My Messages to the World
The year 6,000 from creation is approaching in 3 years from now, in 2026. The anointing of Yeshua was the year 4,000 in 26 AD, and his return will be 2,000 years later in 2026, the year 6,000. The ancients texts and the scriptures plainly reveal that Yeshua returns in the year 6,000. And although many people already do believe in the year 6,000, for example many Jews, who have their own count to the year 6,000, the AM year, many have not been able to accurately determine what is the current year since creation. The Jewish AM year is behind 213 years. We are currently in the year 5,996 from creation in March of 2023. I am one of the few, if perhaps the only person, in all the history of humanity that has determined the true year since creation, published for free to the world via the internet on my website in a detailed timeline from Adam to the current time. I have researched the matter thoroughly, and presented it to the world. This work is among my most valuable contributions to all humanity. But this generation will not appreciate my work, because of disbelief and deception and ignorance. They would rather believe myths that the earth brought itself into existence on its own millions of years ago and that we descend from monkeys. So even though there are 3 years left until the year 6,000, they refuse to prepare, although the knowledge of the year 6,000 is plainly found in the ancient texts, and the scriptures allude to it. This is not a new teaching from me. And the current year since creation is easily calculable using the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures. And because of their refusal to believe and obey and prepare, God has predestined that this generation will either die from famine or plague or being thrown over lava, in the next 3 years. It will be the generations after this current one, the ones that will live under the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua, that will appreciate my work and writings.