages. The book of Revelation tells us...
Elul 18, 5996 YB / Elul 18, 5783 AM / September 3, 2023 AD
More meteor sightings are emerging throughout the entire world. Another one just appeared, blazing across the night sky in Turkey. In these next 3 years as we approach the end we can expect more meteor sightings and with greater intensity. In 3 years at the return of Yeshua in the year 6,000 one more meteor will fall on the earth, and it will strike the seas. 1/3 of the the seas will be turned to...
Elul 16, 5996 YB / Elul 16, 5783 AM / September 1, 2023 AD
The earth is currently being scourged by drought and extreme heat and wildfires. This is happening throughout the entire world. Crops are being destroyed, and reports of food shortages are beginning to emerge throughout the entire world. And there are frequent earthquakes happening throughout the entire world. And meteors are appearing throughout the entire world. And all humanity is getting sick...
Elul 13, 5996 YB / Elul 13, 5783 AM / August 29, 2023 AD
Do not vote for any leader in the world. Anyone who votes for any leader in the world is under a curse written in the book of Revelation, "if anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand he also will drink the wine of the wrath of God, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the...
Elul 12, 5996 YB / Elul 12, 5783 AM / August 28, 2023 AD
More sightings of meteors are emerging throughout the entire world. The powers of heaven are being shaken. And the world is being struck with earthquakes throughout the entire world. Just yesterday there was another earthquake here in Colombia, and just a little time before that the capital of Colombia was struck with a strong earthquake. Droughts are also being reported throughout the entire...
Elul 11, 5996 YB / Elul 11, 5783 AM / August 27, 2023 AD
The "United States of Europe" is about to come into existence in 3 years from now as we approach the year 6,000 from creation in 2026 AD. For many years I have warned that this would happen, and people before thought I was ridiculous for saying this. But now look and see for yourselves that the formation of the "United States of Europe" is indeed a true political movement happening in the...
Elul 9, 5996 YB / Elul 9, 5783 AM / August 25, 2023 AD
Global food shortages are becoming worse, as a result of droughts throughout the entire world. Remember that for many years I warned you this would happen, and I advised you to stock up on food and water beforehand. Day by day the food shortages are becoming worse, as the droughts destroy more crops throughout the entire world. India has now also banned the export of sugar, because it is becoming...
Elul 8, 5996 YB / Elul 8, 5783 AM / August 24, 2023 AD
The world before the flood of Noah was very different than it is today. The scientists of today have concocted theories regarding the origins of the earth and humanity, teaching them as if it was the truth, contrary to the truth the scriptures teach regarding our origin. The scientists have diplomas from fancy universities and they do elaborate experiments with sophisticated equipment, which...
Elul 7, 5996 YB / Elul 7, 5783 AM / August 23, 2023 AD
Do not pursue money nor save money, because in the next 3 years all fiat currencies in the world are going to enter a state of hyperinflation. The value of money will evaporate like vapor, and those who held on to their money will lose it all. Even those who relied on pension programs and in the stock market will lose it all. There will be bank runs and all banks in the world will collapse and...
Elul 5, 5996 YB / Elul 5, 5783 AM / August 21, 2023 AD
The Gregorian Roman year of 2023 AD is quickly passing. We are now approaching September. And we are now in the third year of the presidency of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr in the USA. The next presidential election in the USA will be next year in 2024 AD. The former president Donald John Trump is campaigning to be reelected for a second 4 year term as president. Yet his more liberal opponents are...
Elul 4, 5996 YB / Elul 4, 5783 AM / August 20, 2023 AD
Reports of olive oil shortages are also now emerging in the world. Slowly more and more foods are becoming scarce, as the world is struck with drought and extreme heat. The world is now indeed in a state of global drought. Many years ago when I forewarned that a global drought was coming many people laughed at me and refused to prepare. Now look and see what is happening in the world. Reports of...
Elul 3, 5996 YB / Elul 3, 5783 AM / August 19, 2023 AD
Reports of tomato and onion shortages are also emerging in the world. In restaurants in India like McDonald's and Burger King they are no longer serving tomatoes with their burgers because of the shortage. And India has greatly increased the export tax of their tomatoes to try to stop the exportation of whatever tomatoes they have left. This may not seem like much, but these are initial signs of...
Elul 1, 5996 YB / Elul 1, 5783 AM / August 17, 2023 AD
Today we are now in the 1st day of the new moon of Elul, in the Jewish Babylonian calendar. In the next new moon in Tishri 10 we will arrive at the year 5,997 from creation. It will be precisely 3 years until the return of Yeshua, in the autumn of 2026 AD, in the Gregorian Roman calendar. The descension of Yeshua will be in Elul 22. Then 7 and 1/2 days later the 7 trumpets of Revelation will be...
Av 29, 5996 YB / Av 29, 5783 AM / August 15, 2023 AD
Not only are food shortages and droughts beginning to be reported throughout the entire world, but also reports of medicine shortages are also beginning to emerge. Remember that many years ago I forewarned you that this would happen. Even before the global pandemic started I have been warning people about the current times we are in, even way before I moved to Colombia. People around me thought I...
Av 25, 5996 YB / Av 25, 5783 AM / August 11, 2023 AD
The drought and extreme heat that is currently affecting the entire world has caused a devastating fire in Hawaii, in the island of Maui, which has destroyed many buildings and killed many people. Elsewhere in the world the drought has caused Gatun Lake to drop, which has affected how many ships can cross the Panama Canal, which greatly affects the economy of the world. And the drought in...
Av 23, 5996 YB / Av 23, 5783 AM / August 9, 2023 AD
While the world is optimistic that the global situation is going to get better, our expectation is that the global situation is going to get worse, because we are approaching the year 6,000 since the beginning of creation, in 2026 AD, which is verifiable using the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures. It will also be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. In the...
Av 19, 5996 YB / Av 19, 5783 AM / August 5, 2023 AD
Around 123 days have now passed since the anointing of the two witnesses of Revelation in Nisan 15 in the Jewish calendar. Time is passing quickly, and the end is near. Almost 10% of the 1,260 days they have been appointed to prophesy has already passed. At any moment now they will destroy the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, and will appear to all humanity. This may very well be the shocking event...
Av 18, 5996 YB / Av 18, 5783 AM / August 4, 2023 AD
Apart from a rice shortage, the world is now beginning to see a sugar shortage. Many types of food and drink depend on sugar, so this is very bad. As I have said before, it will not be long before we see major shortages of all types of food throughout the entire world, as the global drought and global economy becomes worse day by day. Most people are unaware of what is happening, and will not be...
Av 17, 5996 YB / Av 17, 5783 AM / August 3, 2023 AD
Never in the history of humanity has a generation so selfish and so narcissistic ever existed. People today are obsessed with their own appearance, constantly taking pictures of themselves to publish them on the internet, to receive as many likes as possible. They go to the gym to make themselves more attractive and post pictures of their half naked bodies, to allure people to follow them and...
Av 16, 5996 YB / Av 16, 5783 AM / August 2, 2023 AD
The world has been taught to believe a false gospel, by the Roman kings, who were first called "emperors", then became known as "popes". Catholicism was birthed by them, with its many denominations, which then birthed protestantism, with its many denominations. Both are false religions. After destroying Jerusalem and its temple and exalting themselves as gods at the temple, the emperors of Rome...
Av 15, 5996 YB / Av 15, 5783 AM / August 1, 2023 AD
Tonight is the night of the full moon in the new moon of Av, in the Jewish calendar. The world has now entered a state of global drought. The lakes and rivers of the world are drying up. Droughts are being reported all over Europe and in Asia and in Africa and in the USA and in South America. And the world is now in severe heat, with the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the history of...
Av 14, 5996 YB / Av 14, 5783 AM / July 31, 2023 AD
Aside from severe heat all over the world and droughts all over the world and severe pandemic all over the world and the beginnings of food shortages all over the world, reports of meteors are now emerging all over the world also. In Europe and in the USA and in Colombia. The powers of heaven are being shaken. As it is written, "there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth...
Av 13, 5996 YB / Av 13, 5783 AM / July 30, 2023 AD
As I have warned for many years, and few people have listened to me and thought I was crazy, a severe global drought is coming, and also a severe global food shortage. This is destined to happen because we are approaching the year 6,000 in 2026 AD, which will be the time of the return of Yeshua. It will be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. We are in the final 3 and 1/2...
Av 7, 5996 YB / Av 7, 5783 AM / July 24, 2023 AD
Do not be surprised that the current government of Israel is reducing the authority of the Supreme Court, contrary to the will of the nations, and also contrary to the will of its own citizens who are now doing great protests. This is a necessary step so that there is no internal impediment within the Israeli government in the eventual division of the Temple Mount between the Jews and the...
Av 3, 5996 YB / Av 3, 5783 AM / July 20, 2023 AD
We are now in the new moon of Av in the Jewish calendar, on the third day of the new moon. Around 2 new moons are left until the year 5,997 from creation begins on the 10th day of the new moon of Tishri. The two witnesses have not appeared to all humanity, yet. God has apparently appointed for them not to appear to all humanity from day one of their anointing so that it will not be obvious to the...
Tammuz 27, 5996 YB / Tammuz 27, 5783 AM / July 15, 2023 AD
Hear this you fellow people of Medellin and Colombia, with whom I live, the world is now entering a state of global drought. Do not think that because there is food where you are and your rivers are currently flowing and your lakes are currently full and you are currently having rainfall that drought is not coming your way. The table is about to turn, and you also will suffer through severe...
Tammuz 26, 5996 YB / Tammuz 26, 5783 AM / July 14, 2023 AD
Over three new moons have now passed since Nisan 15. We have now passed the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth, and we are in the season of summer. And the earth is now being scorched with extreme heat. Unprecedented hot temperatures are being measured throughout the earth. And droughts are being reported all over the world. The world is now entering a state of global...
