My Messages to the World
In these next 2 years all fiat currencies in the world are going to enter a state of hyperinflation. Even the US Dollar will enter a state of hyperinflation, which has never happen before. Many Americans and people around the world will be shocked when this happens to them. Prices will double and triple and rise quickly in a matter of days and weeks, and their savings and incomes will quickly evaporate and they will not be able to pay for anything, and they will hunger. Even many of them will end up living on the streets, because their rents will double and triple and rise quickly. I warned many people beforehand that this was going to happen, but they were incredulous and stubborn and stupid, and they did not prepare for this, and so bring suffering upon their own heads. I told them to stock up on food and water and necessities and to own their property without mortgage and not to rent and to not depend on money, but they refused to listen, to their own eventual suffering and ruin. A nation is considered to be in a state of hyperinflation when inflation goes over 50% per month. Hyperinflation happens because the value of the money of today is merely an illusion, in the form of paper money and fiat currency, so it is volatile and inflates and destabilizes and collapses in the form of hyperinflation. Whereas money before was gold and silver, whose value was based on weight, and does not inflate in this way, because its value is intrinsic, and 1 ozt of gold today is the same 1 ozt of gold tomorrow, so prices remain constant always, for centuries and even millennia. A house purchased for 10 ozt of gold today will cost 10 ozt of gold 1,000 years later later. Gold and silver does not hyperinflate like fiat currency does. But the governments and central banks of the world have outlawed gold and silver as money, to issue humanity a form of debased money whose value they can control, which is paper money and fiat currency. Through it they cause devaluation, to then cause inflation, to then debt. Eventually people need debt to buy and sell because everything becomes very expensive, like credit cards and auto loans and mortgages. It is a scheme of thievery. Slowly the central banks and governments become the owners of everything, through debt. But eventually to the demise of everyone and even them fiat currency destabilizes and collapses into hyperinflation. It is like a bubble that eventually pops and bringing everyone to misery. Even those at the top of the financial hierarchy are brought to misery, because if those at the bottom that support the economy collapse, then those at the top also collapse along with them, like a chair whose legs are broken off bringing the entire chair down to the floor. These are the greatest words of wisdom you will ever hear regarding money and the global financial system. Very few people if any will ever tell you what I am telling you right now. These are extremely valuable pearls of wisdom, which can save your life. Paper money and fiat currency is the true mark of the beast of Revelation, cursing anyone to the lava of lava that merely accepts it once as money, because it is obviously evil. And it is the mutual consent of everyone that continues to accept it as money that keeps it in circulation, which is why anyone who accepts it as money is worthy of the lake of lava. The only way to remove the curse of the mark of the beast is by renouncing paper money and fiat currency once and for all and by getting rid of it all once and for all, which is a true test of belief and obedience in our time. Some nations are already in a state of hyperinflation, like Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Sudan, Zimbabwe, and South Sudan. And other nations are already in high inflation and are about to enter a state of hyperinflation, like Iran, Egypt, Malawi, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Haiti, Ghana, Angola, Burundi, Laos, and Suriname. And soon all nations of the earth will follow along and also enter high inflation then cross into hyperinflation. The global economy is already collapsing, but the one defining event that will cause the greatest decline in the global economy will be the destruction of Vatican City, because all central banks in the world clandestinely trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome. The Vatican Bank is the most secretive bank in the world, and over the decades has expanded its financial influence through all the central banks of the world. Many people are not aware of this. This is why she is the true prostitute of Babylon in the book of Revelation, ruling over all the nations of the world, through central banks and money. You only need to understand the vision regarding her in the book of Revelation to understand that she is truly the head of the global financial system. And even though her true identity and position as the head of the global financial is obvious to us who understand prophecy, to the entire rest of the world it is not obvious, and her destruction and the subsequent collapse of the global financial system will come as a complete shock to them. And not just shock, but also financial ruin to them, because hyperinflation will cause all their money to quickly lose value, and they will not be able to buy and sell, and will hunger. This is why the book of Revelation says that the merchants of the earth will wail for her destruction and that no one will buy their merchandise anymore, because of the global financial collapse that will ensue from her destruction, which will come in the form of hyperinflation. And so the words of the prophet Ezekiel will come into fulfillment, that people will throw their gold and silver on the streets and that it would become like garbage. In his way, the prophet Ezekiel was talking about money, because gold and silver was money before, and today that prophecy has already begun to come into fulfillment by people throwing their paper money on the streets, which is the money of today. Paper money being thrown on the streets like garbage has already happened in Venezuela, where hyperinflation has already been happening. And it will also happen all over the world as well. And all humanity will be brought to misery and hunger. But even then, people will still not understand that they themselves are the reason for their own misery, for having accepted paper money and fiat currency. And even when paper money and fiat currency hyperinflates people will still try to use it to buy and sell, and the governments will try to fix the problem by issuing new paper money with new denominations, in the millions and in the trillions and quadrillions. Absurd numbers will be printed to try to keep up with the hyperinflation, but the global economy will destabilize irreversibly and there will be no amount of paper money that they can print to fix it. Hyperinflations have already happened in the past in several nations, and this same scenario played out with high denominations of paper money being printed to keep up with the hyperinflation, serving as an example to us unto whom is coming the greatest financial collapse in the history of all humanity. In Greece around 1950 AD paper money with a denomination of 50,000 drachma (fifty thousand) was being printed, because of the hyperinflation that happened there. It was said prices were doubling every 4.3 days. And in Germany in 1924 AD paper money with a denomination of 100,000,000,000,000 mark (one hundred trillion) was being printed, because of the hyperinflation there. It was said prices were doubling every 3.7 days. In Yugoslavia around 1993 AD paper money with a denomination of 500,000,000,000 dinar (five hundred billion) was being printed, because of the hyperinflation that happened there. It was said prices were doubling every 1.4 days. In Zimbabwe around 2008 AD paper money with a denomination of 100,000,000,000,000 dollars (one hundred trillion) was being printed, because of the hyperinflation that happened there. It was said prices were doubling every 24.7 hours. And until the current time, the worst hyperinflation ever recorded happened in Hungary. In Hungary around 1946 AD paper money with a denomination of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 pengo (one hundred quintillion) was being printed, because of the hyperinflation that happened there. It was said prices were doubling every 15.6 hours. You do not even need to believe in God nor know what the Torah commands regarding money to know that paper money and fiat currency is obviously bad for society, and is the root cause of poverty in the world. Anyone who accepts this as money is in sin and cannot be saved until he or she renounces this money once and for all. It is the money of the antichrist, who are the Roman popes, seated in Vatican City, in Rome.
Venezuelan Bolivar banknotes remain on the pavement during after being thrown by health workers during a protest for the lack of medicines, medical supplies and poor conditions in hospitals, outside the “Dr. JM de los Rios” Children’s Hospital in Caracas on August 16, 2018. – Health workers marched Thursday to the government palace marking a month and a half of demonstrations. (Photo by Federico PARRA / AFP) (Photo credit should read FEDERICO PARRA/AFP/Getty Images)