My Messages to the World
In just 18 more days Donald Trump will assume authority in the United States of America. We are now 1 year away from the year 6,000 from creation in the autumn of 2026 AD, which is when Yeshua will return. The two witnesses of Revelation have now been prophesying for 638 days, no doubt establishing their two assemblies in their two respective cities, and 622 days are now left for their 1,260 days of prophesying to be completed. At any moment now they are going to appear to the world. They will destroy the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. And through them the third temple will be constructed. At any moment now the red cows in Jerusalem will be sacrificed, to purify the priests for temple service. Next year, the United States of Europe is also going to be established, and it will be given authority by 10 nations. They will destroy Vatican City, which will cause a global financial collapse. All fiat currencies in the world will enter a state of hyperinflation. Paper money will be thrown on the streets like garbage. People will not be able to buy and sell. There will be bank runs. Banks will close. Peoples savings and salaries and pensions will evaporate. Businesses will go bankrupt. There will be riots and looting and strikes, all over the world. There will be global drought, worse than the droughts that are now happening all over the world. Hydroelectric plants will fail, and there will be power outages. There will be global famine. There will be panic buying. Market shelves will quickly become empty. The heat from the sun will intensify. The pandemic will intensify.