My Messages to the World
Rumors have emerged of a prophet that has now appeared in Israel. According to the rumors he is doing miracles. I do not know if this is true. But what I do know is that any true prophet of God will believe in Yeshua, and will obey the Torah of Moses, and will not have any money. This man does seem devout in the obedience of the Torah, which is good, but he is neither a believer in Yeshua nor has he renounced money. So he cannot be a true prophet of God. The name of this person is Shlomo Yehuda, but he calls himself “the Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda”. He has a large following in Israel. I would keep an eye on him, but I do not believe he is one of the two witnesses we are waiting for. Remember what I told you, that an any moment now the two witnesses of Revelation are going to appear. One will appear in Israel, and the other will appear elsewhere in the world. Keep an eye out for any man doing miracles and calling others to renounce money and calling others to obey the Torah of Moses. These two prophets that we are still waiting for will also be involved in the construction of the third temple. And they will destroy the Dome of the Rock. The two prophets might also be called “mashiach”. Do not let this scare you, because anyone who has received the anointing is indeed a mashiach, because that is what the Hebrew word mashiach means, “anointed”. The ancient prophets of the scriptures were mashiach. And the apostles were mashiach also. Because they all had the anointed. However, only one mashiach has been given authority over all heaven and all earth, and it is Yeshua HaMashiach.