Tammuz 25, 5996 YB / Tammuz 25, 5783 AM / July 13, 2023 AD
Some have asked me, how is it possible that you know the return of Yeshua is in 3 years if he himself said no one knows the day nor the hour? When Yeshua said that no one knows the day nor the hour, he was referring to the fact that he could return at any moment since his ascension to heaven, because God can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. However, there does exist an appointed time for...
Tammuz 24, 5996 YB / Tammuz 24, 5783 AM / July 12, 2023 AD
Most people in the world do not perceive that paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation. The prophecy regarding the mark of the beast in Revelation was not talking about literal implants that would be received on the right hand or forehead, but it was figuratively talking about a forbidden form of money that all humanity would adopt to buy and sell with, which...
Tammuz 21, 5996 YB / Tammuz 21, 5783 AM / July 9, 2023 AD
In just 3 years a new nation will be established in Europe, and she will be called the "United States of Europe". This will be the final manifestation of the 1st beast of Revelation, before the return of Yeshua. She will be given authority by 10 nations, which will become states to this new federation. As it is written, "the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a...
Tammuz 19, 5996 YB / Tammuz 19, 5783 AM / July 7, 2023 AD
Today is now the 93rd day of the two witnesses of Revelation prophesying. Although they are now anointed and probably already establishing their two assemblies, they have not appeared to all humanity yet. But the signs of their appearance are here. The world is now in a global drought, which is gradually getting worse day by day. Even just the other day the news reported that it was the hottest...
Tammuz 15, 5996 YB / Tammuz 15, 5783 AM / July 3, 2023 AD
Tonight is the 15th day of the new moon of Tammuz. It is the night of the full moon. This is now the third new moon since the anointing of the two witnesses in Nisan 15 of this year, and they have not yet appeared to the world. I still continue to wait for their appearance, and every day I am closely monitoring all news sources in the world for any sign of them, from my home in Colombia. It is my...
Tammuz 14, 5996 YB / Tammuz 14, 5783 AM / July 2, 2023 AD
Listen up you Americans, who love to look down on and mistreat immigrants and incarcerate them and deport them back to their countries. The Torah of God commands, "you shall treat the foreigner that lives among you as a native born, and you shall love them as yourself". You think too highly of yourselves, thinking yourselves greater than others, not realizing that we all descend from the same two...
Tammuz 13, 5996 YB / Tammuz 13, 5783 AM / July 1, 2023 AD
The entire world is now in a global drought. Unprecedented droughts are being reported all over the world. We are now within the final 3 and 1/2 years before the year 6,000 in the autumn of 2026, which is why God has withheld rain in many places all over the world. As I have previously warned for many years, in these final 3 and 1/2 years there will be a global drought, which will cause food and...
Tammuz 12, 5996 YB / Tammuz 12, 5783 AM / June 30, 2023 AD
We are now in the final 3 years before the return of Yeshua in 2026 AD, because 2026 is the year 6,000 from creation and also exactly 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 7,000 years have been appointed for the existence of this earth, with the last 1,000 years set apart, beginning in the year 6,000. And the year of the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD was precisely the year 4,000 from...
Tammuz 7, 5996 YB / Tammuz 7, 5783 AM / June 25, 2023 AD
The time of the two witnesses of Revelation has already begun, but they have not yet appeared to the entire world. We do not yet know when they will appear to the entire world. Just as Yeshua did not immediately appear to the general public after he was anointed, so in likewise it appears to be with the two witnesses. The year 2026 AD is precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26...
Tammuz 1, 5996 YB / Tammuz 1, 5783 AM / June 19, 2023 AD
There is a growing trend in the USA and in the world of men convincing themselves they are truly women, and women convincing themselves they are truly men. Transgenderism. They surgically alter their bodies to try to become the other gender. When society reaches this point of depravity its own destruction is not far away. The Torah says that God made the bodies of Adam and Eve to be "male and...
Sivan 21, 5996 YB / Sivan 21, 5783 AM / June 9, 2023 AD
More than any other nation on the earth, there is a problem of extreme violence in the United States of America, which is why there are now massacres happening almost every day in the USA. And there is also a problem of severe rebellion of sons against their parents. The other night I was visiting my family in the USA, and an argument broke out between them. And my half brother who is American...
Sivan 13, 5996 YB / Sivan 13, 5783 AM / June 1, 2023 AD
The fact that the two witnesses of Revelation have not emerged yet even though we are now in the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua in the year 6,000 from creation in the autumn of 2026 is worrisome. It means that that God is giving this generation very little warning, to consign it to utter destruction, because all humanity has discarded the commands of God in the Torah of Moses...
Sivan 3, 5996 YB / Sivan 3, 5783 AM / May 22, 2023 AD
We are now in the third day of the new moon of Sivan, in the Jewish calendar. A small crescent of light can be seen on the right of the moon. Today is the 47th day of the 1,260 days the two witnesses of Revelation are appointed to prophesy. They have not appeared to the general public yet. But they have indeed now been anointed and we are now in the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of...
Iyar 29, 5996 YB / Iyar 29, 5783 AM / May 19, 2023 AD
We are now in the final few years before the return of Yeshua. The year 6,000 from creation is approaching, which will also be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua. Our time is almost up, and in a few years from now all of us will either be dead or will be together with Yeshua at his return. Most of all humanity will die, and the earth will be reduced to very people. Yeshua will...
Iyar 28, 5996 YB / Iyar 28, 5783 AM / May 18, 2023 AD
I am going to make a public statement about a recent incident that happened to me. Last week armed men entered my house to try to steal from me. They evaded my security systems. The police and also my private investigators are investigating the case. The main suspects are the workers, because the thieves asked about specific details about the house that only the workers knew. And over the months...
Iyar 25, 5996 YB / Iyar 25, 5783 AM / May 15, 2023 AD
The world is currently in a state of severe evil. Among the atrocities committed by humanity today is armed theft, which is a form of kidnap, because it involves forcing someone else to do something and give something by threatening their life. According to the Torah of God, which is the law of our creator, whoever steals must pay back double, and if he has nothing he must be sold as a servant...
Iyar 11, 5996 YB / Iyar 11, 5783 AM / May 1, 2023 AD
Although it is absolutely true that Yeshua returns in the year 6,000 from creation, and that he returns 2,000 years from his anointing, as the prophet Hosea revealed to us, it is evident that God does not want us to know the exact timing of his return. God has made the current year we are in from creation a mystery, which is also why he changed the solar year from 360 days to 365 and 1/4 days, to...
Iyar 2, 5996 YB / Iyar 2, 5783 AM / April 22, 2023 AD
I have been quietly observing the news of the world from my home in Colombia. The world is obviously declining, although most people are carrying on with their usual lives as if nothing is happening around them. The covid pandemic has not ended and people are getting sick over and over again. The war of Russia against Ukraine continues. I see droughts being reported all over the world. And I see...
Nisan 23, 5996 YB / Nisan 23, 5783 AM / April 13, 2023 AD
The two witnesses of Revelation have not appeared yet to the world, although by now they must have been anointed. When Yeshua was first anointed, he did a 40 day fast, therefore he also did not become known to the general public immediately. It took some time, and then gradually he became known to the general public. So in likewise it is with the two witnesses. It will take some time for them to...
Nisan 21, 5996 YB / Nisan 21, 5783 AM / April 11, 2023 AD
Do not be deceived, we are now in the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026 AD. Yeshua died in 30 AD, in the spring, in Nisan 14 on a Wednesday, and he was anointed 3 and 1/2 years prior in 26 AD, in the autumn, which was the year 4,000 from creation. His return is 2,000 years in 2026 AD in the year 6,000 after his anointing in 26 AD in the year 4,000. The moon...
Nisan 19, 5996 YB / Nisan 19, 5783 AM / April 9, 2023 AD
Knowing the year of the anointing of Yeshua is extremely important, because it was a Yovel year, the year 4,000, which must therefore align perfectly with the year of his return, which will be another Yovel year, the year 6,000. There is a perfect 2,000 year alignment between both events, which coincides with what the prophet Hosea told us, that Yeshua returns after 2 days, meaning 2,000 years...
Nisan 18, 5996 YB / Nisan 18, 5783 AM / April 8, 2023 AD
We do not yet know if the two witnesses of Revelation have been anointed. They have not emerged yet on national or international news. We have to continue waiting. As I have explained before, the two witnesses will not emerge in a way most expect. Many expected them to appear on international news from day 1, but this may not be the case. They may already be anointed, but quietly establishing...
Nisan 17, 5996 YB / Nisan 17, 5783 AM / April 7, 2023 AD
We do not know yet if I have miscalculated the year 6,000. We have to wait and see if the two witnesses emerge in the coming days and weeks. Today I found another very old Bible with commentary that says 1820 AD was the year 5,794 from creation, which my own timeline also shows that 1820 AD was the year 5,794 from creation. Which would imply that 2023 AD is indeed the year 5,997 from creation...
Nisan 16, 5996 YB / Nisan 16, 5783 AM / April 6, 2023 AD
This morning I woke up, and there were no reports of anything unusual in the news, nor regarding any men dressed in sackcloth doing anything unusual. Last night would've been the night they would have received the anointing. So, either they received the anointing and simply have not emerged yet, or I have miscalculated the true year we are in since creation. Although I have accurately counted the...
Nisan 15, 5996 YB / Nisan 15, 5783 AM / April 5, 2023 AD
According to my calculations, today the two witnesses of Revelation will appear. Tonight around 10:23 PM in Medellin time, which is around 6:23 AM in Jerusalem. Which is the time of sunrise in Jerusalem. It will be precisely 1,260 days until the morning of Tishri 6 in the year 2026, in Jerusalem time, which will be the time of the return of Yeshua, in the autumn of 2026. These are precise...
Nisan 14, 5996 YB / Nisan 14, 5783 AM / April 4, 2023 AD
Today is now my third day with the dry fast, without food and without water. And according to my calculations, tomorrow Wednesday night, on April 5, 2023, the two witnesses of Revelation will receive the anointing and will mark the beginning of the 1,260 days they will prophesy. Around 10:23 PM tomorrow night they will receive the anointing, which is around 6:23 AM in Jerusalem time, which is the...
