Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Sivan 29, 5997 YB / Sivan 29, 5784 AM / July 4, 2024 AD

My Messages to the World

Even though most of all humanity has been deceived by lies regarding the age of the earth, and many have come to believe a lie that the earth is billions of years old and that we descend from animals, I have studied the scriptures thoroughly, to derive the truth that we were created by God, precisely 5,997 years ago, in the Roman year of 3974 BC. Right now in the Roman month of July in 2024 AD we are in the year 5,997 from creation, and in Tishri 10 in the Jewish calendar of this Roman year it will be the year 5,998 from creation, with 2 years left until the year 6,000. And by studying the Torah I have also derived the truth that God created the world in 6 days and set apart the 7th day as a shabbath, to foreshadow 7,000 years that he appointed for the existence of this earth, with the last 1,000 years set apart as the millennial shabbath of this earth, beginning in the year 6,000. Which is the time Yeshua will return to govern the world for 1,000 years, from the year 6,000 to the year 7,000. And in the Roman year of 26 AD Yeshua was anointed with the ruach haqodesh and was baptized with water, which was precisely the year 4,000 from creation. From Adam until Abraham was called 2,080 years passed. Then another 430 years passed until the exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt, so it was the year 2,510 from creation. And another 40 years passed until the sons of Israel entered Canaan, so it was the year 2,550 from creation, and it was Yovel 51. Then 1,450 years later was the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD in the year 4,000 from creation. And in 2026 AD, which is in 2 years from now, it will be the year 6,000 from creation, which is precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. The prophet Hosea confirms that Yeshua returns after 2 days, meaning 2,000 years, because 2,000 years after the anointing of Yeshua in the year 4,000 in 26 AD is the year 6,000 in 2026 AD. And the year 4,000 in 26 AD was Yovel 80, and the year 6,000 in 2026 AD will be Yovel 120. These are exact calculations that I have derived, that few people in the history of all humanity have derived with the precision I have derived. I have been keep tracking of time for several years now, which is why I have made great preparations, fully expecting the end to arrive in 2 years from now. And the world is in a very noticeable state of decline, because we are approaching the year 6,000. But many people are unaware, not aware of the prophetic timeline, and simply ignoring all the warning signs, thinking that everything that is happening in the world are mere ordinary circumstances. But they are signs of the end without a shadow of a doubt. There is global high inflation. People can no longer afford the basics. There is global pandemic. All humanity is getting sick over and over again, and many are dying from various diseases. Droughts being reported all over the world, and the rivers and lakes of the world are drying up. The sun is releasing extreme heat and extreme solar flares, and auroras have appeared as far south as Florida. Meteorologists are recording the highest temperatures ever seen in the history of all humanity. Meteors are being seen all over the world. Food shortages are being reported in various places in the world already. Medicine shortages are being reported also. Earthquakes are happening all over the world, even in places they do not ordinarily happen, like New York City. The Jews in Israel are calling for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock and the construction of the third temple. The Jews have everything ready to begin construction of the third temple. The red heifers in Israel are ready to be slain in preparation for the construction of the third temple. And this is one of the reasons the Jews are currently at war against the people of Gaza. Russia is at war against Ukraine. And Iran has attacked Israel. And Europe is calling for the formation of the United States of Europe, which is the final kingdom to appear on the earth before the end. The nations of the world have also embraced homosexual marriage. The world has also embraced transgenderism, and men have altered their bodies to try to become like women, and in likewise women have altered their bodies to become like men. And the world has embraced many evils, that even our ancestors just 200 years ago would have been shocked to see. The world now hates the Torah of Moses and believes in a false romanized and catholic gospel that discards the Torah of Moses that that the true gospel of Yeshua was founded on. The world has been utterly deceived by the Roman popes, who are the antichrist. The world right now is in a state of utter chaos and evil. And in these next 2 years I expect the two witnesses of Revelation to appear, any time now. Although they are appointed to prophesy for 1,260 days, which implies they are already anointed since last year in Nisan 15, they have not yet appeared to the world yet. God has appointed it to be this way so that by the time they appear to entire world all humanity will have much less warning than the full 3 and 1/2 years they are appointed to prophesy, and in this way it will be too late to make preparations once they appear. They will destroy the Dome of the Rock. And through