My Messages to the World
2024 is nearly over. And 2025 is about to begin. And just 1 year will be left for the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026 AD. Donald Trump will asume authority in January, and from there on the world is going to decline severely. The Dome of the Rock will be destroyed. The third temple will be constructed in Jerusalem. The United States of Europe will be established by 10 nations in Europe. Vatican City will be destroyed by the newly formed United States of Europe, 15 days after it is established. And this will cause the collapse of the global financial system, and all fiat currencies in the world will enter a state of hyperinflation. And there will be global drought. This is all going to happen quickly in these next 2 years. Many people will be shocked to see that everything I forewarned them about turned out to be true, and it will be too late for them. For many years I have anticipated and prepared for these times, and now they are upon us. I am ready. But everyone around me is not ready, and they are about to suffer severely with severe pandemic and global hyperinflation and global drought and severe plagues and then finally die a horrible death over lava. They are completely oblivious of the times and also what is about to happen to them. I have warned them enough, and they refused to listen and prepare. That is their problem now. I was kind enough to warn them, but they trampled my pearls like swine and ravenous dogs. The two most important things to survive are belief in Yeshua and obedience to the Torah of Moses, which includes getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, which is the mark of the beast of Revelation. And secondary is stocking up on food and water and necessities to withstand the global financial collapse in these next 2 years, until we are picked up by angels at the sound of the great shofar in the year 6,000 in 2026, after the descension of Yeshua. We will be taken to safety to Mount Zion in Israel, while the rest of all humanity is struck with the 7 plagues of Revelation. God has revealed to me the timing of these plagues, and they are to begin in Sukkot in Tishri 15. And we will be picked up 5 days prior in Tishri 10 in Yom Kippur, in Yovel 120 in the year 6,000. These are extremely valuable pearls of wisdom that have not been revealed to many believers and Jews.