My Messages to the World
The nation of Haiti has now collapsed, and there is severe chaos and riots and looting there, and the government there has lost almost all control. It is almost anarchy there. Remember that I warned you that this would happen, all over the world. It is now beginning to happen with the lesser nations that are collapsing first, and then the greater nations will collapse next. All nations of the earth will collapse, in these next 2 years. There will be severe chaos and riots and looting all over the world. And all fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. All over the world there is now high inflation, and the cost of rent and food has doubled in many places, and people can afford much less than before. And already several nations are already suffering from hyperinflation, such as Argentina and Lebanon and Iran and Turkey and Veneuzela. Remember that I also warned you that this would happen, that the entire world would suffer from hyperinflation. Already this has begun, with the lesser nations first, and then the greater nations will suffer hyperinflation next. And the world is suffering from extreme heat, with temperatures never seen in the history of humanity. And there are droughts all over the world. Remember that I also told you that this would happen. I told you that there would be global drought. Slowly this is coming to fulfillment, first droughts will emerge in various places throughout the world, and then the droughts will intensify to the extreme of no rain on the entire earth. These next 2 years will be the worst years all humanity has ever suffered. There will be global famine and global hyperinflation and chaos and riots and looting everywhere. And people will be shocked at how quickly the world will decline in these next 2 years. Only those who prepared beforehand and believed in Yeshua and obeyed the Torah of Moses will be saved. And then finally, the return of Yeshua will be in 2026 AD, which is the year 6,000 from creation, in the autumn. Which is also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD.