Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Elul 14, 5997 YB / Elul 14, 5784 AM / September 16, 2024 AD

My Messages to the World

In just around 30 more days it will be the year 5,998 from creation in Tishri 10, with just 2 more years left until the year 6,000 from creation, in Tishri 10 in 2026 AD. Many thousands of people have had the privilege of hearing my message over the years, but most have trampled my pearls like pigs, unable to value the truth. Now the time is finally coming to render retribution to all them who refused to prepare and listen to the truth and obey the Torah of Moses and believe in Yeshua. They do not know the Torah nor its appointed times, therefore they are blinded from knowing and understanding the simple truth. They are predestined for destruction in these next 2 years. Even so, already many have become severely sick and many others have died. High inflation is now striking all humanity. All humanity has now accepted the mark of the beast, which is paper money and fiat currency. And now this evil form of money is backfiring against all of them in the form of high inflation, and in just a little time from now this evil form of money will bring hyperinflation and financial ruin and famine and panic to all humanity, as they rightfully deserve for having accepted false weights as money. And the sun is already scorching the earth with extreme heat. And droughts are being reported all over the world. Earthquakes are also being felt all over the world. And meteors are appearing all over the world. And the Jews are calling for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, which I expect to happen any day now, to bring forth the construction of the third temple. Everything I have said is coming into fulfillment and quickly. For many years I have prepared for these times, and God has blessed me and favored my path exceedingly to do so, and I have everything I need. But most everyone else has refused to prepare because they refused to believe, and now they will suffer because of it, with no one to help them, as they rightfully deserve. In just around 23 more months Yeshua will descend unto the earth with 400 million angels. All humanity will be struck with boils from head to toe, which will cause constant agony day and night, and all their hair will fall out and baldness will be brought to all of them. They will gnaw their tongues in agony, for up to 5 months, until they are judged and condemned. They will hate and curse God because of their severe suffering, not understanding that they brought it upon themselves because of their disbelief and disobedience. They were all warned beforehand, but they simply refused to prepare and believe and obey. They deserve their agony and destruction. The seas and rivers will become blood. The sun will burn humanity with fire. They world will be plunged into darkness. A global earthquake will cause the collapse of all the cities of the world, and gigantic hailstones will fall on all humanity. Then angels will be sent to every place on the earth, to capture all humanity with chains of iron, and all humanity will be taken to the Valley of Jehoshaphat and will be judged there. And they will all be condemned to be thrown over lava like garbage, for the destruction of body and soul. Many will remember my constant warnings. And many will regret not having listened.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

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Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding


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