Nisan 13, 5996 YB / Nisan 13, 5783 AM / April 3, 2023 AD
In the first night after participating in the set-apart supper of Yeshua, I got very sick, with pains in my stomach and also general malaise. I thought that surely God was going to strike me dead for all the sins that I have committed. I was afraid, knowing that people have died taking the set-apart supper of Yeshua in an unworthy manner. But I woke up in the morning, alive, but with what seemed...
Nisan 11, 5996 YB / Nisan 11, 5783 AM / April 1, 2023 AD
I have now partaken in the set-apart supper of Yeshua, with wine and bread and with prayer, and with my menorah lit. In Nisan 11, in the morning of Jerusalem time. There are 4 days left until Nisan 15. I have removed all that is sin from my house, and closed my business, and got rid of all money by exchanging it for goods and services, and cut up my bank cards, and burned the last remnant of...
Nisan 8, 5996 YB / Nisan 8, 5783 AM / March 29, 2023 AD
I have now moved to my new house. The construction is not yet complete, but we are close to being done. The furniture for my new studio is currently being installed, and it is looking beautiful. My new desk is enormous. And the books of the Babylonian Talmud and Jerusalem Talmud are now in my new library, along with many Bible translations in English and in Spanish, and encyclopedias and Strong's...
Nisan 7, 5996 YB / Nisan 7, 5783 AM / March 28, 2023 AD
The time has come for me to set myself apart, which has come at a great cost to me. I have closed my business, which will result in millions of dollars in losses in annual revenue. But the reward I seek is far greater in value. I believe strongly in what I have studied and determined from the scriptures, which is why I am willing to sacrifice my business. This is not a rash decision, but it is...
Nisan 6, 5996 YB / Nisan 6, 5783 AM / March 27, 2023 AD
The streets of Paris are full of garbage. This is also going to happen to all the nations of the world, because when fiat currency loses its value beyond what people can tolerate or if it hyperinflates, then public services also become interrupted as a consequence. And not just the collection of garbage, but also utility services like electricity and water. And even hospitals. When money...
Nisan 5, 5996 YB / Nisan 5, 5783 AM / March 26, 2023 AD
After careful consideration, I must respectfully resign from my position here at the company. I am going to explain why so you can understand why I am doing this, although the following explanation may sound weird and bizarre to you, and you may not agree with it. But there is logic and much research behind it. Feel free to read, or not. Next month, in the morning after Pesach, in Nisan 15 in the...
Nisan 4, 5996 YB / Nisan 4, 5783 AM / March 25, 2023 AD
Yesterday I have closed my business, ending a 3 year lapse of time of very hard work. I am selling all my office furniture and vacating the office. This year would have been the 4th year of work, since the time I lived in the center of Medellin for a short time. Now the time has come for me to exit out of the financial system, getting rid of all fiat currency, and entering into perfect obedience...
Nisan 3, 5996 YB / Nisan 3, 5783 AM / March 24, 2023 AD
More than likely in former times there were women that greatly desired to be the mother of the Mashiach, but only one was chosen, Mary, a humble virgin. She was favored above all of the women in the entire earth, and she was blessed greatly. And so in likewise manner there are men today that desire to be the two chosen prophets of Revelation of our time. Some men have even emerged wearing...
Nisan 2, 5996 YB / Nisan 2, 5783 AM / March 23, 2023 AD
When God created the man, he then also created the woman, for the man. Their bodies were perfect biological counterparts. And God brought them together, under a set-apart union, marriage. Marriage is a promise that the man and the woman will only have sex with each other, and that they will remain together always, until death. No matter what happens, in the good and in the bad, they promise to...
Nisan 1, 5996 YB / Nisan 1, 5783 AM / March 22, 2023 AD
Today is the 1st day of the new moon of Nisan. In the next full moon the two witnesses of Revelation are going to emerge. In the morning after the full moon, in Jerusalem time. We have now arrived at the appointed time, which I have been announcing for many years. Now the tables will turn, and all humanity will begin to suffer the consequences of disbelief and disobedience to the commands of God...
Adar 29, 5996 YB / Adar 29, 5783 AM / March 21, 2023 AD
Listen up you transgender and transvestite people that love to pretend to be the other gender and refer to yourselves with new pronouns, your new pronoun will be "it", because you will be thrown like garbage above lava, to be destroyed body and soul. And your bodies will be left out to rot and you will become ashes, "it". And not just you, but also everyone else that supports and approves your...
Adar 27, 5996 YB / Adar 27, 5783 AM / March 19, 2023 AD
Although many have heard my message through the internet, many still refuse to believe that next month will begin the final 3 and 1/2 years until the year 6,000 in 2026. The two witnesses of Revelation are going to appear. Many have have also heard my message in person, and although they had the privilege of hearing the truth way before the final 3 and 1/2 years begin, they still refused to...
Adar 25, 5996 YB / Adar 25, 5783 AM / March 17, 2023 AD
Paper money and fiat currency leads to the world to utter ruin. All humanity has blindly accepted this evil form of money, because of greed and convenience, and it will backfire against all humanity, causing global financial collapse and ruin and poverty and famine to the entire world. This is what happens when everyone buys and sells with worthless paper money whose value is imaginary, unlike...
Adar 24, 5996 YB / Adar 24, 5783 AM / March 16, 2023 AD
The monies of the nations of the world are already beginning to enter a state of hyperinflation. In Argentina inflation is reported to be over 100% already. And other nations are following in the same path. Many years ago, I predicted this would happen. And now it is beginning to happen. Hyperinflation is catastrophic to any society, because money loses its value very quickly. One day a cup of...
Adar 23, 5996 YB / Adar 23, 5783 AM / March 15, 2023 AD
Yeshua taught, "sell your possessions and give to the poor", but the two witnesses of Revelation will teach, "buy much food and burn the rest of your money and share with the poor". They will tell one person, burn half your money. And they will tell another person, but 1/4 of your money. And they will tell another, burn all your money. And in this way they will put the world to the test, to see...
Adar 22, 5996 YB / Adar 22, 5783 AM / March 14, 2023 AD
Almost 1 year ago, I was in Jerusalem. Precisely 1 year prior to the appearance of the two witnesses of Revelation. They will appear in Nisan 15 of this year, which will be next month. They will be the two most powerful prophets the world has ever seen. They will strike the world with plagues. They will cause all rain to cease in the world. And anyone who tries to harm them will be incinerated...
Adar 21, 5996 YB / Adar 21, 5783 AM / March 13, 2023 AD
This is my short story. Today I am 36 years old. I am born in Hialeah, Florida, in the USA. By profession I am software developer, with more than 15 years experience. I moved to Colombia 5 years ago, in 2018. I have been reading the scriptures from my childhood. Although, as an adult, when I returned from a trip to Rome in 2015, I again began reading the scriptures more deeply. This was 11 years...
Adar 20, 5996 YB / Adar 20, 5783 AM / March 12, 2023 AD
Listen up all you financial analysts and news reporters of the world. In 3 years all banks are going to fail, not just Silicon Valley Bank. Bank of America and Citigroup and Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs and Scotiabank will all fail. Even the smaller Bancolombia will fail. The entire global financial system is going to fail. Because Vatican City will be destroyed, which will...
Adar 19, 5996 YB / Adar 19, 5783 AM / March 11, 2023 AD
In these next 3 years as the world begins to decline and suffer, people will run to me for help in desperation. Even those who previously heard my message and refused to believe. They will see that everything I have said is true. Yet no help will be given to them, except the help of my message to them to to believe in Yeshua and obey the commands of the Torah. Why should I take from my stockpile...
Adar 18, 5996 YB / Adar 18, 5783 AM / March 10, 2023 AD
Very early this morning, there was an earthquake here in Medellin. I was already awake, and it shook my bed. And also today a bank in the USA failed, and many have lost money. And as it stands the coronavirus pandemic is still striking all humanity with sickness, over and over again. The war of Russia in Ukraine is still happening. Inflation is rising quickly. Droughts are being reported all over...
Adar 16, 5996 YB / Adar 16, 5783 AM / March 8, 2023 AD
All money in the world is going to enter a state of hyperinflation, like Venezuela. Every nation on the earth will be affected, even the USA and also Europe. The US dollars, the Australian dollars, the British pounds, the Euros, the Colombian pesos, the Mexican pesos, the Brazilian reales, the Argentinian pesos, the Russian rubles, the Chinese yuans, all of them are going to enter a state of...
Adar 15, 5996 YB / Adar 15, 5783 AM / March 7, 2023 AD
Today is the full moon of Adar, in the Jewish calendar. Adar 15. In the next full moon, the one of Nisan, the two witnesses of Revelation are going to emerge in the world. In Nisan 15. In the morning after the full moon, in Jerusalem time. And in Medellin time they will emerge in the night of the full moon, in the night of April 5th. It will be Holy Week. And in that specific time they will both...
Adar 14, 5996 YB / Adar 14, 5783 AM / March 6, 2023 AD
Starting this year there will be food shortages all over the world, not just in the UK. Sky News has reported that the food shortages in the UK have been caused by the severe drought last year. The severe droughts that were reported last year all over the world will start to be felt this year by the world, not just in the UK. The effects of a drought are typically felt the following year. Last...
Adar 13, 5996 YB / Adar 13, 5783 AM / March 5, 2023 AD
Store water, for a minimum of 3 and 1/2 years. Purchase the water from your local grocery store. It is not difficult to do, and it is not expensive. And the water is treated to remove contamination and pathogens, and it is sealed. So it is safe to drink, even much later into the future. A global drought will soon begin, and all rain will cease in the world. This is what God has appointed will...
