Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Kehillah Torah Yeshua


The Set-Apart House

Welcome to my home in Envigado, Colombia. This home is a central base for a community of believers in Yeshua that obey the Torah of Moses here in the city and throughout the world. We expect the return of Yeshua to be in the year 6,000 from creation, which I have calculated to be in 2 years in the autumn in 2026 AD. We have begun gathering on every shabbath to share the parashah of the week, to teach and learn, to discuss current events, to discuss end time preparations, to discuss how we can help each other, and how we can help the poor and homeless in the city. Any believer in Yeshua that obeys the Torah is welcome to join us on shabbath, and even lodge with me if necessary. I can be contacted from the Contact page.

Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding


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