them the third temple will be constructed very quickly on Mount Moriah. The Al-Aqsa mosque will remain standing, which is there the outer court of the second temple was. These two prophets will emerge from two different cities in the world, one in Jerusalem and the other we do not know yet. They will both establish two assemblies in their respective cities. One will be a Gentile and the other will be a son of Israel and will become High Priest of the temple. They will preach obedience to the Torah. And they will preach against paper money and fiat currency, which is the mark of the beast. Paper money and fiat currency are false weights and forbidden by the Torah, and anyone who has accepted this form of money has already accepted the mark of the beast and is already condemned. The only way to lift the curse of the mark of the beast is to renounce money once and for all, a true test of belief and obedience in our time. And these two prophets will strike the world with plagues, and the world will hate them because of this. The Gentile prophet will exert more power in the world than the other prophet. But the world will not understand, because the world has been deceived into believing a false gospel that discards the Torah of Moses. And the world has been deceived into accepting paper money and fiat currency. The true money of God is gold and silver, whose value is based on weight. But all humanity has forgotten what true money is, in favor of paper money and fiat currency, whose value is merely an illusion. So because the world has been so deceived many in the world will not recognize these two prophets of God and many will think these two prophets are the antichrist and the false prophet, not understanding that they are the two witnesses of Revelation. And many rumors and lies regarding them will circulate in the news and in the internet. And many people will be confused, because the end will happen in ways they did not expect. And some will even begin to count 3 and 1/2 years or even 7 years from the time they appear, unaware that there will be much less time until the end when they appear, because we are already 2 years away from the year 6,000 in 2026 AD. They will also shut the sky so that it doesn’t rain in the world, so the global drought that is coming will be far worse than the droughts that are happening everywhere in the world right now. And once the United States of Europe officially forms, 15 days later they will destroy Vatican City, in Rome. This will cause all fiat currencies in the world to enter a state of hyperinflation. All central banks of the world trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome. So she is the head of the global financial system. This is how the Roman popes clandestinely rule over the entire world, through the global financial system of central banks and fiat currency all centered in Vatican City, in Rome. And this is why the destruction of Vatican City will cause the collapse of the global financial system, and all fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. Paper money will be thrown on the streets like garbage. Banks will close. People will not be able to access money. Merchandise will be worth one price one day, then the next day the price of that good will rise astronomically. The savings and incomes of everyone will become worthless. Pensions will become worthless. Many people will end up living on the streets. There will be food shortages. There will be medicine shortages. The global financial collapse will make the global crisis even worse than the global drought. There will be riots all over the wold. There will be severe looting. Anarchy will rise throughout the world. Governments will lose control over cities and neighborhoods. And the pandemic will become far worse. And many more diseases will rise because there will be no more medicines and the global healthcare system will also collapse. Then around 6 months later after the destruction of Vatican City will be the return of Yeshua. He will descend unto the earth with 400 million angels. The earth will be shaken and the entire world will be enveloped in thunderstorms. The leaders of the world and the rich will hide in their bunkers. Yeshua and his armies of 400 million angels will install themselves in a mountain that will form at that time, that will be called Mount Zion, around the mountains of Hebrom. It will become the tallest mountain in the world. It will flow with lava and will burn Yatir Forest in Negev to the south. And it will flow with lava to the north, and will form into a lake of lava in the Valley of Hinnom. 7 and 1/2 days after his descension his angels will blast 7 trumpets, for 7 days, one trumpet a day, beginning in Tishri 1 in the Jewish calendar, in Yom Teruah. These trumpet blasts will be heard all over the world, and they are the grand innauguration of the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua. The will be blasted at sundown in Jerusalem time each day. It will rain fire on the earth in Tishri 1. Then the next day in Tishri 2 a meteor will strike the seas and will destroy the ships and will transform the seas into blood. Then the next day in Tishri 3 a comet will strike the rivers and springs of water of the world and will poison them. Then the next Day in Tishri 4 the sun and moon and stars will be darkened. Then the next day in Tishri 5 angels will be released from a cavern in the earth