Adar 12, 5996 YB / Adar 12, 5783 AM / March 4, 2023 AD
To rule with Yeshua in his 1,000 year kingdom, we must suffer, just like he suffered. And the greater the anointing, the more suffering God will require. Moses, a man who was granted great power to perform signs and strike Egypt with severe plagues, did two 40 day fasts. The prophet Elijah, who was granted great power, fasted once for 40 days. And Yeshua, who was also granted power, and then also...
Adar 11, 5996 YB / Adar 11, 5783 AM / March 3, 2023 AD
Next month the two witnesses of Revelation are going to emerge in the world, dressed in sackcloth, from two different cities. All humanity will be put under their authority, and they will strike cities and nations with as many plagues as they wish. Just as Moses struck Egypt with plagues. And the police of the nations will try to kill them, but anyone who tries to harm them will be incinerated...
Adar 10, 5996 YB / Adar 10, 5783 AM / March 2, 2023 AD
Behold, this is what is coming to a market near you, empty market shelves. In the UK people are already rationing food, and there are already empty market shelves. And all over the world droughts are being reported in many nations, and the rivers and lakes of the world are already drying up. How much longer before you believe me and prepare? Until you are starving and desperate for food? As I...
Adar 9, 5996 YB / Adar 9, 5783 AM / March 1, 2023 AD
The year 6,000 from creation is approaching in 3 years from now, in 2026. The anointing of Yeshua was the year 4,000 in 26 AD, and his return will be 2,000 years later in 2026, the year 6,000. The ancients texts and the scriptures plainly reveal that Yeshua returns in the year 6,000. And although many people already do believe in the year 6,000, for example many Jews, who have their own count to...
Adar 7, 5996 YB / Adar 7, 5783 AM / February 27, 2023 AD
The construction of my house is nearly complete. The time to set myself apart is quickly arriving, with obedience to all the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. If God permits, I will get rid of all fiat currency. I will feed the poor, and wash the feet of the homeless. And I will drink the wine representing the blood of Yeshua, and eat the bread representing the body of the Mashiach. And then...
Adar 6, 5996 YB / Adar 6, 5783 AM / February 26, 2023 AD
In a few weeks from now all rain will cease in the world, and this global drought will last 3 and 1/2 years. Yet already CNN is reporting severe droughts all over Europe. And in the UK there are already food shortages. These are just initial warning signs, indicating that truly the global drought is going to happen, as the scriptures have declared. Yet today many idiots are partying and getting...
Adar 3, 5996 YB / Adar 3, 5783 AM / February 23, 2023 AD
Some people have asked me what is my motivation in sharing about the scriptures and the end times and God. There is only one word that describes my motivation. Love. From my infancy I have loved God, so much. And would spend days at a time reading the scriptures, trying to understand God more and more. And even in elementary school during recreation I would give small classes to the other...
Adar 2, 5996 YB / Adar 2, 5783 AM / February 22, 2023 AD
As I have said for many years, a global drought is coming. Starting this year all rain will cease in the world. And even now the rivers and lakes of the world are drying up in preparation for the global drought that God has decreed will happen to the world 3 and 1/2 years prior to the year 6,000 from creation in 2026. Those final 3 and 1/2 years will begin in a month and 1/2 from now, in April...
Adar 1, 5996 YB / Adar 1, 5783 AM / February 21, 2023 AD
Today is the 1st day of the new moon of Adar. We are now in the final new moon before the two witnesses of Revelation appear. They will appear in the next new moon, the one of Nisan. They will appear in the full moon of Nisan, on the 15th day of Nisan. Which will be in April, in Holy Week. And they will prophesy for 1,260 days until Tishri 6 in the year 2026, and will then be assassinated by the...
Shevat 30, 5996 YB / Shevat 30, 5783 AM / February 20, 2023 AD
Although the return of Yeshua in 3 years from now is going to bring a frightful end to nearly all humanity and all cities in the world will be left in rubble, the world is not going to end. But instead, there will be a new glorious beginning. It will be the final 1,000 years of the history of this earth, which God has set apart. It will be a time unlike anything this world has ever seen, for...
Shevat 29, 5996 YB / Shevat 29, 5783 AM / February 19, 2023 AD
I have been waiting for many years for these times to arrive, and now we are finally a few weeks away. What then will you do you people of Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manors? Will you still trample the truth and mock God? Will you still refuse to believe in Yeshua and reject obedience to the commands of God? Will you still continue having your orgies and continue partying every week with...
Shevat 25, 5996 YB / Shevat 25, 5783 AM / February 15, 2023 AD
The two witnesses of Revelation are going to appear in 49 days from now, in Nisan 15 in the Jewish calendar. We are now approaching the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026. 2026 is the year 6,000 from creation, and precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. Make your final preparations now. Believe in Yeshua. Obey the Torah of Moses. Get rid...
Shevat 22, 5996 YB / Shevat 22, 5783 AM / February 12, 2023 AD
God does not want your prayers and knee bowing and praises in song, he wants your obedience, to his commands in the Torah of Moses. There are many stupid believers that think that because they pray to God or bow the knee and sing praises to God that God is happy with them, but they are far from the truth. God has given humanity a law through Moses, the Torah of Moses, which has commands, and he...
Shevat 21, 5996 YB / Shevat 21, 5783 AM / February 11, 2023 AD
This is my prayer to God today. Thank you my Father for everything you have given me. I deserve nothing that I have, but because you are generous you have given me an estate and knowledge and understanding and wisdom. It was by your hand that I acquired everything that I have, not by my own hand. Without you we simply cannot do anything. I admire the depth and height and intricacy of everything...
Shevat 18, 5996 YB / Shevat 18, 5783 AM / February 8, 2023 AD
Although there are now 56 days left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear, and there is now only 3 and 1/2 years left until the return of Yeshua, it is still not too late to prepare. Although in these next 3 years the world with suffer through global drought and global financial collapse and famine and thirst and plagues and death, there is still hope. If you cannot buy food and water and...
Shevat 17, 5996 YB / Shevat 17, 5783 AM / February 7, 2023 AD
Two days ago in Shevat 15 God struck Turkey and Syria with a great earthquake, and thousands have died. This was just a warning sign, for there will be greater earthquakes and plagues to come against the world, and the two witnesses of Revelation are about to appear. In 3 years in 2026 in Tishri 10 of that year Jerusalem will be struck with a severe earthquake, and 7,000 people will die and 1/10...
Shevat 16, 5996 YB / Shevat 16, 5783 AM / February 6, 2023 AD
Last night was Shevat 15 in the Jewish Babylonian calendar and marked 60 days until the two witnesses of Revelation appear Nisan 15, and a sign occurred in the Middle East, a severe earthquake struck Turkey and Syria. Many have died and many buildings have been destroyed. Turkey is the land from where Noah and his sons emerged after the global flood, in the mountains of Ararat, many thousands of...
Shevat 15, 5996 YB / Shevat 15, 5783 AM / February 5, 2023 AD
Today is the 15th day of the new moon of Shevat. Today is the night of the full moon. Every 15th day in every month in the Jewish Babylonian calendar is a full moon, as it was in antiquity in the ancient calendar of the Torah, when months and lunations were precisely 30 days. There are two full moons left until the two witnesses of Revelation begin to prophesy. They will begin to prophesy in the...
Shevat 14, 5996 YB / Shevat 14, 5783 AM / February 4, 2023 AD
God willing by next month the construction of my house will be complete. The solar panels are still being installed. The walls of the bathrooms are being installed. The first floor is now almost ready for the kitchen to be installed. The walls of the master bedroom are being painted. The drywall is still being installed in the studio. The driveway into the parking lot is still being constructed.
Shevat 12, 5996 YB / Shevat 12, 5783 AM / February 2, 2023 AD
The construction of my house continues. We are working very quickly to finish my house in time for Passover, which is now 2 months away. May God let me finish my house, and may it be a lampstand to the city and to the world, in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach.
Shevat 11, 5996 YB / Shevat 11, 5783 AM / February 1, 2023 AD
Be terrified and be in despair all you bankers of the Federal Reserve and the centrals banks of the world! For in the next 3 years smoke will rise from Rome, and Vatican City will become rubble. And your paper money will be thrown on the streets like garbage. No sooner than you print money will its value become worthless the next day. The sellers of the world will despair, because no one will buy...
Shevat 10, 5996 YB / Shevat 10, 5783 AM / January 31, 2023 AD
When the two witnesses appear they will more than likely not plainly reveal their true identity to the world. They will more than likely not say, "I am one of the two witnesses of Revelation". They will just simply do what they are destined and prophesied to do. Just as Yeshua did not plainly reveal he was the promised Mashiach, but he did everything he was destined and prophesied to do. When...
Shevat 9, 5996 YB / Shevat 9, 5783 AM / January 30, 2023 AD
In 9 weeks the two witnesses of Revelation are going to appear, in "Holy Week". Make your final preparations now. Do not start a new business. Do not pursue a new college degree. Do not make vacation plans. Rather, quickly use whatever you have now to stock up on food and water, for a minimum of 3 and 1/2 years. Buy canned food. Buy jugs of water. And have extra to share with others. And more...
Shevat 7, 5996 YB / Shevat 7, 5783 AM / January 28, 2023 AD
The construction of my house in Colombia continues. They are now putting the tiles and solar panels on the roof. God willing in a few weeks the construction of my house will be completed.
Shevat 4, 5996 YB / Shevat 4, 5783 AM / January 25, 2023 AD
The hour is late, and the two witnesses are about to appear. And through them God will begin to render punishment unto all humanity for what they have done. But what will happen to you, oh actors of Hollywood? You people of Los Angeles, who dwell in mansions, enriching yourselves by producing movies that corrupt all humanity with violence and obscenity and sexual immorality. Will the two...
Shevat 3, 5996 YB / Shevat 3, 5783 AM / January 24, 2023 AD
Do not forget the poor. The entire Torah of Moses is summarized with one word, love. It is useless to put mezuzot on our doorposts and wear tefillin and observe the commands of the Torah strictly if we do not have love. Love is demonstrated with actions. Once you put away your sins, go out and begin to do good works. Feed the homeless. Wash the feet of the poor. Visit the sick. Help the elderly...
