My Messages to the World
For many years I have been warning everyone about the global drought that is coming, and the global famine that will ensue because of it, to fulfill what is written in the scriptures, “they have power to shut the sky so that no rain will fall for as long as they prophesy” and “their silver and gold will not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Master, and they will not be able to satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it”. The two witnesses of Revelation will finally appear next year, 33 weeks from now, and will shut the sky so that it doesn’t rain everywhere in the world. This will cause a global drought and global shortages in food and drinking water. The rivers and lakes will dry up. Hydroelectric plants will fail. It will be catastrophic. There will be a global famine. And already droughts are being reported all over the world, with rivers and lakes already drying up. Sunken ships, ancient structures, and even dead bodies are emerging in the depths of the rivers and lakes that are now drying up. Even an ancient inscription was found in the depths that have now dried up saying, “if you see me, weep”, because when the rivers and lakes begin to dry up a catastrophe is imminent. This generation does not understand that a global drought is far worse than the global pandemic the world is currently facing. This generation is fat and complacent, and accustomed to having plenty and getting what they want quickly, and has not really suffered from severe shortages and hunger and thirst and these types of severe catastrophes that previous generations have already suffered to a certain degree, although not a global drought like this generation is about to suffer. The warning signs are all around us about what is about to happen. You do not even need to believe or know the scriptures to understand that we are in a looming global crisis. But what do we have right now? Imbeciles that refuse to believe and prepare, going out partying and having fun daily, rejecting wise counsel and completely oblivious of the times. Soon they will drink from the bitter cup of suffering, and there will be none to help them.