My Messages to the World
Donald Trump has won the presidential elections in the USA. In a few weeks from now on January 20th in the Roman year of 2025 AD will be his inauguration and he will begin to govern. His victory was expected and necessary to happen because just as King Cyrus gave the second temple construction the backing from the most powerful nation of that time, which was Persia, so in likewise manner the third temple construction will need the backing from the most powerful nation in our time, which is the USA. And Trump will be the president to give the third temple his backing. It is the final chess piece that had to be moved for the construction of the third temple to happen. Any moment now the construction of the third temple will begin. To me and to those who study prophecy and know when the year 6,000 is this is expected, but to the rest of the world this will happen with shock and surprise to them. They are all about to suffer and die a horrible death because of their incredulity and disobedience and lack of knowledge and understanding. Before the temple is constructed, the Dome of the Rock will be destroyed by the power of one of the two witnesses of Revelation. This will cause the world to be enraged against Jerusalem, but no one will be able to stop the construction of the third temple. This witness of Revelation will lay down the first stone in the construction of the third temple, and he will also lay down the final stone. The other witness will be High Priest in the temple. These two witnesses will also strike the world with plagues, and will bring forth a global drought to the world. They will also be the final warning to the world, but the world will not understand. Hydroelectric plants will fail, and there will be global famine. The construction of the third temple must happen in these final 2 years in preparation for the return of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which is the year 6,000. He will descend unto the earth with 400 million angels, and he will enthrone himself in that temple and will rule the world from Jerusalem. His angels will enforce his rulership over the entire world. He will send his angels to capture all humanity, and everyone will be brought to the Valley of Jehoshaphat on the eastern side of Jerusalem to be judged. Everyone will be accused of breaking the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. Even Donald Trump and all the leaders of the world will be shackled and will be taken there to be judged. And all will be condemned to be thrown over a lake of lava that will form on the southern side of Jerusalem, in the Valley of Hinnom. They will be destroyed body and soul, and will cease to exist in horror and agony.