to prevent humanity from committing suicide, to force them to suffer the 7 plagues of Revelation that happens 10 days later in Tishri 15, which is their sting, which will cause agony to all humanity for up to 5 months. Then the next day in Tishri 6 more angels will be released from the river Euphrates, to command an army of 200 million other angels that are evil, that will appear in the form of horses of fire and will gallop to kill one third of humanity. The two witnesses of Revelation will also be killed on this day, in the morning in Jerusalem time in Tishri 6. Then the next day in Tishri 7 Yeshua will begin to govern the world officially, and he will rule the world with a rod of iron, and will shatter the nations like pottery. Then 3 days later in Tishri 10 one more instrument will be blown, in Yom Kippur, which is the great shofar, in Yovel 120, in the year 6,000 from creation. This is the most set-apart day. Yeshua will send cherubim to gather all his people from all around the world. From the living and also among the dead. The first resurrection of the dead will happen on this day. Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the prophet Moses and the prophet Daniel and the prophet Isaiah and the apostle Paul will rise from the dead along with other men of God that currently asleep in death. And the two witnesses of Revelation will also be resurrected on this day, which is why they only remain dead 3 and 1/2 days. And all of these will become 144,000 chosen, in addition to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. And all of these will receive new immortal bodies, which will radiate light from the skin. And all of these will be picked up by winged cherubim all around the world, and will be transported to meet Yeshua in the air above the land of Israel. This is the day of the rapture, which many people have not understood, and have incorrectly interpreted it to be a spiritual event where people vanish and leave their clothes behind. These 144,000 and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob will then settle in Mount Zion, along with Yeshua, which will be the new home for these chosen ones, for 1,000 years. On this day the same 200 millions angels that killed one third of humanity will be sent to kill everyone in the land of Israel, in the form of winged seraphim this time. The land of Israel will be trampled. Only the inhabitants of the ancient city of Jerusalem will be spared. Then 5 days later in Sukkot the rest of the world will be struck with the 7 plagues of Revelation, one plague a day, beginning in Tishri 15. Anyone who was not picked up in Tishri 10 by cherubim to be saved will be struck with the 7 plagues of Revelation. In Tishri 15 all humanity will be struck with boils, from head to toe, which will cause complete baldness all over the body and will disfigure all humanity and will also cause extreme continuos agony that will not stop and cannot be cured, until each person is judged and put to death over lava, which will take up to 5 months of time. There will be no rest day or night and humanity will gnaw their tongues in agony. And no one will be able to commit suicide to escape the agony. Death will flee from those who try to commit suicide. Then the next day in Tishri 16 all the seas of the world will be transformed into blood. Then the next day in Tishri 17 all the rivers and springs of water of the world will be transformed into blood. There will be absolutely no water left in the world to drink, because all water will be transformed into blood. And all humanity will thirst, and will be in agony. Then the next day in Tishri 18 the sun will burn all humanity with fire. From this day forward the sun will also shine 7 times brighter, and the moon as bright as the sun, in the remaining 1,000 years of this earth. Humanity will curse God because of these plagues, and will refuse to repent and give God glory. Then the next day in Tishri 19 the world will be plunged into utter darkness. No one will be able to see, and they will be as if they were blind. They will not be able to see their own hands or anything in front of them. And will remain in utter darkness in extreme agony. Then the next day in Tishri 20 the river Euphrates will be dried up to make way for the armies of the nations of the east to come wage war against Yeshua and his chosen people and also against the Jews in the ancient city of Jerusalem that were not trampled by the seraphim in Tishri 10. Iran will come with its army. And Russia will also invade the land of Israel. Jerusalem will be attacked and half its population will be taken and its women will be raped. Then the next day in Tishri 21 the entire world will be struck with the greatest earthquake all humanity has ever suffered. And all cities of the world will collapse. All buildings and houses in the entire world will collapse and will become rubble. Only the ancient Jerusalem will be spared, but all buildings around the ancient city of Jerusalem will collapse. And giant hailstones will fall on all humanity. Then the next day in Tishri 22 the armies of the nations will gather in Megiddo to wage war against Yeshua and his chosen people. They will use their missiles and tanks and weapons to try to destroy Yeshua, but he will merely use his most powerful weapon, his mouth, and will speak, and will cause the flesh to rot of all those who came against him in Megiddo. None will