My Messages to the World
Listen up all you people of Venezuela, wailing and angry that Maduro will continue to rule over all of you. All authority is appointed by God, whether good or evil, and serves a purpose for the plan of God. Although Maduro is indeed an evil ruler, the greater problem is not him, but it is you, the people, because you have accepted fiat currency as money. This is the root cause of what has impoverished all of you, because the true value of fiat currency is zero, and the governments and central banks of the world issue it to the people to impoverish them through devaluation then inflation then debt. It is a scheme of robbery. And the ignorance and stupidity of the people that keep accepting it as money keeps it in circulation, impoverishing everyone more and more as each day goes by. Its a global problem, not just in Venezuela, because all humanity has now been issued fiat currency to buy and sell, around the last 100 years, and the hyperinflation that has happened in Venezuela will come to the entire world also in these next 2 years. Venezuela is just merely an example of what happens when fiat currency collapses and brings an entire nation to poverty. This is why it does not matter if Maduro continues to rule or if another comes to replace him in an election, because as long as fiat currency continues to circulate your inflation problems are not going to go away. Many Venezuelans foolishly returned to Venezuela to vote in these last elections, thinking that if they voted for the opponent of Maduro that their problems would be resolved and that Venezuela would be “free” again, not realizing that they themselves are the problem for accepting fiat currency as money. If all of you exchanged the fiat currency you currently have for gold and silver, and continued buying and selling with gold and silver according to its value in weight, and stopped accepting fiat currency as money, all your financial problems would be quickly resolved and your inflation would immediately stop. You would even become the envy of all the nations around you, because your inflation will stop and you will begin to prosper, whereas the rest of the nations around you will continue to decline because of inflation and soon to be hyperinflation as fiat currency continues to impoverish them day by day. Fiat currency is the root cause of your problem. But because you people refuse to do this you bring poverty upon your own selves. And you also foolishly think that resorting to the United States Dollar is another solution to your problem, but that too is going to collapse in these next 2 years, and your next crisis will be far worse than this last crisis. Gold and silver was money for thousands of years, and cannot be devalued, because 1 ozt of gold today is the same 1 ozt of gold tomorrow. This is why something purchased for 10 ozt of gold today will cost the same 1,000 years later. Because inflation does not happen when gold and silver is money. This is a financial principle that all humanity has forgotten, because they have been deceived into believing a lie that the paper issued by the central banks of the world is money. But it is merely paper and its value is merely an illusion, which the governments and central banks of the world deliberately devalue, to cause inflation, to then cause debt. This is why one century ago it was common for our ancestors to purchase property without debt with just 2 or 3 years of work, but today it takes around 20 or 30 years of work to purchase a house without debt, and in some places of the world even more time, because back then people had more purchasing power whereas today because have much less purchasing power because of the inflation caused by fiat currency. The root cause of the problem is fiat currency. Understand this, all of you Venezuelans and people around the world. You are the cause of your own poverty and financial problems, because you accepted fiat currency as money. It is the mark of the beast of Revelation.