My Messages to the World
The two witnesses of Revelation are going to appear in 49 days from now, in Nisan 15 in the Jewish calendar. We are now approaching the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026. 2026 is the year 6,000 from creation, and precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. Make your final preparations now. Believe in Yeshua. Obey the Torah of Moses. Get rid of paper money and fiat currency. Stock up on food and water, for a minimum of 3 and 1/2 years. Do this and you will save yourself and your household. A global drought is going to begin soon. Then there will be a global financial collapse. All fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. No one will be able to able to buy and sell. There will be food and drinking water shortages all over the world. Markets will be empty. There will be riots and looting and chaos. Public services will be interrupted. Looters will attack those living outside the cities, and those inside the cities will suffer through famine and severe disease. The rivers and lakes of the world will dry up. Hydroelectric plants will fail. The trees and grass of the world will dry up. Wild animals will die. Listen to my good advice.
Hi Christian ! What advice do you have to a man who decides to get rid of his money in this circunstance: He has shops he hired to the unbelievers who according the contract owe him money each month through which he take care of his family. Is it possible for him to require food from his tenants every month instead of money ? Or is it posible for him to require from his tenants to go and pay food for him in the market every month ? Or is it possible for him to choose a person who can collect money in his name and buy food for him every month ?
You may receive food or goods as payment, but you may not receive paper money and fiat currency as payment. You may give your existing paper money and fiat currency to someone to make payments for you, but you may not accept new payments in paper money and fiat currency, neither paid to you directly or paid to someone else indirectly. The goal is to completely cut off any new incoming payments in paper money and fiat currency.
Hi Christian. We have still nearly one month before the spring, the rainy season and you said the two witnesses will appear in 06 april. Does it rain for a while before God command the rain to stop after the appearance of the two(2) prophets or the world will never see the rain again till the second coming of Yeshua ?
We do not know exactly when they will cause the global drought. But it will very likely be very soon after they begin.