My Messages to the World
The monies of the nations of the world are already beginning to enter a state of hyperinflation. In Argentina inflation is reported to be over 100% already. And other nations are following in the same path. Many years ago, I predicted this would happen. And now it is beginning to happen. Hyperinflation is catastrophic to any society, because money loses its value very quickly. One day a cup of coffee costs $5 USD, then the next day it costs $10 USD, and then the next day $20 USD, and then the next day $40 USD, and so on. And when every merchant in a nation raises their prices like this, it becomes very difficult to buy in that nation, if not impossible. And the salary that someone earned yesterday buys much less the next day, and the savings that someone had yesterday buys much less the next day. This is why Venezuela collapsed, ultimately because of hyperinflation. And there have been other examples of hyperinflation in the last 100 years throughout the world, during the time that paper money has been circulating in the nations of the world, which has led to the ruin of many. The money of today is paper money and fiat currency, whose value is imaginary, which is why it is volatile and can hyperinflate and cause the collapse of an entire nation. Whereas gold and silver were money for thousands of years before paper money became the money of the world. And the value of gold and silver is based on its weight, so it cannot hyperinflate as paper money can, because 1 ozt of gold today is the same 1 ozt of gold tomorrow. When money is gold, prices are always stable in a society, and if you buy a house for 10 ozt of gold today, in 100 years it will be worth the same 10 ozt of gold. Gold is good money, whereas paper money is bad money, and only benefits those at the top that issue it, while leaving the rest of the world poor and poorer as each day passes. Because as money is devalued daily, salaries and savings lag behind the devaluation, which then causes prices to rise slowly, which then causes people to need to enter into debt to be able to buy. And slowly those that issue fiat currency become the owners of everything, through debt. Usually the central banks try to keep inflation low by leveraging interest rates, so that the devaluation of paper money is not noticeable to the people of the world. But when hyperinflation sets in, this process happens very fast, and then it becomes very difficult or impossible to buy and sell. And in the next 3 years, all the monies of the nations of the world are going to enter a state of hyperinflation. Not just Argentina. And not just Venezuela. All nations, even the USA. No nation will be spared from the global collapse of money that is coming. Do not hold on to your money, because you will lose it, and it will also curse you, because paper money and fiat currency are the mark of the beast of Revelation, because these are false weights. The value of money will vanish like vapor. And literally the prophecy of Ezekiel will come into fulfillment, that money will be thrown on the streets like garbage. Ezekiel 7:19, “they cast their silver into the streets, and their gold is like an unclean thing”. When Ezekiel was talking about silver and gold, he was talking about money, which today comes in the form of paper money. This prophecy has already begun to come into fulfillment, in Venezuela, where paper money was thrown on the streets like garbage. Because their money, the Venezuelan Bolivar, has become worthless. But this prophecy of Ezekiel will also happen throughout the entire world, when all money in the world collapses.