Shevat 2, 5996 YB / Shevat 2, 5783 AM / January 23, 2023 AD
Several months ago God revealed to me in a dream that I will finish my house not with everything I want, but with everything I need. And so it is happening now. The economic recession in the US has negatively impacted my business, causing me to lose contracts and also not to be able acquire new ones. However, with the contracts that are left I have enough to finish my house with what I need, but...
Shevat 1, 5996 YB / Shevat 1, 5783 AM / January 22, 2023 AD
We are now in Shevat 1 in the year 5,996 from creation. 2 months and 1/2 are now left until the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. For so many years I have longed to arrive to these times, yet with tremendous fear. And now we are here, at the door. As I write these words I have tears in my eyes, and anxiety in my stomach. No one around me understands what is about to happen in the world. I...
Tevet 29, 5996 YB / Tevet 29, 5783 AM / January 21, 2023 AD
Tomorrow will be the 1st day of the new moon of Shevat, then Adar, then Nisan, in the Jewish calendar. In a few more weeks the construction of my house will finally be completed, God willing. My preparations are nearly complete. God has blessed my path to be able to make all my preparations. In 11 weeks from now the two witnesses of Revelation are going to appear to terrorize the world for 3 and...
Tevet 25, 5996 YB / Tevet 25, 5783 AM / January 17, 2023 AD
11 weeks are now left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. In the next years starting this year they will strike the world with severe plagues and will cause a global drought. There will be food and water shortages in the world. All fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. Markets will be empty. There will be riots and looting and chaos. Hydroelectric plants will fail...
Tevet 24, 5996 YB / Tevet 24, 5783 AM / January 16, 2023 AD
In 3 years from now the entire earth will be shaken, fire will rain down from heaven, the rivers and seas of the world will be turned to blood, the sun and moon and stars will be darkened, all humanity will be struck with boils, and Vatican City will be destroyed and its land will be split into three. Yeshua is going to descend onto the earth with all his armies of angels, and he is going to...
Tevet 23, 5996 YB / Tevet 23, 5783 AM / January 15, 2023 AD
The construction of my house is advancing quickly. The marble floors are being laid. The windows are being installed. Drywall is being installed. Solar panel installation is in progress. The pergolas are being installed. The side parking lot is being constructed. God willing, in 12 more weeks my house will be complete, in Colombia. And then, the house of God will be constructed in Jerusalem.
Tevet 22, 5996 YB / Tevet 22, 5783 AM / January 14, 2023 AD
Those that have chosen to become my enemies are very dumb. Although I have been very generous to the people here in Medellin, still there have been those whose inner minds have become corrupted with greed and unrighteousness, and have chosen to betray me by lying to me, scamming me, stealing from me, slandering me, and mocking me. They have also come to hate me because I shared the truth with...
Tevet 19, 5996 YB / Tevet 19, 5783 AM / January 11, 2023 AD
Almost all the supports for the solar panels are placed. Almost my entire roof will be covered in solar panels. My house will be completely energy independent. I am amazed at how this project is coming along, and that I will have the ability to produce electricity using the sun. Certainly God has given humanity an intelligent mind to develop technology such as this.
Tevet 18, 5996 YB / Tevet 18, 5783 AM / January 10, 2023 AD
I am going to explain very specific details about the two witnesses, so that their coming may not come as a surprise to you as it will be for the rest of the world. The two witnesses of Revelation will come in a way that most do not expect, even to most people that know regarding them. And these two prophets will assume two distinct roles, which again most do not expect. Although they will indeed...
Tevet 16, 5996 YB / Tevet 16, 5783 AM / January 8, 2023 AD
There are 87 days left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. The year 6,000 from creation is in 2026 AD, which is precisely 2,000 years from the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. From Adam to the calling of Abraham was 2,080 years. From the calling of Abraham to the exodus of Israel from Egypt another 430 years passed. From the exodus of Israel to the anointing of Yeshua another 1,490 years...
Tevet 15, 5996 YB / Tevet 15, 5783 AM / January 7, 2023 AD
The execution of the solar panel project at my house has begun. My house will be energy independent with the favor of God. In the next 3 years as the global drought becomes progressively worse and the global economy destabilizes and collapses, it is my opinion that there will also be energy outages all over the world, so having solar panels is useful. The global drought will cause hydroelectric...
Tevet 14, 5996 YB / Tevet 14, 5783 AM / January 6, 2023 AD
In 3 years 10 nations in Europe will unite to become the United States of Europe. The world will be amazed, but the glory of the USE will be short lived, because 15 days after she is established, she will destroy Vatican City. And her destruction will be the demise of the USE and also the world, because this will cause the global financial system to collapse. All fiat currencies will enter a...
Tevet 13, 5996 YB / Tevet 13, 5783 AM / January 5, 2023 AD
The roof of my house is now complete, except the tiles. The installation of the solar panels on the roof has now begun. The installation of the kitchen will soon begin. The walls are being painted white. The white marble floors are being installed. God willing my house will be completed in the next 13 weeks, in this final hour before the two witnesses of Revelation begin to prophesy. No sooner...
Tevet 12, 5996 YB / Tevet 12, 5783 AM / January 4, 2023 AD
The world does not know that in 3 years time at the return of Yeshua the people of God will be exalted to become like gods and will be given authority to rule on this earth over all nations of the earth, for 1,000 years. We will even be given authority sit on thrones, and we will judge all humanity by their works, and will condemn them to be thrown over lava for the destruction of their bodies...
Tevet 11, 5996 YB / Tevet 11, 5783 AM / January 3, 2023 AD
In 94 days from today, in the morning time of Jerusalem, in Nisan 15, in the day after Passover, on the night of April 5th around 10:00 PM GMT-5, the two witnesses of Revelation will receive the anointing, in two different cities in the world. They will receive authority from above to perform works of power and to shut the sky so that it doesn't rain in the world. We do not yet know how they will...
Tevet 10, 5996 YB / Tevet 10, 5783 AM / January 2, 2023 AD
Wail all of you people of Rome and all of you catholics around the world, because in 3 years time your beloved Vatican City will be destroyed. She will be exposed for what she has done, then she will be ransacked, then she will be bombed. And the world will see the smoke rising from her ruins on television. And the sellers of the world will also wail, because a global financial collapse will also...
Tevet 9, 5996 YB / Tevet 9, 5783 AM / January 1, 2023 AD
We are now in the year 2023. The world is going to decline very quickly this year. In 95 days from today the two witnesses of Revelation are finally going to appear, and they will shut the sky so that it doesn't rain in the world. So a global drought will begin in a few weeks from now. There will be food and water shortages in the world. The worst events humanity has ever seen are about to happen...
Tevet 3, 5996 YB / Tevet 3, 5783 AM / December 26, 2022 AD
Paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation. Many have misunderstood the prophecy, and do not realize it was figuratively telling us of a forbidden form of money that all humanity would adopt to buy and sell with, which today is fiat currency. It is forbidden because it is a false weight, for what we today call "pounds" and "pesos" and even "dollars", were formerly...
Tevet 2, 5996 YB / Tevet 2, 5783 AM / December 25, 2022 AD
Not even two years ago did I know that I would own a house, let alone a house of this size. Nor did I know that God would bless my path in order to secure all my preparations for these final 3 and 1/2 years that we are now approaching. My house is literally a modern day ark of Noah, almost ready for the storm that is coming. May God permit me to finish it, and may my house be a help to many other...
Tevet 1, 5996 YB / Tevet 1, 5783 AM / December 24, 2022 AD
102 days are now left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. Today is Tevet 1 in the Jewish calendar. Only 3 new moons are left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. The next new moon is Shevat, then Adar, and then in the 15th day of the new moon of Nisan they will appear, in the morning time of Jerusalem, after Passover. From Adam until Abraham was called 2,080 years passed. From...
Kislev 30, 5996 YB / Kislev 30, 5783 AM / December 23, 2022 AD
In the next 3 years after this new year the world is going to decline very rapidly. Diseases will increase so severely in all cities that people will escape to the mountains to cry from the pain. And those that live outside the city will be killed by looters. A global drought will begin in a few weeks from now. And there will be severe food shortages all over the world. All trees and plants will...
Kislev 25, 5996 YB / Kislev 25, 5783 AM / December 18, 2022 AD
Although we no longer have access to the tree of life to heal our bodies, we still have access to one thing that can heal our bodies of most diseases, and it is dry fasting. No food and no water. When you abstain from food and also water, the body enters a state of autophagy, and eats its old and damaged cells to regenerate into new and working cells. And the bacteria and viruses and parasites...
Kislev 21, 5996 YB / Kislev 21, 5783 AM / December 14, 2022 AD
The construction of my house is progressing quickly. My studio on the third floor is now completely covered with a roof.
Kislev 18, 5996 YB / Kislev 18, 5783 AM / December 11, 2022 AD
The construction of my house continues. They are now installing the roof. The windows will begin arriving soon. The kitchen will also be installed soon, God willing. Here are some photos of the progress. Thank you God for all that you have given me.
Kislev 17, 5996 YB / Kislev 17, 5783 AM / December 10, 2022 AD
In 4 years the United States of America will be completely uprooted as a nation, because it has embraced homosexuality and perverted the set-apart union of marriage and has debased all money by issuing fiat currency and propagated this cursed money to all the nations of the world. Therefore its fall will be far worse than the fall of Sodom. The destruction of the flood of Noah was preferable than...
Kislev 14, 5996 YB / Kislev 14, 5783 AM / December 7, 2022 AD
Rejoice Temple Institute! Next year two mighty prophets will appear in the world stage, and will destroy the Dome of the Rock by the power of God. And favor from God will be granted to you to rebuild the temple on Mount Moriah. Al-Aqsa will remain standing. Then the glory of the Mashiach will suddenly appear and will fill this temple. The entire earth will quake, and the nations will fear. He...
