My Messages to the World
There is a massive wave of covid striking all humanity right now. Did I not tell you that the pandemic is going to become worse? Some of you refused to believe me, and foolishly thought that covid had now become a mere cold like the flu, and you went out pretending like everything is now normal and fine. But the global situation is not normal, and some of you have now ended up extremely sick and repeatedly, or have ended up in the emergency rooms, or have died. Let me repeat, we are approaching the year 6,000 from creation in 2 years in 2026 AD. Wake up you fool. We know this by adding the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures. From Adam to the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD 4,000 years passed. And in 2026 AD it will be 2,000 years since his anointing in 26 AD, which will be the year 6,000 from creation. Yeshua died in 30 AD. And the prophet Hosea confirms that Yeshua returns after 2 days, meaning 2,000 years, from the time of his anointing, which was yovel year 80, to the time of his return, which will be yovel year 120. The Jewish AM year is behind 213 years, and in 2024 AD we are now in the year 5,998 from creation starting from Tishri 10 of this Roman year. This is why the world is declining right now, and it will decline more severely in these next 2 years. God has predestined that the world would suffer severely to punish all humanity for rejecting Yeshua and for rejecting obedience to the commands of God in the Torah of Moses, and for embracing paper money and fiat currency, which impoverishes the entire world, and is the true mark of the beast of Revelation, cursing anyone that accepts it as money. The pandemic is even going to become far worse than it is now, to fulfill what is written by the prophets regarding these times. This is what the prophet Ezekiel wrote, “the sword is outside, disease and famine are within. He who is in the field will die by the sword, and he who is in the city will be devoured by famine and disease. And if any survivors escape, they will be on the mountains, like doves of the valleys, all of them moaning, each one over his torahlessness”. Ezekiel 7:15-16. We are now in this time mentioned by Ezekiel, and all people in all the cities of the earth will be ravaged by severe disease, caused by this current covid pandemic and various other diseases that will also emerge. And people will escape to the mountains to distance themselves from the crowded cities teeming with infections, to moan and seek relief. And many will also die from the global famine, that I have warned many of you will happen, as a result of global drought and global hyperinflation. Already droughts and food shortages are being reported all over the world. But many of you have foolishly ignored my warnings and have done nothing to prepare. And outside the cities where there are less people many will die from intruders. Listen to my words, and believe in Yeshua, and obey the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. And stock up on food and drinking water. And separate yourself from those who are not in the belief and obedience, so that you do not partake in the sufferings God is now unleashing upon all humanity. Be set-apart, or you will suffer along with everyone else, who are clueless and understand nothing of what is happening in the world, and are going to die in these next 2 years as we approach the return of Yeshua.