My Messages to the World
We are now in the new moon of Av in the Jewish calendar, on the third day of the new moon. Around 2 new moons are left until the year 5,997 from creation begins on the 10th day of the new moon of Tishri. The two witnesses have not appeared to all humanity, yet. God has apparently appointed for them not to appear to all humanity from day one of their anointing so that it will not be obvious to the world when the final 3 and 1/2 years began until the return of Yeshua. And once they do appear to all humanity, more than likely many foolish believers will begin counting the 1,260 days from that day, unaware that the final 3 and 1/2 years begins 1,260 days prior to Tishri 6 in the year 5,999 from creation, which is 3 and 1/2 days prior to the year 6,000 in Tishri 10. Once the two witnesses do appear to all humanity, there will be much less time than most believers will expect. Tishri 10 will be Yom Kippur, which is when the great shofar of the yovel year will be blown and it will also be the day of the 1st resurrection of the dead, which is also when the two witnesses themselves will also be resurrected after their death in the morning of Tishri 6, in Jerusalem time. The year 6,000 is in 2026 AD, which is also 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD, which implies that the two witnesses must have already been anointing in Nisan 15 of this year in 2023 AD. And once the two witnesses do appear to all humanity, many believers will also be thrown into confusion, because to them the antichrist nor the mark of the beast have come yet. Some might even think that the two witnesses are the beast and false prophet of Revelation, not understanding the visions of Revelation. They do not understand that the Roman popes are the antichrist, and that the mark of the beast is paper money and fiat currency. The events of these next 3 years will take them by complete shock and surprise. How these next 3 years will unfold will not happen the way they expect. And remember that I also warned you that the two witnesses will also come in ways we do not expect. Them not appearing since the first day of their anointing is not expected, but it should not surprise us either. We were hoping that God would give the world ample warning with the two witnesses appearing to all humanity since day one of their anointing, but this does not seem to be the case. And God has delayed their appearance to all humanity, so that the warning may be very short and the destruction very sudden. Even so, we are already seeing signs of the end, and to those of us who are paying very close attention, we are already warned. Remember that for many years prior I warned you that a global drought is coming. Already God is scorching the earth with extreme heat and drought. And although it is undeniable that these events are already happening and that they are not normal, some either ignore it or think these are ordinary events. Even many believers still argue with me ignoring these signs and rejecting the truth that we are approaching the return of Yeshua. This global drought is fulfillment of prophecy. Any moment now we are going to begin seeing severe food shortages all over the world. If you have stocked up on food and water as I have advised you to do beforehand, then you have done well. And God is also sending sickness all over the world. This is also fulfillment of prophecy. And crime is also increasing all over the world, because of the decline in the global economy. This is also fulfillment of prophecy. The prophet Ezekiel foretold that in these final years the global situation would get so bad that those outside the city would die by invaders, and those those within the city would die by famine and disease. As it is written, “outside is the sword, and inside are plague and famine. Those in the country will die by the sword, and those in the city will be devoured by famine and plague”. Ezekiel 7:15. We are now seeing the beginnings of these things, in the form of extreme heat and droughts all over the world causing food shortages, and covid and increased disease scourging all humanity, and increased theft and crime all over the world due to a decline in the global economy. In these next 3 years all of these things are going to get progressively worse, leading up the final year, in which case the worst events in human history will happen. There is still a tiny little time left to prepare. The most important thing we can all do to prepare is to believe in Yeshua and obey the commands of God in the Torah. I also recommend stocking up on food and water.