My Messages to the World
The world is now seeing extremes of much drought or much rain. Yet the anticipation is that the world will be overtaken by more severe drought in the coming months and next year. The severity of the drought will cause global food shortages and there will also be power outages. The droughts that are now happening in the world are also contributing to severe fires all over the world. California has just been struck with severe fires, that have burned down many homes, including the homes of celebrities like Paris Hilton. God has sent Los Angeles a plague of fire because from that city comes movies that contaminate all humanity with many forms of evil and sin. Yet these fires are just a prelude of what is to come. Next year, at the return of Yeshua, at the 1st trumpet blast, fire will rain down over the entire world, and many plants and buildings will burn up. All humanity will be in shock and in confusion and great fear.