My Messages to the World
Listen up people, the covid pandemic is not over, and it is becoming worse. New variants of covid are emerging, and they are striking all humanity over and over again in different waves. The new variants are entirely new viruses that in many cases the immune system of the body does not recognize, and so making everyone sick all over again as if they never had the virus and never had immunity to it. Sometimes symptoms are respiratory. Sometimes symptoms are gastric. Sometimes symptoms are neurological and in the brain. Sometimes symptoms are cardiovascular and in the heart. Sometimes symptoms are in the arteries. The coronavirus attacks the entire body and even also the immune system, and as people get sick over and over again with a different version of this virus, their bodies become weaker and more susceptible to severe disease and also death. And it is now becoming common for random people to drop dead from strokes and heart attacks, even young people and healthy athletes. This is because of covid. And it is now also common for people to be sick once or twice a month, or even constantly sick, because of covid. And even when the body finally eliminates the covid infection, this virus often wakes up secondary infections in the body, causing prolonged disease, such as shingles and Epstein Barr virus. The news and governments of the world are not raising an alarm about this, because they do not want to cause panic. So people are walking around in ignorance and without caution as if everything was normal. Aside from covid, influenza is also spreading. And RSV is also spreading. So not only are people getting sick from new variants of covid, but also of these other viruses that are also spreading in higher numbers. And mpox is also still spreading, which was called monkeypox. In Africa reports have emerged of a deadlier version of mpox that is spreading there, with around a 10% fatality percent. And various sexually transmitted diseases are also spreading in higher numbers, such as syphilis and hepatitis and gonorrhea and HIV and herpes and mononucleosis. And many people are still promiscuous and without caution, not realizing that right now to be promiscuous is extremely dangerous and can even be fatal. And now when people get sick many of them do not even know what they have, because it can be one or several of many different viruses that are circulating. Mystery illnesses are increasing all over the world. Right now the global situation is extremely frightening. All of this is happening to fulfill what is written by the prophets in the final years prior to the return of Yeshua. As Ezekiel wrote, “the sword is outside, disease and famine are within. He who is in the field will die by the sword, and he who is in the city will be devoured by famine and disease”. Ezekiel 7:15. Now more than ever it is necessary to obey the commands of God in the Torah and to exit out of the financial system, to remain set apart from everyone else, because one main factor that is making people sick is being around other people in the workplace and when engaging in buying and selling. Whereas someone that has stocked up on food and water and necessities, and no longer needs or has money, and no longer needs to work, and no longer needs to buy and sell, and is perfectly obedient to the commands of the Torah, and remains at peace segregated at home, has less risk of infection. Although there is always risk of infection, and God has also called us to go out and do good works and share food with the homeless, which puts us at some risk. But anyone who has separated himself from the global financial system and perfectly obeys the commands of God in the Torah will find favor from God and will be less sick than everyone else, and will survive the events that are about to unfold related to the second coming of Yeshua.