Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Adar 23, 5996 YB / Adar 23, 5783 AM / March 15, 2023 AD

My Messages to the World

Yeshua taught, “sell your possessions and give to the poor”, but the two witnesses of Revelation will teach, “buy much food and burn the rest of your money and share with the poor”. They will tell one person, burn half your money. And they will tell another person, burn 1/4 of your money. And they will tell another, burn all your money. And in this way they will put the world to the test, to see if they love the commands of God or if they love money. And just like the rich man was saddened when Yeshua told him to sell his possessions, so in likewise manner many will reject the teaching of the two witnesses to get rid of money, because of their love of money. Whoever does not get rid of money will not inherit the kingdom of God. You must completely renounce money once and for all and get rid of every last penny of money, otherwise you will be thrown over lava like garbage at the return of Yeshua in 3 years.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

4 questions

  • You said the two witnesses will will tell one person, burn half your money. And they will tell another person, burn 1/4 of your money. And they will tell another, burn all your money. It means that their message will be adressed to each individual person in the world in order to test each person. How is it possible as they will appear only in two cities among others in the world ?

    • Hi Joseph. They will each establish one assembly of God, in the city where they will emerge. And as they establish each assembly in their respective cities, they will call on people to repent and burn their money to enter into obedience.

  • Why the two witnesses will tell one person to burn half his money and another person to burn 1/4 of his money or will tell another to burn all his money if their objectif is to urge all the people to drop paper money because it is ungodly ? And those to whom they will allow to continue using the marque of the beast in sight of other believers, will they be saved when Yeshua return seeing them manipulate the ungodly thing because they are allowed by His prophets ? I think it will be unfair and inequitable if they proceed in this way and many people will not take them to serious.

    Anyway, concerning the selling of possession as you advice us to do, 2 months ago, I put my parcel of terrain into selling in order to achieve quickly my preparation for the crisis to come. But unfortunately no buyer comes. Now that we are at the time limit to the preparation, if someone presentes himself to me in the future that is during the year 2023 or in 2024 in order to purchase my land, what shall I do ? shall I accept the transaction ?

    • Hi Joseph, there are two ways to get rid of money. The first way is by using it to buy something. Or the second way is to burn it. Or do both. Until all the money is gone. The two witnesses will call on people to do this, until all the money is gone. But telling people to also burn a portion of their money is a test of belief that not many people would be willing to do. The Torah allows to sell what is unclean. But in our case we would be exchanging unclean money for things we need. “You shall not eat anything that has died naturally. You may give it to the sojourner who is within your towns, that he may eat it, or you may sell it to a foreigner. For you are a people set-apart to the Master your God”. Deuteronomy 14:21. You cannot accept fiat currency once you exit the financial system. So if you are planning on selling your land, you cannot accept fiat currency. But you can accept payment in gold or silver or food. Money will become useless anyways in 3 years, because it will lose its value.

Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding


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