Kislev 12, 5996 YB / Kislev 12, 5783 AM / December 5, 2022 AD
We are now in the final month before the year 2023. In one month we will be 3 years away from the return of Yeshua, and in a few weeks time the world will begin to decline very quickly. The two witnesses of Revelation will appear in 17 weeks from now, and will bring a global drought and plagues against the world. Make your final preparations now. Because we are now entering the great tribulation...
Kislev 10, 5996 YB / Kislev 10, 5783 AM / December 3, 2022 AD
In the next 4 years all fiat currencies in the world will enter a state of hyperinflation. And there will be scarcity of food and water and goods and medicines everywhere in the world. There will be a global famine. The rich will become as the poor. There will be a global drought. Markets will be empty. There will be riots and looting. Public services will be interrupted. Hydroelectric plants...
Kislev 1, 5996 YB / Kislev 1, 5783 AM / November 25, 2022 AD
Today is the first day of the new moon of Kislev. There are now 133 days left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. A severe global drought will begin next year. And then a global financial collapse will come. All fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. Make your final preparations now, because we are just only a few weeks away before the world begins to decline very quickly.
Cheshvan 27, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 27, 5783 AM / November 21, 2022 AD
Remarriage is forbidden since the first coming of Yeshua. Whoever divorces and remarries is committing adultery. To come into obedience, he must dismiss his new wife, just as the house of Judah dismissed their foreign wives in the time of Ezra. Marriage is for life, "until death do us apart".
Cheshvan 25, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 25, 5783 AM / November 19, 2022 AD
The end is quickly approaching in 4 years, and the signs of the end are now here. In the final 3 and 1/2 years starting next year in the spring there will be a global drought. Yet already severe droughts are being reported all over the world. The drought in Europe is so severe that they are now shutting down the Mequinenza hydroelectric plant in Spain. This has never happened before. And in the...
Cheshvan 24, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 24, 5783 AM / November 18, 2022 AD
The world is currently shocked by the collapse of FTX, and the evaporation of the money of Sam Bankman-Fried. Yet a greater and even more massive shock is coming in the next 4 years to the entire world with the collapse of Vatican City and the subsequent collapse it will bring to all the central banks of the world. And just like the money of Sam Bankman-Fried evaporated in doing commerce with...
Cheshvan 22, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 22, 5783 AM / November 16, 2022 AD
"Paper money and fiat currency" is the greatest scam humanity has ever seen. And it is the ignorance of the general population that keeps it circulating. If everyone decided to reject it as money it would no longer circulate. But the collective approval of everyone keeps it going. So everyone is guilty of this scam, not just the central banks who issue this cursed money. True money is gold and...
Cheshvan 21, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 21, 5783 AM / November 15, 2022 AD
Although much work and planning and investment has gone into building my house, my house will not stand beyond 4 years. For the return of Yeshua is at hand. My house is only intended to be a safe place for the next 4 years for me and my loved ones and believers who will need help in the difficult times that are coming. It is a temporal home. Noah also devoted much work and planning into building...
Cheshvan 20, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 20, 5783 AM / November 14, 2022 AD
Many have heard my message regarding the oncoming global drought and global famine and global financial collapse, and now reports and signs are being seen all over the world showing that what I have said is actually true. But what are those who have heard my message doing now to prepare? Absolutely nothing. And rather, they still refuse to believe while continuing to carry on with their ordinary...
Cheshvan 19, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 19, 5783 AM / November 13, 2022 AD
Here is a video update of the construction of my house in Colombia. And I have included photos as well.
Cheshvan 18, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 18, 5783 AM / November 12, 2022 AD
146 days are now left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. Time is running out, and a severe storm is now quickly approaching against the entire world. There will be global drought and famine and financial collapse and finally the return of Yeshua, in these next 4 years. Take whatever money you have now earned, and prepare right now without delay. Stock up on food and drinking water, for...
Cheshvan 15, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 15, 5783 AM / November 9, 2022 AD
All humanity has been subjected to the greatest fraud the world has ever seen, and it is the fraud of central banking and fiat currency. The world has been robbed of its gold, which has been used for thousands of years as money, and has been given a fraudulent and worthless form of money to buy and sell with, which today is paper money and fiat currency. The governments and central banks of the...
Cheshvan 14, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 14, 5783 AM / November 8, 2022 AD
Do not watch movies. All movies produced today have sin or promote sin in some way. Hollywood actors are among the worst people that walk this earth, enriching themselves by entertaining the world with violence and sexual immorality and all sorts of uncleanness. Do not follow them. Do not be amazed by them if you see them in public like others foolishly do.
Cheshvan 13, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 13, 5783 AM / November 7, 2022 AD
Do not vote. No leader on this earth rules according to the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. Therefore casting your vote for any leader on this earth will make you just as guilty as them for all the evil that they do. Because you have given them your approval by voting for them. The Romans were the first to institute this form of government where people cast their votes and what the...
Cheshvan 12, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 12, 5783 AM / November 6, 2022 AD
As I have been saying for many years, starting next year in 2023 there will be a global crisis brought on by a global drought and then a global financial collapse, which will cause global food shortages and empty markets and hyperinflation. Y already abnormal droughts are being reported all over the world, and already high inflation is being reported everywhere. And already shortages and empty...
Cheshvan 11, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 11, 5783 AM / November 5, 2022 AD
Construction continues in my house. The walls of the third floor are now being raised up. The windows are now arriving. God willing by end of this month we will finally build the roof.
Cheshvan 10, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 10, 5783 AM / November 4, 2022 AD
All over the world lakes and rivers are already drying up, to set the stage for the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua. And already all the fiat currencies of the world are entering a state of high inflation. The final 3 and 1/2 years will begin next year in the spring. We are close. All rain will cease in the world, for God has appointed that there will be a global drought and...
Cheshvan 9, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 9, 5783 AM / November 3, 2022 AD
Many people do not understand that the 7 seals of Revelation pertain to the time Yeshua rules from heaven, before he begins to rule from this earth. His rulership from heaven is invisible to us, and his kingdom is currently invisible, but when he returns to the earth, his rulership will finally be visible and his kingdom on the earth will be visible. So the rolled up scroll represents his hidden...
Cheshvan 5, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 5, 5783 AM / October 30, 2022 AD
The construction of my house continues. God willing the windows will begin to arrive this week. And we will also continue raising the walls of the third floor.
Cheshvan 4, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 4, 5783 AM / October 29, 2022 AD
God has given all humanity commands, which are found in the Torah of Moses. And disobedience to those commands will indeed result in eventual punishment and wrath and destruction. Yet there are many idiots who say, "God is love, so he will not punish us". But they have not read what the prophets and apostles have declared.
Cheshvan 2, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 2, 5783 AM / October 27, 2022 AD
The concept of "hell" does not exist. Many pastors teach that when evil people die they go to hell in the center of the earth to be tortured for all eternity. This is a false teaching taught by the Roman popes to the entire world. This is not what the scriptures teach. When people die, their souls sleep. Because it is the body that gives the soul the ability to speak through the mouth, see...
Cheshvan 1, 5996 YB / Cheshvan 1, 5783 AM / October 26, 2022 AD
I am going to share what Russia is destined to eventually do, according to the prophets. In 4 years, when Yeshua returns and descends unto the earth with his armies of angels, Russia will come wage war against Israel. And Iran will join forces with Russia. As it is written, "but on that day, the day that Gog shall come against the land of Israel, declares the Master, my wrath will be roused in my...
Tishri 30, 5996 YB / Tishri 30, 5783 AM / October 25, 2022 AD
As I have been saying for many years, a global famine is coming, unlike anything the world has ever seen. All humanity will be affected by the global famine that is coming. Even the rich will be affected. Money will be useless in the times that are coming, because there will be a massive shortage of food and drinking water. In former times people ridiculed me for saying these things, yet now...
Tishri 29, 5996 YB / Tishri 29, 5783 AM / October 24, 2022 AD
We are now approaching Halloween. It is a day where the people of the nations of the world dress up as zombies and skeletons and witches and devils and murderers and all sorts of characters, and party. In various ways all these costumes represent some sort of evil that God hates, so in general this particular celebration is obviously evil. The Torah forbids us from celebrating this day, along...
Tishri 28, 5996 YB / Tishri 28, 5783 AM / October 23, 2022 AD
The construction of my house in Colombia continues. We are now laying down the beams over the grand balcony, to then lay down the slab over it. And my private studio will be on the third floor above the grand balcony. And my master bedroom will be on the other side of the third floor, with a view of the city and surrounding trees. We are also tearing town the exterior walls of the first floor, to...
Tishri 27, 5996 YB / Tishri 27, 5783 AM / October 22, 2022 AD
There are now 24 weeks left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. I will explain how they will appear, and what they will do, and why they must appear, and why we know there are only 24 weeks until they appear, so that their appearance may not come as an utter surprise to you, as it will for the rest of the world. Blessed are those who understood these prophecies, and prepared beforehand...
Tishri 26, 5996 YB / Tishri 26, 5783 AM / October 21, 2022 AD
There are now medicine shortages being reported in the world. Even essential antibiotics are now beginning to come in short supply. For many years I have been warning that in these final years there will be a medicine shortage, because of the coming global financial collapse. Common infections will become deadly because there will be no antibiotics to treat it. And many people with HIV will...
Tishri 25, 5996 YB / Tishri 25, 5783 AM / October 20, 2022 AD
According to a news report by ABC News yesterday, over 80% of the United States is now in drought. And even the world is now also in an unprecedented drought. The rivers of the US and even the world are drying up. This is happening not because of the theory of "climate change", but to fulfill what is written about the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua, where the scriptures tell us...
Tishri 24, 5996 YB / Tishri 24, 5783 AM / October 19, 2022 AD
We are in the final 4 years before the return of Yeshua in 2026. The world is already declining. Severe droughts are being reported all over the world. The rivers and lakes of the world are drying up. The water levels of the major hydroelectric plants of the world are reaching critical levels, and will soon fail and cause energy disruptions all over the world. Covid is still spreading and making...