survive. And they will become food to the birds of the air. At this point in time all humanity will be left outside in the rubble. All cities of the world will be in complete devastation. People will be wailing on top of all the rubble, and in utter agony from the boils. And in hunger and in thirst. Never in the history of all humanity has this ever happened, and will never happen again. This is the great tribulation. Then Yeshua will send his angels to capture all humanity that is still alive in this point in time. And all will be arrested in chains of iron, and will be taken to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, in the land of Israel, to await judgment. Those that were gathered in Tishri 10 to be saved will sit in thrones to judge all humanity. And one by one each person will be judged, according to what is written in books against them, written by angels that kept watch over all humanity. Each person will be read charges against them, according to what commands of the Torah of Moses they broke. Just one lie will be sufficient enough to be condemned in this strict judgment. And anyone who did not renounce paper money and fiat currency will be condemned. And anyone who did not stop sinning once and for all and who did not participate in the set-apart supper of Yeshua and did not receive the ruach haqodesh will be condemned. They will all be stripped naked to be put to shame. And anyone who speaks just one word in irreverence will have their teeth shattered by the angels who will preside in the judgment of all humanity. And each will be forced to bend the knee the worship God. Those that sit in judgment against the world will be worshiped, as representations of God, and through these God will be worshiped. Then they will all be condemned to be thrown over the lake of lava that formed in the southern side of Jerusalem, and will be destroyed body and soul. And they will cease to exist. Their last moments of existence will be utter agony and horror. Only a small remnant among the nations will be granted mercy. It will be the outcasts of society that could not participate in the global financial system, and those that were incapacitated, and little children. These will multiply and become might nations under the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua. The 144,000 that were chosen will be given authority to rule over these, and over the entire world, under the government of Yeshua. But the world will be reduced to very few people once the plagues and judgment and condemnation are complete. The judgment of all humanity will take up to 5 months of time. The 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua will be very strict, and he will govern the world with a rod of iron, according to the Torah of Moses. Anyone who merely calls their brother fool will be thrown over the lake of lava to be destroyed body and soul. So the world will become righteous and full of the knowledge of God. All humanity will speak one language, Hebrew. There will be no hunger and no thirst. There will be no more war in the world. The sun will also shine 7 times brighter, which will cause heightened photosynthesis, which will cause greater oxygenation in the atmosphere, which will cause humanity to live longer. 100 years old will be considered young in those times. Animals will no longer attack humanity. And animals will no longer attack each other, but will herbivores. Even lions will become herbivores. Not even mosquitos will bite humanity, nor insects. And it will be safe to enter the forests of the world to explore. And because the world will obey the Torah and will not use contraceptives, families will be large as it was in ancient times, with 5 or 10 or even 15 sons. And because people will live long lives and there will be no more war and families will be large is why the world will become the most populous it has ever been in all the history of humanity. This is the great multitude that cannot be counted in the book of Revelation that comes out of the great tribulation, all holding the palm branches of Sukkot. These are the final 1,000 years of this earth, so everything constructed during this time is temporal, like tabernacles, awaiting to arrive at the true promised land, which is the New Jerusalem in the new heavens and new earth that God will create. This earth and these heavens will vanish and will cease to exist in one single moment. And a new heavens and new earth will be created, and the heavenly Jerusalem will descend unto the new earth, and will replace the old Jerusalem. It will become the new home of the inhabitants of the earth, who were worthy to continue existing onto the new heavens and new earth. Yet great cities will be constructed in the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua in this current earth. It will be the height of civilization on this current earth. Technology will advance greatly. Money will again be gold and silver, and devaluation and inflation of money will not exist. And the dead will also be resurrected at the end of the 1,000 years, from Adam to the last person to die in the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua. And anyone not found written in the book of life will be thrown over the lake of lava to be destroyed body and soul. It will be a second death to them.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

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