My Messages to the World
The world does not know that in 3 years time at the return of Yeshua the people of God will be exalted to become like gods and will be given authority to rule on this earth over all nations of the earth, for 1,000 years. We will even be given authority sit on thrones, and we will judge all humanity by their works, and will condemn them to be thrown over lava for the destruction of their bodies and souls. We will condemn all humanity without mercy, and humanity will bend the knee to worship us. And through us, God will be worshiped, for we will be the representation of God on this earth. Not always will the people of God remain in a humble state, oppressed and persecuted and mocked by the world, but soon the time will come for the people of God to be clothed in glory and honor and exaltation and royalty and immortality. And we will take severe vengeance against the world. The world will come to fear us greatly, and their bodies will become ashes under our feet. And the small remnant that will survive among the nations will serve us in the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua. And they will multiply and become very strong nations, and we will rule over them. We will oversee the construction of their cities, The ancient cities of the earth will be rebuilt. And they will build palaces for us on the earth, on Mount Zion. And in that time all humanity will pay tithes to us, for not only will we be rulers on the earth, but also priests. Throughout the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua we will receive a tenth from all humanity periodically as prescribed by the Torah, and Yeshua will receive the best of the tenth of the tenth. He will be king and also high priest. And at his return, all gold and silver will also be plundered from all the nations of the earth, and will be given to Yeshua and to us. We will each be assigned an excessive portion of wealth, by which we can engage in commerce and establish businesses and lend to the nations, throughout the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua. We will be excessively wealthy. We will be at the top of the hierarchy, and never at the bottom. We will be the head, and not the tail. We will lend to the nations, but never borrow from the nations. We will rule over them, but they will not rule over us. We will be set-apart and blessed, and will enjoy the fat of the earth, for 1,000 years. We will rest from our works.