Tishri 21, 5996 YB / Tishri 21, 5783 AM / October 16, 2022 AD
The construction of my house in Colombia continues. May God let me finish it soon.
Tishri 20, 5996 YB / Tishri 20, 5783 AM / October 15, 2022 AD
Severe droughts are already being reported all over the world. This is happening in preparation for the global drought that will begin next year when the two witnesses of Revelation finally appear. As it is written, "these witnesses have power to shut the sky so that no rain will fall during the days of their prophecy". The two witnesses will appear in 6 months from now, and they will cause all...
Tishri 18, 5996 YB / Tishri 18, 5783 AM / October 13, 2022 AD
There are now 6 months left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. Let us now seek God with belief and obedience before it is too late.
Tishri 11, 5996 YB / Tishri 11, 5783 AM / October 6, 2022 AD
The common believer that calls himself a "christian" or "catholic" does not know what God commands in the Torah of Moses. The commands of God therein are unknown to them, although they know a few commands that are mentioned in the New Testament. They think that because they stopped committing one sin that they know, that they are now in obedience to God, unaware that God has many more commands...
Tishri 10, 5996 YB / Tishri 10, 5783 AM / October 5, 2022 AD
At this hour it is now Yom Kippur in Jerusalem. We are now in the year 5,996 from creation. From Adam until the Abraham was called 2,080 years passed, so it was 2080 YB. Then another 430 years passed until the exodus of the sons of Israel, so it was therefore 2510 YB. Then another 1,490 years passed until Yeshua was anointed, which was therefore 4000 YB. And now in Yom Kippur of this year in 2022...
Tishri 7, 5995 YB / Tishri 7, 5783 AM / October 2, 2022 AD
The age of the earth is relatively short, less than 6,000 years old. We know this by adding the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures. The Bible is a true historical book, so it is a reliable source to track time. Yet some have asked me, "what about the dinosaurs?" The world has been deceived into believing a lie that the earth is billions of years old, and that these creatures existed...
Tishri 6, 5995 YB / Tishri 6, 5783 AM / October 1, 2022 AD
No one ascends to heaven or goes hell when they die. This is an erroneous belief believed by many. When you die, your soul sleeps, because it is your body that gives your soul the ability to interact with creation. Through the eyes of the body the soul sees, through the nose it smells, through the tongue it tastes and talks, through the ears it hears, through your hands it touches, and through...
Tishri 5, 5995 YB / Tishri 5, 5783 AM / September 30, 2022 AD
The world right now is sick. There is much sickness spreading around everywhere and all over the world. People are getting sick over and over again with covid. Monkeypox is now also spreading everywhere and all over the world. And many other diseases. These are just initial sufferings God has appointed for the world, as a warning, but starting next year the world will be struck with more severe...
Tishri 4, 5995 YB / Tishri 4, 5783 AM / September 29, 2022 AD
In 6 days it will be Yom Kippur and it will be the year 5,996 from creation. Now we are finally arriving at the final 4 years before the year 6,000 in 2026. We are now 6 months away from the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. This is your final warning. Prepare. Believe in Yeshua. Obey the Torah of Moses. Stock up on food and water for a minimum of 3 and 1/2 years. The world is about to...
Tishri 1, 5995 YB / Tishri 1, 5783 AM / September 26, 2022 AD
Today is Tishri 1 in the Jewish calendar. In precisely 4 years in Tishri 1 of 2026 the 7 trumpets of Revelation will be blasted for 7 days, and will be heard everywhere in the world. These trumpet blasts are the grand inauguration of the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua on the earth. They will be manifestations of power, and will shock the world. On the 1st day fire will rain down on the earth from...
Elul 28, 5995 YB / Elul 28, 5782 AM / September 24, 2022 AD
Many people erroneously think that at death the chosen will fly up to heaven to sing songs to God every day, but that is not what God has appointed for the chosen. At the return of Yeshua, the chosen will be transformed into immortal bodies, and will live on this earth, and will rule over this earth over all nations, and will even be worshiped as gods. Because this is precisely what it means to...
Elul 24, 5995 YB / Elul 24, 5782 AM / September 20, 2022 AD
The ancient texts are clear, this earth has been appointed to exist for 7,000 years, with the final 1,000 years set apart beginning in the year 6,000. This is why God created in 6 days and set apart the 7th day, to foreshadow the end from the very beginning. This is not a new teaching from me, as many people erroneously think. Even most Jews already know the Mashiach comes in the year 6,000...
Elul 22, 5995 YB / Elul 22, 5782 AM / September 18, 2022 AD
In ancient times the solar year was precisely 360 days, which caused one new moon to the next new moon to be exactly 30 days. Therefore 12 lunations of 30 days each was a precise solar year of 360 days. This is why all the ancient calendars of all civilizations were lunar, because a man only needed to observe the current phase of the moon to know the day and month he was in. It was the perfect...
Elul 21, 5995 YB / Elul 21, 5782 AM / September 17, 2022 AD
Construction of my house in Colombia continues. My house will be 3 stories tall, and God willing I will be finished with it in a few months. My house will be energy independent, and will have solar panels on the roof. The doors of my house will be open to any fellow believer in Yeshua that is obedient to the Torah of Moses.
Elul 20, 5995 YB / Elul 20, 5782 AM / September 16, 2022 AD
In the next 4 years as we approach the second coming of Yeshua in 2026, many people will remember me, as the events I have warned about for many years begin to unfold. People in the United States, which is where I am from, and also in Colombia, which is where my family is from and where I moved to and current live. And all over the world where I have traveled to. And all over the internet where...
Elul 19, 5995 YB / Elul 19, 5782 AM / September 15, 2022 AD
Just as I have been warning for many years that a global drought is coming, and now droughts are being seen all over the world, I have also for many years been warning that all fiat currencies in the world are going to enter a state of hyperinflation. And now, severe inflations are being reported all over the world. In the United States and in Europe many people can no longer afford basic needs...
Elul 18, 5995 YB / Elul 18, 5782 AM / September 14, 2022 AD
God wants obedience to his commands, which are found in the Torah of Moses. Moses wrote the commands of God in what we today call the "Torah", according to what he heard spoken to him from the mouth of God on Mount Sinai. These commands came with manifestations of power, that clearly demonstrate that these commands truly came from God. Do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery, are all...
Elul 17, 5995 YB / Elul 17, 5782 AM / September 13, 2022 AD
Do not pursue wealth, because there simply isn't enough time, rather use whatever money you have now to acquire food and water and a home if you can, then make your exit out of the financial system, to come into full obedience to the commands of God. Do so before the two witnesses of Revelation appear in the spring of next year in 2023. Be aware of the times of God, and know and understand that...
Elul 15, 5995 YB / Elul 15, 5782 AM / September 11, 2022 AD
The stage is being set in the world for the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua in the year 6,000 in 2026 AD. The final 3 and 1/2 years begins next year in 2023, and the two witnesses of Revelation will finally appear, bringing with them a global drought. This is why viruses are now being set loose by God unto the world, such as coronavirus and monkeypox. And now polio also seems to...
Elul 14, 5995 YB / Elul 14, 5782 AM / September 10, 2022 AD
The construction of my house in Colombia continues. The walls of the second floor are being raised up. And then third floor of my house will be raised up, which will have my master bedroom and private studio. Both floors will be around 3 meters in height, which is almost 10 foot tall ceilings. The windows will be large floor to ceiling windows. The garage is also being expanded, and the work is...
Elul 13, 5995 YB / Elul 13, 5782 AM / September 9, 2022 AD
Yesterday the Queen of England has died. She has been spared from the suffering that is soon to come upon the world starting next year. Indeed those that die now are better off than those who did not prepare and live onwards into these final 4 years before the return of Yeshua in 2026.
Elul 12, 5995 YB / Elul 12, 5782 AM / September 8, 2022 AD
We are now in the 3rd year of the coronavirus global outbreak, which was declared to be a pandemic in 2020 AD. A few months before the outbreak began, I stood next to the wailing wall in Jerusalem in 2019 AD, awaiting the year 5.993 from creation in Yom Kippur of that year. I stood there quietly, knowing full well that the final 7 years before the year 6,000 from creation in 2026 AD was about to...
Elul 11, 5995 YB / Elul 11, 5782 AM / September 7, 2022 AD
Paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation, because these are false weights. False weights are forbidden by the Torah of God. Gold and silver are the true money of God, whose value is based on weight. The use of gold and silver as money is good in a society, because it is based on a real and tangible commodity whose value in weight is constant. Whereas the value of...
Elul 10, 5995 YB / Elul 10, 5782 AM / September 6, 2022 AD
The rivers and lakes of the world are now drying up, in preparation for the global drought that will begin next year with the appearance of the two witnesses of Revelation. Animals and crops will die from the global drought. And hydroelectric plants will fail all over the world. There will be food and drinking water shortages in the world. The world will hunger and thirst. This is what is...
Elul 4, 5995 YB / Elul 4, 5782 AM / August 31, 2022 AD
The window is now closing to make final preparations for the return of Yeshua in 4 years. The two witnesses of Revelation will now appear 7 months from now. They will shut the sky so that there will be no more rain in the world for 3 and 1/2 years. Food and drinking water will run out in the world, and a global financial collapse is also coming. All fiat currencies in the world will enter a state...
Elul 1, 5995 YB / Elul 1, 5782 AM / August 28, 2022 AD
Today is now the 1st day of the new moon of Elul, in Jerusalem. There is one new moon left until the year 5,996 from creation. The new year will be on the 10th day of the new moon of Tishri. This upcoming Tishri 10 will be precisely 4 years until the chosen are gathered from all over the world, in Tishri 10 in the year 2026 AD, at the sound of the great shofar in the Day of Atonement. And there...
Av 30, 5995 YB / Av 30, 5782 AM / August 27, 2022 AD
After coming to perfect obedience to the commands of the Torah we must then enter the new covenant of Yeshua by eating the bread that represents his flesh and drinking the wine that represents his blood, giving thanks for these elements in the name of Yeshua. Eating this meal is obligatory, and without it we simply cannot be saved. Once we participate in this in this set-apart meal, we cannot sin...
Av 29, 5995 YB / Av 29, 5782 AM / August 26, 2022 AD
As I have said for many years, a global drought is coming, according to what the scriptures have declared will happen in the final 3 and 1/2 years before the year 6,000 of creation. And the year 6,000 will be in the autumn of 2026. And the final 3 and 1/2 years begins in 32 weeks from now in the spring of 2023. Droughts are now being reported all over the world. The rivers and lakes of the world...
Av 28, 5995 YB / Av 28, 5782 AM / August 25, 2022 AD
The "Law of God" is the Torah of Moses, which is the first 5 books of the Bible. God verbally spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, and Moses wrote down what he heard in a book we now call "the Torah". This is why the Torah of Moses is the Law of God, because this law literally came from God. The commands written therein were not just for the nation of Israel, but also for the entire world, for all...
Av 26, 5995 YB / Av 26, 5782 AM / August 23, 2022 AD
4 years are left until the return of Yeshua, because it will be the year 6,000 from creation. According to the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures, which are historial fact contrary to the myths the "scientists" teach, from Adam until Abraham was called from Ur of the Chaldees 2,080 years passed. From the time Abraham was called until the exodus of Israel another 430 years passed, so it...
Av 25, 5995 YB / Av 25, 5782 AM / August 22, 2022 AD
I am going to share what is going to happen in Europe and with the global financial system in the next 4 years, according to the prophecies. The prophecies are very mysterious and figurative, so it involves much research and putting many pieces together to finally understand clearly what is going to happen. These are matters that very few people understand, so read very carefully, because knowing...
Av 24, 5995 YB / Av 24, 5782 AM / August 21, 2022 AD
Today I will share what the scriptures teach about homosexuality and sexual morality in general, because many people have asked me, after reading about my publication on transgenderism yesterday. The Torah is quite clear on the topic of homosexuality, and commands, "a man shall not lie down with a man as he does with a woman". Therefore God forbids homosexuality. It is an act punishable with...
Av 23, 5995 YB / Av 23, 5782 AM / August 20, 2022 AD
Just as in the land of Israel there were false prophets announcing lies that the house of Judah would not be taken into captivity to Babylon contrary to the word of God given to the true prophet Jeremiah, so in likewise manner today there are false witnesses pretending to have the anointing. The two men that are currently preaching in the public square in Vatican City in Rome dressed in sackcloth...
Av 21, 5995 YB / Av 21, 5782 AM / August 18, 2022 AD
I have said it many times in the past over the years, a global drought is coming. This is not something I know because I had a special vision or dream from God, this is something I know because I have studied the Biblical prophecies in great depth, which in summary when putting all the pieces together tell us that in the last 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua in the year 6,000 there...
Av 20, 5995 YB / Av 20, 5782 AM / August 17, 2022 AD
For many years I have been warning everyone about the global drought that is coming, and the global famine that will ensue because of it, to fulfill what is written in the scriptures, "they have power to shut the sky so that no rain will fall for as long as they prophesy" and "their silver and gold will not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Master, and they will not be able to...
Av 19, 5995 YB / Av 19, 5782 AM / August 16, 2022 AD
God is raising two persons in the world to become the two witnesses of Revelation. They will be the two most powerful prophets in the history of the world. We do not know who they are yet, but in 33 weeks from now they will receive the airflow of God, and will be imbued with power from above. They will be given authority over the whole entire earth, to strike the world with as many plagues as...
Av 18, 5995 YB / Av 18, 5782 AM / August 15, 2022 AD
While many people are partying and having fun all over the world, in ignorant bliss, 33 weeks are now left until the two witnesses of Revelation. It won't be long before their laughter becomes sorrow, because they refused to believe and prepare. Understand that the second coming of Yeshua is now approaching.
Av 17, 5995 YB / Av 17, 5782 AM / August 14, 2022 AD
In accordance to the prophet Hosea, Yeshua will return after 2 days, meaning 2,000 years from the year of his anointing. Because 2,000 years after 26 AD will be the year 6,000 from creation, in 2026 AD. Today, in 2022 AD we are currently in the year 5,995 from creation, and in Yom Kippur of this year in a few weeks from now it will be the year 5,996 from creation. The earth is not billions of...
Av 14, 5995 YB / Av 14, 5782 AM / August 11, 2022 AD
The saying, "all roads lead to Rome", is indeed true. Because all central banks of the world clandestinely trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome. Vatican City, in Rome, is the true prostitute of Babylon of Revelation, who rules over all the cities of the world, through a global financial system that she is the head of. According to the book of Revelation, around 6...
Av 12, 5995 YB / Av 12, 5782 AM / August 9, 2022 AD
Gold and silver is the money of God, which is a commodity that is real and tangible. For thousands of years humanity bought and sold with gold and silver, whose value was based on weight. Yet around 100 years ago, the banks found a clever way to defraud all humanity, by using the authority of the governments of the world to force all humanity to give their gold to the central banks in exchange...
Av 11, 5995 YB / Av 11, 5782 AM / August 8, 2022 AD
Stock up on food and drinking water. A minimum of 3 and 1/2 years. Cans of tuna are cheap and last a long time. The same with pasta and tomato sauce. A global drought is coming. And a global financial collapse is also coming. Fiat currency will become worthless everywhere in the world. Food and drinking water will deplete in the coming years. Listen to wise counsel.
Av 10, 5995 YB / Av 10, 5782 AM / August 7, 2022 AD
34 weeks are left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. Two persons on the earth in two different cities will be chosen to become these two prophets of Revelation. They will be two believers in Yeshua, who are in perfect obedience to the Torah of Moses, and who have also renounced money and will have absolutely no money. In 34 weeks from now they will be anointed with the airflow of God...
Av 7, 5995 YB / Av 7, 5782 AM / August 4, 2022 AD
245 days are left until the two witnesses of Revelation appear. They will bring calamities and a global drought to the world. Prepare now. "Jesus" is a mistranslation of the the set-apart name of the son of God, which is Yeshua. "Yeshua" is the exact name given by an angel to name the son of God, so this name literally came from heaven and was given to humanity to worship God through that...
Av 4, 5995 YB / Av 4, 5782 AM / August 1, 2022 AD
Tonight it is raining in Medellin. Enjoy it while it lasts, because these are the last few months of rain before the global drought begins in 8 months from now. There will be no rain on the earth for 3 and 1/2 years, to pave the way for the return of Yeshua in 2026. Stock up now on food and drinking water while you still can, because very soon there will be severe food and drinking water...
Av 3, 5995 YB / Av 3, 5782 AM / July 31, 2022 AD
In 4 years Vatican City is going to be destroyed, in the spring of 2026, according to what the prophets and the book of Revelation have declared. She is the prostitute of Babylon of Revelation, who rules the entire world through a clandestine global financial system that all traces back to her. For all central banks in the world trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome...
Av 2, 5995 YB / Av 2, 5782 AM / July 30, 2022 AD
Just like Ninevah, the destruction decreed upon the world at the second coming of Yeshua written in the book of Revelation can indeed be rescinded, if the world decided to repent and fast to seek the mercy of God. There would be no famine nor thirst nor plagues nor death nor destruction at the return of Yeshua. Yeshua would simply descend unto the earth with his armies of angels, and would take...
Av 1, 5995 YB / Av 1, 5782 AM / July 29, 2022 AD
Today is Av 1 in the Jewish calendar. The next new moon will be Elul, then finally we will arrive in the new moon of Tishri. There are two new moons left until the new year in Tishri 10, and it will be year 5,996 from creation. It will be in the year 5,9996 from creation that finally the two witnesses of Revelation will appear, 6 months after the new year. There is very little time left. Be aware...
Tammuz 29, 5995 YB / Tammuz 29, 5782 AM / July 28, 2022 AD
Many people do not understand that the two witnesses mentioned in the book of Revelation are two literal prophets that will appear in the world, in two different cities, to serve as the last warning to the world regarding the second coming of Yeshua that happens 3 and 1/2 years after they begin prophesying. Many people also don't understand the tremendous power they will have. They will be the...
Tammuz 28, 5995 YB / Tammuz 28, 5782 AM / July 27, 2022 AD
Listen up, we are now living in the end times I have warned about for many years. The world is already declining, but starting next year the world will begin to decline very drastically and very quickly, because next year will mark the beginning of the last 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua in 2026. There will indeed be a global drought unlike anything the world has ever seen or thought...
Tammuz 27, 5995 YB / Tammuz 27, 5782 AM / July 26, 2022 AD
We are in the final 4 years before the return of Yeshua, because 2026 is the year 6,000 from creation. 6,000 years have been appointed for the world to willingly repent and seek the mercy and forgiveness of God. But in the year 6,000 that long window of opportunity to come to good terms with God will finally end, and God will unleash his full wrath without dilution and without mercy unto all...
Tammuz 25, 5995 YB / Tammuz 25, 5782 AM / July 24, 2022 AD
No one ascends to heaven or goes hell when they die. This is an erroneous belief believed by many. When you die, your soul sleeps, because it is your body that gives your soul the ability to interact with creation. Through the eyes of the body the soul sees, through the nose it smells, through the tongue it tastes and talks, through the ears it hears, through your hands it touches, and through...
Tammuz 24, 5995 YB / Tammuz 24, 5782 AM / July 23, 2022 AD
4 years are left until the return of Yeshua. All humanity will be captured by his armies of angels, and will be restrained with chains of iron, and all will be taken to the east side of Jerusalem, in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, to be judged. All humanity will indeed end up in Israel, eventually, according to what the prophets have declared will happen...
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