My Messages to the World
The destruction in Los Angeles will also be the destruction of all cities in the world in a very short amount of time. God has sent Los Angeles a plague of fire because of the great evil that comes from that city that contaminates the entire world, in the form of movies and television. Celebrities are now weeping over their losses, yet this is just the beginning of sorrows and suffering for them, and their money will not be able to save them from what is to come, and their money will become garbage because of hyperinflation, and they will become like the poor. And what they are suffering in Los Angeles is merely just a prelude of what is to come against the entire world. All houses and buildings and skyscrapers and cities will be reduced to mere rubble, next year, because next year in 2026 AD is the year 6,000 from creation and precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 DC, which was the year 4,000 from creation. And all humanity will be struck with boils, from head to toe, which will cause all hair to fall out, and will cause constant and severe agony day and night. And the sun will also burn all humanity with fire, and all humanity will be plunged to darkness. And the seas and rivers of the world will be transformed into blood. And a global earthquake will cause all cities of the world to collapse, and gigantic hailstones will fall on all humanity. All of this is going to happen next year. The only escape from these terrifying and severe plagues is to obey the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. Believe in Yeshua. And receive the ruach hadoqesh. Once you receive the ruach, this will serve as your guarantee that you will be picked up by an angel to be saved, at the sound of the great shofar, on Yom Kippur, after the descension of Yeshua upon the earth, with his army of 400 million angels. Whoever is not picked up by his angels will be struck with the 7 plagues of Revelation. And in this short amount of time between now and the return of Yeshua next year, there will be global drought, global famine, global pandemic, and global hyperinflation. The global crisis is going to become worse than it is now. And more cities will fall, and will not recover from here until the end. Seek God now while there is still a small opportunity to do so, because the door is about to close, and whoever did not believe and obey and prepare beforehand will suffer severely and will be judged and will be thrown over lava like garbage, for the destruction of body and soul.